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Chapter 520: Blue Shrimp Star (4)

"Father, do you suspect that these people are unscrupulous? Then I will lead someone to arrest them and interrogate them to see what they want to do with us!" Chacco suddenly thought of the key points. , And his face was full of anger, and when he stood up, he wanted to rush out and kill someone into Zhu Yuanyuan's yard.

   "You kid stop me!"

   Village Mayor Emok lowered his voice and let out a low growl, and stopped Chask.

"Chacco, you are still so impulsive. You must pay attention to evidence in everything. We speculate wildly here, and you rushed over and arrested others? Do you know they only have such a few people? There are no other people outside. ?"

   Village Mayor Emok hated iron and steel, but he was a reprimand against Chaske.

"Hey, Chaske, you are so impulsive, how can you trust your father to give you the position of the village head? As the leader of a village, we must be cautious about everything, not blindly, but for the whole village The people of the tribe consider that they can’t commit things that can harm the entire village on one impulse.”

"What's more, even if there is evidence that they are not good, but since they can travel such a long distance, their power, methods, and strength are definitely not simple. If you rush over so recklessly, you will definitely kill all the people ."

   Village Chief Emok lowered his head with a blushing expression on Chaske's scolding face.

   Checking Cisco honestly admitted that he was wrong: "Father, the kid knew that he was wrong, so he won't be so impulsive in the future."

   "Forget it, go back and think about it for yourself. Before doing things, think about the consequences, don't just do whatever you think."

Village Chief Emok is also cultivating Chasco. He should have abdicated a long time ago, but there is no one in his next generation who can satisfy him, so he has to wait to train Chasco, who can be regarded as grandchildren. People out.

   Chaske is his optimistic successor. Chaske is very capable and very good at doing things. He has learned martial arts since childhood and has strong fighting ability. After becoming the captain, he is also convincing in management.


   On the other side, after Zhu Yuanyuan and the others entered the yard, they parked their carriages and arranged accommodation.

   This small yard was specially prepared for the caravans in Xilin Village, so the place is still very large.

   "Little Kite, this little courtyard is quite stylish, very similar to ancient European buildings on earth."

   After looking around, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that this small courtyard was indeed good. Although it was a wooden house, this ancient European architecture was quite styled, which made him feel very fresh.

"Husband, I like the style of this small courtyard." Chen Ziyuan walked around slowly after being helped by Zhu Yuanyuan with her big belly. She felt that the style of this building looked simple and it seemed to have a national style. And it makes people feel a sense of antiquity. Of course, this is the feeling of Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan. After all, there is no such building on Aquastar now, even if Aquastar has antiques in Europe. Architecture, but it was built by modern people, it still doesn't have the profound artistic conception of this alien style, um, yes, it is artistic conception.

After this small yard and nearby houses, mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, and people working together, there is a very harmonious feeling, which makes people feel a kind of tranquility, peace of mind, and nature. A very comfortable feeling rippled in my heart!

   "Just like it, let's play more on this planet! Since there are so many blue shrimp-like water creatures on this planet, call it Blue Shrimp Star! What do you think of Xiaoyuan?"

Zhu Yuanyuan gave the planet a name casually. He now discovered that there are no countries on this planet. They all live in the form of villages, cities, and tribes, and they are still in the cold weapon era, which means that there is no country on this planet People do not know where they live or the concept of planets.

   "Blue Shrimp Star? Husband, your fame is really casual, but it's okay, it's very vivid, just this name!"

   Chen Ziyuan said with a smile, but even though she said with a smile, she still recognized the name Blue Shrimp Star. After all, there are too many planets in the universe. How can every planet have a nice name? Just choose a very vivid name.

   Zhu Yuanyuan smiled: "Well, it's very vivid."

   "Little Yuan, I will meet the leader of this village in a while, will you stay with me, or stay in the yard to rest?"

After looking at the unique courtyard, Zhu Yuanyuan remembered that Chaske wanted to see him just now, no matter what, anyway, it’s still early. It seems that the day on this planet is longer, and the sun is still there. Over the head, maybe there are 20 hours during the day.

   "I'll go together too. In a while, we can let the chief here lead to see if the aquatic species you named the blue shrimp is for food or for what purpose."

Chen Ziyuan immediately agreed. She also wanted to go out for a walk. The time was too early, and when she came over, she was not tired, so she could just go out for a walk~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Yuanyuan nodded. : "Okay, let's go together."


"Hello, brother, where is the captain of Cisco?" Zhu Zhi, the bionic robot, took Zhu Yuanyuan, Chen Ziyuan, and several other bionic robots out together, and found a village militia patrolling. The person asked.

   "Hello, you are a caravan from the east, aren't you? Captain Chasco asked us to lead you to the village leader's house. I will let someone inform the leader."

   After seeing Zhu Yuanyuan and the others, the patrolling militia also remembered the captain's instructions and said quickly.

   "Exactly, we are the caravan from the East, please take us there, thank you." Zhu Zhi said quickly.

   "Please come with me." The militiamen agreed, and then led Zhu Yuanyuan and them to the village chief's house.

   The village chief’s house is the only house in the whole village built with stones. This is also to highlight the village chief’s status in Xilin Village.

Originally, the village chief of Emok did not agree to spend manpower and material resources, but the villagers insisted on this, and he was unable to refuse, but every village chief had a stone house. When a new village chief succeeded, the predecessor The village chief’s stone house must be demolished, which also shows the unique status of the village chief.

   After a while, I arrived at the village head's door.

   "Village Chief, are you there?" The militiaman shouted after knocking on the door. .

   "Here, here, Edsi is you again, can you not be surprised?"

   Someone in the village chief’s yard said loudly.

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