Random Shopping System

Chapter 519: Blue Shrimp Star (4)

"Brother Zhu Zhi, I don’t know what the luxury carriage behind is?" After Chasike led the convoy into the village, he asked about the big carriage made by Zhu Yuanyuan. He had long discovered that there must be this tour in this car. The big business man is inside, maybe the person in charge of the caravan, so I asked.

"Oh, I forgot to say, Captain Chasco, in that carriage are our master and wife. Since the wife is pregnant, and the master and wife are going out to play, it is not convenient to come out just now. Captain Cisco, don't be mad at you."

   Zhu Zhi didn't conceal this matter, and Zhu Yuanyuan didn't let it conceal it. He was originally on a tourist trip and it is impossible not to see people.

"Ah! It turns out that the owner of the caravan is here. Brother Zhu Zhi, don't worry, how can I blame it! Everyone has inconveniences. After you are settled, you have to introduce your master for me, I I also want to meet some big businessmen from the East."

   Check Cisco does not think that Zhu Yuanyuan is a small person, but he only thinks that he is a big businessman, and he did not expect to be a higher-level identity.

   "Captain Chasco, don't worry, after we are settled, the master and wife will meet with people in your village." Zhu Zhi did not refuse the recommendation, and directly agreed.

   "That's good." Chacco nodded, looking forward to something.


Chasco arranged Zhu Yuanyuan and the others in a courtyard. The houses here are all made of wood, and there are few houses made of stone. This is because stone is difficult to mine, and the planet obviously cannot burn bricks. , A wooden house would be great.

"Father Emok, I have arranged for someone to live there. According to them, they are traveling merchants from the far east, but it is strange that they can speak our language. Could it be that the people who went to the East before did not Not dead, but trapped in the east?"

   Chacco looks very simple and honest, but in fact, his mind is very meticulous. From the news revealed by Zhu Yuanyuan and the others unintentionally, so many things can be thought of, and it is worthy of being the heir to the next village chief.

   "Oh? A traveler from the far east? And what is our language?"

After hearing what Chasco said, the head of Emok changed his expression. There were some things he knew about the old man who lived longer. Chask and the young people did not know what happened when Emok was young, far away. Dongfang has always been mysterious when Emok was young.

When Emok was young, a group of young people who were determined to conquer the eastern world formed a team and headed towards the east, but the road to the east was too far away. There were not only various beasts on the road. There are also various sturdy tribes, such as swamps, poisonous fog, deserts, quicksand in the deserts, and large rivers blocking the way. There are many dangerous places alone, not to mention those. There are still many savage tribes in remote places. Those tribes do not welcome outsiders. There are also some cannibals. Even if some tribes do not eat people, they will kill outsiders.

As for why Mayor Emok knows these things, he is actually one of those young people back then, but Mayor Emok withdrew from this doomed halfway along with other people who wanted to quit. The road of conquest that cannot be continued, in the eyes of those who withdrew, this is a road of conquest of death and no life. In order to save their lives, they have to withdraw because many people have already sacrificed on the road. They don't want to risk their lives for an unknown place.

  In fact, this is the consequence of the original passionate impulse being smashed by death. Some people will continue to strengthen their will and go on, while some people who are not determined will withdraw from this road of conquering the unknown with their lives.

  Though Emok and others who withdrew are despised by those who have been determined to go on.

But Emok and the others have been worried about those who continue to walk after they came back, but it is useless to worry about them. Emok and others who returned halfway are waiting for the return of those people in anxiety. Unfortunately, 1 year, 2 Years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, or even 50 years later, I still haven't seen the return of the original people.

Village Mayor Emok knew that those people were already ill-advised, and those who returned were very self-blame. Why didn’t they persuade them to come back? It can be said that these people who are still alive have suffered throughout their lives. At first, they were all like-minded brothers. Although they came from different villages or cities, they all worked hard for the same goal at the beginning, but they returned alive as deserters. , But the one who keeps going is that none of them return. Can they not suffer or blame themselves?

   And now what did the Chief Emok hear?

   In the remote and mysterious unknown place of the East, a team of wandering merchants came, and it seemed that the carriage was intact, as if it had reached Xilin Village on a smooth road. How could this be possible?

   If Village Chief Emok hadn't experienced all the hardships on the Eastern Road~www.ltnovel.com~ he might not be puzzled.

   But the village chief Emok is very aware of the hardships and perils along the way, it is absolutely impossible to pass through safely.

The origins of these people are very problematic, but the head of Village Emok heard what Captain Chasco said that the people in this caravan were all black-haired, dark-eyed and panic-skinned people. He survived. I haven’t seen it for so many years. They are mainly people with various colors of hair and eyes with white skin, or people with black hair and black skin. Although black people also have black eyes, they are obviously similar to those in the caravan. People are different, and skin colors are different.

Looking at it this way, the people in this caravan might indeed be from the East. Village Chief Emok thought of this, and was a little surprised by the strength of this caravan. Maybe this eastern caravan has a way to avoid those dangers. not always.

   Thinking of this, Village Chief Emok's heart moved.

   "Check Cisco, after you wait for them to arrange, see when the owner of their caravan can meet guests. Old man, I want to see their owner."

   Chacco was surprised when he heard: "Good old man, but why do you want to see them? Don't you usually do not care about these businessmen?".

"This time is different. It used to be the caravans between our villages and cities. This time, a wandering merchant came from the east of the unknown. Old man, I want to see if the owner of this wandering merchant is What kind of people have their attitudes towards our villages."

   Village Chief Emok is 7-80 years old, well-informed, and he is also afraid that this so-called caravan from the east has other plans.

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