Random Shopping System

Chapter 522: Blue Shrimp Star (6)

"Mr. Zhu, I don't know what you mean by saying these words?" Village Chief Emok originally thought Zhu Yuanyuan was extraordinary. Although he doesn't know what nobles and powerful overlords mean, he instinctively feels this. Nobles and overlords may be big people who have mastered many villages and cities. This is also the biggest person he can think of. He has never seen such a person in his life. He didn't expect that someone suddenly appeared in front of him. .

Zhu Yuanyuan’s remarks are really scary. Even if Village Chief Emoke is very old and has experienced a lot of things, his heart trembled with fright. He thought that Mr. Zhu would not let Xilin Village go. Up.

"Old village chief, since I have arrived in Xilin Village, I certainly hope that both of us can be honest with each other, rather than deceiving me. The reason why I said my identity is not a threat, nor does it mean to show off, but just to show my own identity. Attitude, and I’m just here for a trip. I simply take my wife on a trip and collect some of your specialties and precious things by the way. That’s all. There is no conspiracy or purpose. The old village chief can rest assured Exactly."

Zhu Yuanyuan’s current state of mind is very good. Even if the opponent is an ordinary alien from the planet, he is still human. Even if he is a powerful practitioner, he does not feel that he is superior to others, let alone treat a mortal as an ant. .

"Oh? Mr. Zhu is really a quick-talking man, honest and bold, you are very much like the legendary knights of the Ten Cities Alliance. Since Mr. Zhu said so, there is nothing to worry about the old man. It is too old. I'm worried, and I hope Mr. Zhu will forgive me."

   Village Chief Emok now feels that he is a bit mentally allergic and he can be vigilant, but excessive vigilance will reject the friends who he originally made friends with sincerely. This is not good.

The Ten Cities Alliance referred to by the mayor of Emok is actually composed of ten super-large cities. Each of these large cities is no less than an international metropolis on the Blue Star. One city can accommodate thousands of cities. Ten thousand people are fine, but there are many ponds in the city that hold blue shrimps. This is also for fear that there will be no food in case of war, so there are ponds in the city.

Zhu Yuanyuan also knows the Ten Cities Alliance called by Village Chief Emok. The satellites have discovered these ten cities recently. They are indeed huge. Moreover, the Ten Cities Alliance is not only the ten cities, there are also some small cities and The village joins.

Since the Ten Cities Alliance is an alliance, of course there is also a city lord. The lord of the Ten Cities Alliance changes every five years. It was originally agreed to change the lord once every ten years, but for ten big cities, if the lord is changed every ten years, then it needs to be changed. It takes a hundred years to complete the round. This time is too long, so it has been reduced by half and changed to five years. Even if it is five years, it is a fifty-year cycle.

"Old village chief. I didn’t blame you for doubting us. Let’s just do this. Let me introduce these things to the old village chief first. The things we send to you are all unique to our east, in our caravan. With many things, if there is something we can see in your village, then we will exchange it with you."

   Zhu Yuanyuan did not continue to entangle this matter, but as soon as the words turned, he talked about the things he had sent up.

"Since Mr. Zhu is kind, the old man is ashamed, but don't say the old man is greedy for these valuable things." Village Mayor Emok also knows that there is no reason to refuse the gift from Mr. Zhu now. After all, others will come. The person is a guest, and others kindly give some oriental specialties. Is it not possible to drive out the kind guests? Who did he become? Maybe after driving away Mr. Zhu, after they went to other villages to buy and sell things in exchange, the other villages reaped the benefits. Then the villagers in their own villages would definitely call him an old thing secretly, I'm afraid they would call him a bit more ugly. Being old is a thief!

   "The old village chief was joking, Zhu Zhi, can you introduce these things to the old village chief." Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and shook his head, and then pointed to the things that the two bionic robots were holding and carrying.

   "Yes, sir." Zhu Zhi agreed.

   "You two put things on the table." Zhu Zhi instructed them to put everything on a long table in the living room.

"Your Excellency, please take a look. This is our unique oriental porcelain. The blue and white pot is also a kind of blue and white porcelain. This is the plum blossom pot, which is a kind of exquisite porcelain and is also loved by our oriental nobles. One of the decorations, this is the top item, please take a look, but the porcelain is fragile, please watch it carefully."

   As Zhu Zhi said, he opened a box more than one meter high and took out a big blue and white pot from it. There was a blue and white pot on it, which was also one of the things carried by the two bionic robots.

   Blue and white porcelain is one of the products of ancient Chinese traditional craftsmanship. Whether it is on the earth or the water blue star, it is something that resounds all over the world, and it is also called an ancient treasure.

   That's why Zhu Yuanyuan took out things like blue and white porcelain on the outer planet. He also wanted to spread the Chinese civilization to the entire universe, leaving a strong record and legend in the universe.

"Oh? Blue and white porcelain? It's such a beautiful porcelain. We don’t have any porcelain objects like UU reading www.uukanshu.com here. It’s such a beautiful thing. It’s amazing. How did you make such beautiful things in the East? Look at the smooth and delicate surface, perfect style, so precious, this porcelain is a treasure!"

Village Chief Emok originally thought that Zhu Yuanyuan would produce some local specialties, such as various foods and some daily necessities, but he did not expect it to be this kind of porcelain that exudes brilliance, although there are only blue and white ones. Color, but these two colors are very similar to white clouds and blue sky, the magical east, this kind of thing can be produced, it is so desirable.

   "Haha, the old village chief is absurdly praised. Please keep reading, there are some other good things."

   Zhu Yuanyi smiled slightly and awakened the village chief Emok who was watching the blue and white porcelain.

   "Mr. Zhu, this porcelain is too expensive, it's simply too expensive. Old man... Old man can't afford such an expensive gift. Please take Mr. Zhu Xian back. I don't want to see the others.".

   After Emok was sober, he kind of refused this gift. Although this kind of gift is very good, no one of them has such a thing. Presumably none of the Ten Cities Alliance will have it. Is it worth it? You have to know the truth about the innocence of the husband. It is a blessing to have enough food and clothing, and a small wealth, but if a husband suddenly has hundreds of millions of fortunes, and he is also known by the powerful people, such consequences , I am afraid it is unthinkable.

  Although there are only a few people present at the scene, they shouldn't reveal such secrets, but Village Chief Emok dare not gamble, dare not gamble on the lives of all the people in the village, it is worthless to lose lives for such treasures.

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