Random Shopping System

Chapter 523: Blue Shrimp Star (7)

"The old village chief, please stay calm. I know what the old village chief is worried about. Isn’t it just that this porcelain will fall into the eyes of others? I’m afraid you think that this kind of porcelain is also a treasure with us, and even more with you. Needless to say, your one here is the only one, provided that I don’t continue to take out the porcelain."

"Old village chief, you should look at other things next. As long as there are things I see in your village, even if it’s a stone or a piece of grass here, I will exchange things for them. , Including porcelain."

How could Zhu Yuanyuan not understand the concerns of the village chief Emok, but don’t worry, as long as the old village chief is not stupid enough to show off these things, presumably other people in the village who know will not take it. After all things leaked out, they were all people of the same race, and leaking out would only harm them, not the slightest benefit.

"This....Okay, the old man will continue to look at these commodities brought by Mr. Zhu." Village Chief Emok hesitated, but he immediately realized that Mr. Zhu had organized a caravan. Maybe not buying or selling goods. Since these precious things will be taken out sooner or later, there is nothing he can look at now. The big deal is to spend some money or items with Mr. Zhu for something he needs.

   "Go ahead." Zhu Yuanyuan asked Zhu Zhi to continue to introduce some other things.

"Yes, sir. Please continue to read the old village chief. These rolls are our Oriental silk. This kind of silk is a precious fabric even in our East. It feels silky and comfortable to wear. And there are various patterns on it. These patterns are embroidered little by little. There are not many people who have this kind of craftsmanship in the East. Only the nobles in the East wear this kind of silk."

Zhu Zhi then opened a box. Inside the box were a few pieces of silk. These silks were of different colors, including cyan, red, black, white, purple, and yellow. The six colors of silk were embroidered on it. All kinds of patterns, there are flowers, branches, and gold threads.

It is said that it is artificially embroidered, but it is actually made by machine, but it is similar to artificially embroidered, or even more exquisite. This is because of the high level of technology. It is impossible to do it on Aquastar, which does not mean that Zhu Yuanming Can't do it.

These silks were also purchased by Zhu Yuanyuan from the water blue star. Of course, there are also some on the Linli star, but the silk produced on the Linli star is too small and the value is very expensive. The water blue star has formed an industrial chain. , Not too much silk produced, but the price is also very expensive.

"This... this kind of cloth, this kind of material, we have never seen it here before, oh my God! This silk feels so comfortable, unlike our blue cloth that feels very rough, and these patterns and patterns are too It’s beautiful, it’s too luxurious. How can we small people wear this cloth to make clothes? It’s too expensive."

  Emok's face was all shocked after seeing the silk. Originally, he felt that Zhu Yuanyuan had never seen the material of the clothes on them, and the style was strange, but he didn't expect the cloth to be so beautiful after it was taken out.

   Zhu Yuanyi smiled slightly, what he wanted was this effect: "Old village chief, isn't this cloth just made into clothes? Is there anything precious or not? Is it possible that it is not visible?"

   What has been passed down by Huaxia for thousands of years, can it be bad? Passed down from generation to generation, it is difficult to find exactly the same thing even in the universe.

"This..." Emok was suddenly speechless by Zhu Yuanyuan. It is true. Even if it is precious cloth, it is cloth. If cloth is not made into clothes, it should be treated as a treasure. Nothing? These cloths may be depreciated for one year after one year, which is a waste of such good cloths.

"Old village chief, please also look at this. These are tea cakes and tea from the East. The tea cakes are good Pu-erh tea. This is a kind of black tea. Drinking this tea for a long time can maintain health and can effectively lose weight. And if there are signs of poisoning, you can drink black tea to alleviate the poisoning phenomenon, and even some weak poisons can be solved directly. This kind of drink is very popular in the East, and it is a must-have for every household in the East. Tea is a kind of green tea. Drinking green tea can refresh your mind. Of course, green tea can also resist aging, suppress disease, and beautify. It is also a premium drink."

Zhu Zhi opened a small box again. There were ten tea cakes and ten wooden boxes of green tea. They were all good tea leaves. Of course, these things were also made on Aquastar, although they were good things. But without aura, it's a good thing among ordinary people.

   After all, many plants on Aquastar have mutated, so the tea produced is much better than before.

   "Is tea? There are healing and detoxifying effects? And it can delay aging? Unbelievable, this tea is really a magical thing. The drinks here are not comparable to tea."

Emok was surprised when he heard this~www.ltnovel.com~ These oriental things are more precious than the other, and this tea has too many functions. This kind of tea is definitely what they want, the porcelain and Although silk is precious, they don't need it, but tea must be replaced.

   "Mr. Zhu, don't know what the price of this tea is?" Village Chief Emok has been tempted.

   "Old village chief, don't worry, let's finish reading the presents for you. Don't worry, Xilin Village must have something we need."

   Zhu Yuanyuan comforted the village chief Emok, and then motioned Zhu Zhi to continue introducing the following things.

"Old village chief, please see. This is white wine and red wine from our east. The white wine is transparent in color and strong in strength. It is like a fire burning in the stomach. It is the wine that bold men like to drink. White wine is used It is made from rice, sorghum, corn, or some other things. Maybe you don’t have these crops here, so I won’t say more. And this red wine is bright and sticky in color. This is the top red wine, which is made from the East. A good wine brewed from a kind of fruit is a kind of fruit wine, with a low degree, and after drinking it, it has the effects of invigorating blood, clearing the collaterals, and beautifying the skin. It is very popular in the East and the nobles love it.

Zhu Zhi took two wooden boxes and opened them. Inside were two transparent glass bottles. One was filled with white wine that was as transparent as water, and the other was filled with red wine that was as red as blood. The two bottles of wine matched the transparent and delicate glass bottles. One red is amazing! !

   is the so-called grape wine luminous cup, which is filled with wine in glass bottles, which makes people seem to be addicted to it.

   Emok is fascinated by these two bottles now.

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