Random Shopping System

Chapter 404: Planet ear!

   "Little kite, see what I found? There are mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots. What do you want to eat? I will make it for you."

   Zhu Origin holds a two-meter-high bamboo basket with half-framed mushrooms and a winter bamboo shoot over 1.5 meters.

   It's not that he wants to pick so many, but now that these things have mutated and become very big, so they use such a big box to install them.

For example, this winter bamboo shoot looks so big and thick, but it is not old at all, and it is very tender. Zhu Yuanyuan did not dig it down, but cut it down directly. After cutting it down and looking at it, it is not green at all, it is all white. The bamboo shoot meat is very good.

   "Oh, have you found so many? I think about it, um, I want to eat chicken stewed with mushrooms and bacon fried winter bamboo shoots."

Chen Ziyuan looked at what Zhu Yuanyuan took out of the frame with shining eyes. She thought of these two dishes, but she hadn’t eaten them for a long time, or she had eaten them when she was in school, and she had never eaten such home-cooked dishes after graduation. .

"Okay, no problem. You can use the wild boar bacon from Feiyudao for the bacon fried winter bamboo shoots. But let's not use chickens. Let's use three magic blacks to stew mushrooms. I haven't eaten three magic blacks today. , Otherwise the effect will be gone."

Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, but the chicken is no longer needed, and the meat of the three-headed magic black is used instead. Although the effect of this thing is better than nothing for the two of them, it is better than the ineffective pheasant. better.

   "Hmm!" Chen Ziyuan nodded and agreed.

When Zhu Yuanyuan saw this, he didn't do anything directly. He went directly to Chen Ziyuan's side. Then, between mentally and mentally, the ingredients were processed one by one. They should be cut, washed and washed. After he was done, the spatula moved automatically, and a few delicious dishes were directly fried or stewed. In terms of his level of 9-level cooking skills on the Aqua Blue Star, it was completely the skill of the God of Cookery. Make a few dishes, trivial.

   And while doing these things, Zhu Yuanyuan was still flirting with Xiao Yuan, so multitasking is nothing more than that!

"Wow! Origin, you made it so fragrant, um... this boneless fish soup is really fresh and delicious, and this magic black mushroom stewed is also delicious, and the taste of bacon fried winter bamboo shoots is nothing to say. "

   Chen Ziyuan was stuffing something in his mouth while muttering, with a happy face on his face. Well, these delicacies are so delicious. It is so happy to have a husband who can cook.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "Just delicious, come on, eat more."

   I tasted every dish of Zhu Yuan. It feels good and tastes good.


   After eating lunch, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan took a rest in the valley for a while before heading to the next star gate.

   "Little Yuan, let's go to Lop Nur next place."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the map and determined the next location. There are three star gates in China and only two abroad. Starting

Two of them are Shennongjia and Lop Nur. These two places can be said to be extreme. One is the primeval forest and the other is the world-famous dry salt crust. Lop Nur was China’s second largest inland saltwater lake before the 1970s. However, after the Tarim River dried up, the Lop Nur gradually dried up. In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that this was a yellow temple. It is impossible to say that the population on both sides of the Tarim River has increased and the river has shrunk.

   Zhu Yuan feels that the underground river must have been diverted, or what is the situation, otherwise, such a large lake is not much different from Qinghai Lake, how could it suddenly dry up because of the dry flow?

   Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan thought so before, but now he doesn't think this is the case. It can't be the cause of the dark river.

Since the star gate is in Lop Nur, the only reason that can explain the dryness of Lop Nur is that the star gate may have been opened in the 1970s. All the water was released through the star gate. Well, there are also Tarim. The reasons for the dry-flow of the river, in short, Star Gate may have most of the reasons.

   Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanyuan thought this was very interesting. The star gate was opened, but no one came over. Was the person on the other side drowned by Lop Nur's salt water?

Well, it is very possible. If the person on the opposite side is not high-tech, and is similar to Aquastar in ancient times, he unintentionally opened the star gate in Lop Nor without opening the protective shield of Atlantis. All of the water in Lop Nur was poured into the past. Unprepared, all the water was washed away and drowned. This is also possible.

   "Lop Nur? It seems to be dry out there now, right? The environment is worse than the desert."

   Chen Ziyuan's face was a little strange when he heard it, could it be that this Lop Nur was dry because of the star gate?

   Her mind turns quickly.

   "Well, it's really dry and unworthy. Let's take the Star Gate away and see what is going on. Xiaoyuan, have you been to Lop Nur?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, and then asked strangely~www.ltnovel.com~ He has never been!

"I went there once, or when I went to travel with my eldest brother and them in high school. It is really not a place for people to live. Food and water are all transported outside. It is estimated that there are no people living there anymore. Except for those companies and small bosses that develop tourism."

   Chen Ziyuan really went there. When his eldest brother Chen Jinwu took her to travel when they graduated from university, Lop Nur was one of the tourist places. They were traveling by car at that time, and they suffered a serious crime in Lop Nur.

   What's the matter?

Because they didn’t know that there was salt crust land in Lop Nur, they drove on a rampage and went in. At that time, the first half of the road was still a tourist route, and nothing happened. In the second half, someone insisted that there was something fun about walking on this road. Looking at the wasteland, they don’t even have a single hair. They still want to hunt with their shotguns!

In the end, Chen Jinwu and the others changed a road. No one had walked this road, but they had a good idea. The tires of the car exploded after changing a road and not going too far. Although they had a few cars, they were all off-road. Car, but the salt crust land doesn’t matter what kind of car you are, the tire just blows out. In the end, there is no other way but to call for help. Fortunately, there is a military base in Lop Nur. In the end, it was rescued, but it was also eaten by the family. chatter.

They didn’t bring spare tires, they brought them in every car, but they were so unlucky. After changing the tires, when they returned to the original road, the other tires that hadn’t changed exploded again. After staying up all night, there was really no way. , I had to call for help, some of them were too squeamish to go out.


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