Random Shopping System

Chapter 524: Blue Shrimp Star (8)

"Oh my God! Lord Zhu, are your oriental wines like this? This crystal bottle is too delicate, and the color of this wine is too beautiful. Who can drink this? It looks better than ours. The new Zealand wine looks good."

   Village Chief Emok was surprised when he saw the wine bottle. He wasn't surprised by anything else. This wine bottle is extremely precious. In his opinion, two bottles of wine are simply a violent thing.

The corner of Zhu Yuanyuan's mouth sighed: "Haha, the old village chief has won the award. We Eastern people can brew these two kinds of wine by ourselves, but there are good and bad wines. The brewing of wine is not simple. There are many formulas. The wines brewed by the formula are the best, and the wines brewed by some formulas can only barely be imported, so the prices are different. Good wines are expensive, and poor wines are cheap. The wines brought by our caravan are also good or bad. There are expensive and cheap ones, depending on which one is needed in Xilin Village."

   What Zhu Origin said is also true. The things in the caravan are good or bad, but this time the gifts brought to Village Chief Emok are only the best grade in it.

   "Oh? Are there expensive and cheap ones? That's good, that's good." Village Chief Emok also showed an expression of excitement on his face. Since there are cheap goods, that would be great.

"Old village chief, these are some powders and balsams, which are used by women. They can make women's faces more colorful, and they can also make women's faces moisturized. Very good things. We in the East are very popular with women, especially those noble ladies."

   Zhu Zhi continued to open the two small boxes and showed them to Emoke. As soon as the boxes were opened, the fragrance inside diffused, and a faint floral fragrance came out, which made people feel comfortable.

These balsams and balsams are all good things. They were all made by Stardust when Zhu Yuan was on the water blue star. They were originally used by Chen Ziyuan. These are made of pure natural materials. If there are no chemicals in it, there are only benefits after use, but no harm.

"This fragrant powder and balsam are really fragrant, not bad." Village Chief Emok is not interested in this stuff. He doesn't have much research on women's things, and women in Xilin Village don't use these things. Some things for women.

   "Old village chief, the next thing is these spices. These are the seasonings used in cooking food. They will taste better when added to food."

Emok nodded and didn't say much. He was going to listen to Zhu Zhi's introduction of the following things. They also have some seasonings here, but just some simple salty, sweet, sour, and spicy flavors, nothing else. , But the food is still delicious. Of course, there are not so many varieties, only simple things.

   "Old village chief, the last is this sword, weapon and armor. These are all sharp weapons from the East. I brought you a set and gave it to you."

Zhu Yuanyuan finally took the words and asked Zhu Zhi to open the bottom big box that he brought over. Inside was a set of silver armor and swords, a piece of armor, and a knife and a sword. The sword was Tang. The style of the sword, the sword is the style of Longquan sword, and the sword is wide-bladed.

   Although Tang swords look similar to swords, the swords only cut one side, and the swords are different and double-edged.

   These weapons and armors are all made of thousands of forging and quenching, and the Blue Shrimp Star can also be regarded as a magic weapon.

   "Mr. Zhu, these weapons and armors are too expensive? How can you ask for these things?"

   Village Chief Emok's eyes were attracted by these weapons and armors, but he still refused. The weapons and armors were too dazzling, he didn't dare to ask for them.

   "You are welcome, the old village chief. It is the first time I have come to you. These things are just trivial. Please accept them. There must be grandchildren in the old village chief's house. These things are just right for them to use. There is no problem at all."

   Zhu Yuanyuan smiled slightly. He knew he would be rejected, but after he proposed the descendants of the old village chief, there must be no reason to reject it!

"This..." Emok glanced at the sons and grandsons who had just come in while they were talking, and then saw them all staring at their weapons and armors and salivating. He felt a little embarrassed. I feel that an old face can't hold it anymore.

   "Father, daddy, here I am."

   Just as the Chief Emok was hesitating, Chaske's business came from outside, and he yelled while breaking in, which immediately interrupted the hesitation of Chief Emok.

"Chasco, there are guests here, are you polite?" Village Mayor Emok has a headache when seeing Chasco. This guy is still so innocent. Now he must know that there are guests here, but still So carefree.

"Huh? Daddy, I see. Brother Zhu Zhi, these two are the master and the wife of your caravan, right? I have met two respected guests~www.ltnovel.com~ I’m Chasco, the village militia (Ps: change it) the captain."

Chaske casually replied to Emoke, and then asked Zhu Zhi. Before Zhu Zhi could answer, he greeted Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them. They looked like a familiar one, but their carefree personality was very appetizing. According to Zhu Yuanyuan, such people are still very easy to get along with.

"It turned out to be Captain Chasco, hello, I heard Zhu Zhi say about you. In this way, since Captain Chasco has come to the village chief, I won't make a trip again. Zhu Yong, please give Captain Chasco. "

   Zhu Yuanyi smiled, thinking that the militia captain was interesting and tight, and then directly asked another bionic robot, Zhu Yong, who was carrying a long wooden box on his back, to give this box to Chaske.

"Captain Chacco, please accept a little meeting gift." The reason why Zhu Yuanyuan gave gifts is to build a good relationship. He is alive and wants to quickly build a relationship. This gift is of course a must, even if others don't accept it. Next, that's also someone else's business. Whether to give it away or not, that's one's own business. Doing so will make people feel good about themselves and feel that they are a person who can be with each other. People who know how to be human are always liked by others. .

"Ah? I have a gift too? Thank you so much, thank you so much, Mr. Zhu, thank you, I will not be polite to you, you can see that you are rich and rich, unlike I am a poor person in a small place, I don’t You're welcome."

Captain Chasco just accepted it. He actually came long ago, but he didn't come in outside. He also knew what Zhu Yuanyuan said to Village Chief Emok. Since others have no bad thoughts, then this thing can be accepted. Next, he is not as stupid as the village chief!

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