Random Shopping System

Chapter 521: Blue Shrimp Star (5)

   "This must be the village head of Xilin Village, right? I'm Zhu Yuanyuan, the owner of the caravan, and this is my wife. I'm here to disturb the old village head."

   After entering the village chief’s yard, Zhu Yuanyuan saw the village chief Emok sitting on a chair in the living room.

   "Oh? It turned out to be the owner of the caravan, the old lady Emok. Prislint, I don't know what the old man should call your Excellency? Your Excellency is from the East, and your name is very strange to us, so as not to offend you."

The full name of the village chief is Emoke. Puslint, the first is the first name and the last is the last name.

   "Haha! The old village chief is so polite. We are in the East with the last name first and the last name. My surname is Zhu, and my name originated. Just call the old village chief, and the left and right are all a code name."

Zhu Yuanyuan laughed, he didn't mind what the village chief Emok said. After all, he came from different places and had different taboos. Knowing that this old man must have scruples. After living for a long time, they have their own thinking about everything. Don't think that the old people are confused. In fact, they can see everything clearly, but they can't say it clearly.

"The name of the East is indeed peculiar, that old man is not welcome, Mr. Zhu, what kind of merchandise does your caravan bring this time? I don’t know if the old man can take a look. If we need something in our village, we can use something. Exchange, or buying and selling can also be done, I don’t know what kind of currency is used in the East?"

Village Chief Emok didn’t mean anything. If the owner of the caravan was very old, he would really have to talk around the corner, because older people must be deep-minded people, especially Those in charge of the caravan are all old foxes.

"Old village chief, what our caravan brought this time are some of the specialties of the East, including porcelain, silk, tea, some of our Oriental jewelry, and some of our Oriental swords, weapons and armors. These are all we want. Of course, there are some oriental foods and spices. There are many other things, which are not explained here. It depends on what you have here that we are looking at, but business belongs to business. Feelings belong to feelings. The first time I saw the old village chief, I also had a gift to give, Zhu Zhi, bring the gift up."

   Zhu Origin also briefly introduced the products he brought. These things can be mass-produced, but there is nothing unusual about them, but for the people of Blue Shrimp Star, they are all rare things.

   "Yes, sir. Bring the things up." Zhu Zhi agreed, and then asked the two bionic robots waiting outside the living room to bring in the things they were holding in their hands.

   "Old village chief, when we met for the first time, a small gift is not a respect. Open things and let the old village chief take a look."

Zhu Yuanyuan gave this gift to build a good relationship. Although he said that he is strong, the relationship between people is not maintained by who is strong, but some interests are maintained. Of course, there are also pure But there are not many such pure feelings, and the pure feelings will deteriorate once the time is long.

"Mr. Zhu, you are simply too polite. How dare you accept so many gifts? As the saying goes, if you don’t have any merit, please ask Master Zhu to take it back." Village Chief Emok glanced at the two bionic robots. After the gifts that came in, he declined. He really didn't want to accept these things, because it was still unclear what Mr. Zhu wanted to do here.

   "Hehe! The old village head is beyond the reach, presumably the old village head is also afraid of what our caravan from the east is coming from? Is it a bad person? Is it a spy sent by the east?"

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Zhu Yuanyuan’s mouth, and he directly said everything that Emok was thinking about. After awakening his mental powers, he could feel the exposure of ordinary people without looking at the minds of some people. The mental fluctuations come out, and some things can be sensed. Of course, this is not mind reading, but mental perception.

Mental perception is only the ability to perceive other people's mental fluctuations when speaking, so as to guess the thoughts in their hearts. It is different from mind reading, which can completely know what other people are thinking. One is guessing, not 100%. It's right. One is what other people think and think. It's 100% right. Of course there is a difference between the two.

In addition, spiritual perception can also feel the kindness and malice of others, so that Zhu Yuanyuan can discover the good and evil of the human heart early. This is a panacea-like ability, especially when walking between the common and common. Looking at the various human natures of people in the world, this is also a way to improve the state of mind. Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan does not need the state of mind, but it is good for him.

   "This...Why did Mr. Zhu say this? The old man didn't mean that." Village Chief Emok was startled, wondering what this Mr. Zhu meant? Why did he say such a thing directly? He couldn't see through.

Although people in Xilin Village speak the same Chinese language~www.ltnovel.com~, these are actually the meanings translated by Zhu Yuanyuan. After all, there are dialects in every place, even if the language is the same, there are dialects. So it was directly translated by Zhu Yuanyuan with the dark blue brace into a similar meaning in the Chinese language.

"Old village chief, since I have said it directly, I am not afraid of your doubts. You may have doubted my identity. I can tell you my identity. Indeed, under certain circumstances, I am considered the best in the East. The top nobles can even be regarded as the overlords of one power."

Zhu Yuanyuan would not say that he came from the Aquamarine star, only the East. In a certain way, he did not lie. He is noble on the Aquamarine star. He is the son-in-law of the Chen family in the Chinese Empire. He is the Zhu family. His direct descendant is the nephew of the royal family of Long, and the current emperor is still a cheap uncle. There is a Universe Immortal Sect on Linli Star, which is regarded as the overlord of one party, even if the emperor comes, he can not give face. .

After Mr. Emoke heard what Zhu Yuanyuan said, his calm face suddenly changed. He was shocked and ugly. He thought that his original idea might be right, but this Mr. Zhu Now he has spoken out his identity without fear, why is this?

   and top noble? Overlord of one party? What's all this? Xilin Village is just a small place. He has heard of the Ten Cities Alliance, but he has never seen it or been to those prosperous places. At first he stayed in Xilin Village because he had to wait for those who went to unknown places in the east. Brothers and friends, now that they are old and reluctant to leave their hometown, so he has never been to those big cities, at most he has been to the nearest city, but that city is more than 10 times larger than their village. No big cities.

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