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Chapter 413: Picnic!

   "Well, I'm feeding the fish. Origins. There are a lot of fish here, and they are fun. If you throw a little bit to eat, you will attract a lot of fish. Look."

Chen Ziyuan nodded, then smiled and grabbed a handful of rice flowers from the bag and threw it into the water. Sure enough, a large group of fish swam in a short while. These fish were too tempting. Just throw away some food. The temptation comes to a large group.

   "Sure enough, a lot of fish, hey, this kind of fish is delicious. Xiao Yuan, this kind of fish soup is delicious, without any thorns, it is delicious."

   Zhu Origin suddenly discovered a transparent fish among the fish in the water. This kind of fish is rare and delicious.

The origin of this kind of fish is not known, and few people catch it. The locals call it boneless fish. Yes, this kind of fish is boneless. Clean the fish’s intestines and boil it in a pot. A spine of the bone fish itself will become soft and taste free of impurities. However, this kind of boneless fish requires high water quality and cannot be farmed. In recent years, people cannot find them in places where people live. There is a trace, maybe it can only be found in this unmanned place deep in Shennongjia. There is no pollution here and the water quality is good.

"Is this kind of transparent fish delicious? But without tools, how can I catch fish?" Chen Ziyuan's eyes lit up when she heard that it was delicious. Like Zhu Yuanyuan, she is also a person who likes food. Although the food on Flying Fish Island is delicious, it doesn’t mean that the food that lacks energy is not good. There are more delicious foods in the world, but some ingredients are not energy-producing, and those ingredients can’t be eaten by ordinary people. Then, like the boneless fish in front of us, if they are caught in large quantities, they will definitely not work. They will become extinct after a few clicks, so only a small number of people have tasted this delicacy. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Chen Ziyuan looked in her space ring and found that there were no fishing props, no fishing rods, and no nets. She herself is now on the third gas refining level, and she can’t use her mental power to fish. Know a few small spells, do you use spells like fireball to fish? Think about it or forget it.

   "Haha, Xiaoyuan, this is simple, it depends on me."

   Zhu Origin's spatial ring contained props for fishing or net fish, but he was too lazy to use it now, so he directly emptied his claw on the water with his right hand.

   "Shoo!" The fish was caught from the water, and then Zhu Yuanyuan was thrown into the bucket he just took out.

   "Wow, origin, really amazing. Great, there are fish to eat."

   Chen Ziyuan cheered, and then looked at the cheerful transparent boneless fish swimming in the bucket. She might be thinking about how Zhu Yuanyuan would cook these fish in her heart.

   "Little greedy cat, let's set off after eating." Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and shaved Xiao Yuan's delicate nose.

   "Okay, okay, origin, you can do it quickly, I'll help." Chen Ziyuan's face blushed, and then he wanted to help.

   "Haha, just sit here and wait to eat."

Zhu Yuanyuan did not ask Xiao Yuan to help. He lifted the bucket himself, and then walked to the side of the river. With a mental movement, all the boneless fish floated, and then he cleaned them up. After a water polo technique, all the intestines and dirt were washed away.

After returning to Xiaoyuan, Zhu Yuanyuan took out a wok, a soup pot, and a double stove rack. Finally, he took out a table and two chairs. These are all prepared things. The space ring is Convenient, it’s not too convenient to play outside, just look at it now, you can have whatever you want.

"Origin, I'll give you seasonings." Chen Ziyuan took out a long box on the side. This long box contained many small jars. Inside the small jars were seasonings. Each small jar had a name on it. Ten jars, who knows what they are, it's better to look at the names, and you will know what they are at once.

   "Okay." Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and nodded.

   After taking out these things, Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while. Although there are seasonings, he still needs some auxiliary materials. Why should I make some onion, **** and garlic, otherwise the fish will not taste good.

   Zhu Yuan used his spiritual power to sweep through the small valley. Suddenly, he found some green onions and garlic sprouts near a river. Jiang also found a small piece of grass not far away, with good luck.

He didn't move his body, so he pulled up these green onions, **** and garlic directly with mental energy, and by the way, he washed them with water polo, and by the way, he also took off the dead branches and rotten leaves. When he was in front of Zhu Yuanyuan, It's just a pile of clean accessories.

   "duh duh..."

Take out a cutting board, a kitchen knife, and a dish plate. In a few seconds, chop the green onion, ginger, and garlic into minced pieces, and cook the fish soup. You don’t need peppers. If you are frying fish, you can use some peppers to cook fish soup. If you use chili, you can’t drink it anymore. Bibimbap is okay. Just drink the soup. The spicy one won’t be drunk. It’s light and delicious.

Of course, you can’t boil the fish soup directly. The fishy smell of cooking like that is too strong, and most people definitely can’t drink it. Zhu Yuanyuan puts a little oil in the pot, then sautes the onion, **** and garlic, and then Pour the bone fish into the pot, add the cooking wine and stir fry for a while, so that it can remove the fishy and increase its fragrance, which is very good.

After frying for a while, all the fish became a bit yellow, Zhu Yuanyuan pinched a seal in his hand, and a ball of water with a big head was directly added to the pot, and then started to boil over a small fire. Just wait until After the soup turns milky white, it's fine. The soup is fresh, fragrant and delicious, and it is simply the best.

   "Xiao Yuan, look at the pot, I'll get some other ingredients."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the fish soup, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can't just make soup, but also get some other food. Although Xiaoyuan has food on his body, but when he comes to Shennongjia, how can he enter Baoshan and not go? What about local food?

"Okay, Origin, I'm looking at the soup in the pot. Go and get back soon." Chen Ziyuan nodded when she heard the words, without raising her head. She smelled the scent slowly coming out of the fish soup, but greedy. very. First release https://https://

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the little kite like a greedy cat, and shook his head a little bit of amusement. Then he flashed his whole body and appeared on the cliff of the small valley. Yes, this small valley is closed, with no openings. No, otherwise there won’t be so many flowers growing in the valley. Now it’s late autumn, and the beginning of winter will begin in a few days. There are still so many flowers growing here. The first is that the valley is recessed and there is nothing inside. The wind blows in, and there are cliffs on all sides. The temperature inside is much higher than the outside. Besides, this small valley is surrounded by virgin forest, so the temperature is higher.

After leaving the small valley, Zhu Yuanyuan found that the temperature and humidity in the virgin forest itself were higher than those in the outside world. Originally it was close to winter, and there was no way for those precious fungi to grow, but here he is. I found some, although less than usual, it is better than nothing.

After searching, Zhu Yuanyuan picked some fungi and some winter bamboo shoots. These mountain treasures are delicious and rich in nutrients. Well, this is for ordinary people, although they are now mutated. It has become huge, but for practitioners like Zhu Yuanyuan and others, it still has little effect.


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