Random Shopping System

Chapter 412: Collect star gates!

After Zhu Yuanyuan put his hand on the mountain wall, he felt that his palm was pierced by something, and then there was a burst of blue light flowing across the mountain wall, as if the power was suddenly connected. The boards are all exposed, and the lines light up after being passed by the light current.


   After the blue light flow flowed over the entire mountain wall, the mountain wall trembled and made a buzzing sound. Zhu Yuanyuan felt that it must have been a long time since the energy has passed through, so it is dredging?


After Zhu Yuanyuan watched the blue energy light stream occupy the front mountain wall, a door more than ten meters wide and twenty meters high at the bottom of the mountain wall slowly opened. It is estimated that it has been too long. Cause the energy connection to be unavailable, this will turn on slowly?

After Chen Ziyuan heard the movement, she just glanced here and went on to pick wild flowers. She hadn’t seen this star gate, and there must be star gates left here. Didn't stay, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago.

   "Hey! It really is empty."

After Zhu Yuanyuan walked into the door, although there was a soft blue light source as the light, there was nothing. It was empty all the way. It is estimated that only the energy room is still there. To ensure that the star door can be used, the energy room is necessary. Indispensable.

This is a hidden base in the belly of the underground mountain, and it is still a fixed type. It is probably just a place where the star gate is placed. And through the stardust, Zhu Yuanyuan knew that all the weapons here had been taken down, that is to say Apart from the star gate, there is nothing of value here.

   walked through the passage, and from time to time there were closed rooms on both sides of the passage, and finally reached a huge hall.

When Zhu Yuanyuan got out of the passage, he was on it. The hall was huge and very tall, with a height of at least a few hundred meters. The star gate was placed in the middle. After exiting the passage, there was a command room on one side and the other. It is a lifting platform, which has not been dismantled, and it is also very advanced. It is a free-standing lifting platform, and you can control the flight by yourself when you stand on it.

   "Stardust, take over the stargate system and unlock the stargate fixture."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the fixing device on the star gate. This thing is connected to the base. If you don’t untie it, unless you put the entire base into the space ring, otherwise, you can’t put the star gate into the space ring. Go inside.

   "Yes, master."

   Stardust agreed, and then controlled the system of the Stargate and began to unlock it.

   This base was originally asleep, but after Zhu Yuanyuan touched the mountain wall outside, the stardust activated the entire base and opened the energy room, so now the stargate system is also operating.

   "Kakaka, boom boom boom..."

The devices that stuck the star gate on the platform where the star gate was located were unlocked one by one, and then the whole platform descended towards the ground, and finally only the star gate stood in place, the locking devices, and the energy supply devices, all Removed.

   After seeing that the lock on the star gate was removed, Zhu Yuanyuan's feet flew lightly and flew towards the star gate in the central hall below.

Yes, Zhu Yuanyuan now has the first-level cultivation base of the foundation stage. It can fly with swords or fly in the air in a short time. However, flying in the air will consume a lot of spiritual power. Under normal circumstances, he still does not want to think about it. People who use spiritual power a lot, after all, there is no spiritual power outside for him to supplement.

   "It seems that when you leave, you have to go to Flying Fish Island to dig some spiritual stones with you. Otherwise, your spiritual power will be consumed too much, isn't there no place to restore spiritual power?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan flew in the air and felt the rapid decline of spiritual power in his body. He felt that it was necessary to bring some spiritual stones with him when he left Aquastar. Cultivation is not possible, but can’t the spiritual power be restored?


After Zhu Yuanyuan fell in front of the star gate, he took out a new space ring and directly put the star gate in. This space ring was produced by the magical civilization. It has a space of 10,000 square meters, which can be said to be huge. Now, he is going to use this space ring to install all the gates on the Aqua Blue Star, and none of the gates on the Aqua Star can be left. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "This base is considered abandoned. By the way, Stardust, can the energy room in this base be demolished?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked around, and it was true that there was nothing except the Star Gate, and it could not be said that there was nothing. The remaining things were fixed facilities in the base, and Zhu Yuanyuan had little use for these things.

   The reason why he asked if the energy room could be dismantled was because it was something that matched the star gate. He himself couldn't make the equipment that provides the energy of the star gate.

"Master, the equipment in the energy room can be removed." Stardust quickly confirmed Zhu Yuan's conjecture. Sure enough, the equipment in the energy room can be removed. Those are energy generators of level 9 civilization. All are to extract a certain substance from dark space to generate huge energy, so it can drive the use of star gates. It is not that simple to open up a stable transmission channel.

   "Okay, not bad. Stardust, dispatch a flying saucer and some robots from the lunar base to remove all the equipment in the energy room, and put them on the lunar base first."

Zhu Yuanyuan’s eyes lit up. The equipment in the energy room is a good thing. He hasn’t been able to make a good thing yet, but he doesn’t want to put it in the space ring. There are too many equipment in the energy room, and they are also very large. Besides, the robot needs to disassemble the equipment. He doesn't want to wait here anymore. Once the Star Gate gets it, he can withdraw it.

   "It's ~www.ltnovel.com~host."

   After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Stardust's promise, he went straight out of this base. After he was done, he went out and played with Xiao Yuan for a while. He couldn't just leave when he said he came, and finally came to Shennongjia.

   "Little kite, what are you playing?"

   After Zhu Origin left the base, I saw Chen Ziyuan sitting on the edge of a rock by the deep pool under the small waterfall, holding a bag in his hand and throwing it into the water. I don’t know what it was.

   "Oh, seeing you being so loud, you scared the fish away." Chen Ziyuan looked at Zhu Yuanyuan, who was walking more than ten meters away, and snorted.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, it turned out to be feeding fish." After Zhu Yuanyuan walked in, he realized that Chen Ziyuan was holding a pack of rice flowers. It was a snack after the rice popped. It is the favorite to eat after 70-80s. This is the snack.

Speaking of rice flowers, when Zhu Yuan was on the earth, he often looked at other people’s popcorn. Those runners who gave people popcorn drove tractors or rode tricycles. After arriving in the countryside, there was a small popcorn specially used for popcorn. Pour the rice into the pot, put some sugar in it, then lock the pot, and then put the oval pot on the shelf and roast it over the fire, turning the handle while roasting, about 5-10 minutes later , Will take down the pot, cover the mouth of the pot with a cloth bag, and then use a steel bar to open the pot. Every time you open it, you will hear a loud noise, a "bang", and then all the rice flowers It was burst out, all in the cloth bag, the rice crackers were delicious, crispy and sweet, and children liked it. First release https://https://


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