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Chapter 525: Blue Shrimp Star (9)

While talking, Chasco took the long wooden box that Zhu Yong handed over. This wooden box was a bit long, basically 2 meters long, and Chasco felt a bit heavy after taking it over, 30 kg. of.

   In a blink of an eye, Chaske saw the sword and armor that Zhu Yuanyuan gave to the village chief. He thought in his heart that the box might be a weapon. Thinking of this, he opened the box directly.

   "Damn! This weapon is so beautiful, really beautiful, and it feels so powerful, but, Mr. Zhu, how come this weapon is two-piece?"

After Chasco saw a silver-glowing Panlong gun in the wooden box, he exclaimed, but this gun was divided into two sections and placed in the box. There were mechanisms inside. This is also convenient to carry around. This gun is more than 2 meters long, and one of them is more than 1 meter long after being divided into two sections.

"Captain Chasco, this is a Panlong gun. It does have two sections. Look, there is a mechanism here. You press it, and then insert the front section. It is a whole, look at Cisco. Captain, give it a try."

Zhu Yuanyuan pointed to a place on the gun body. Here is a machine that can be pressed. Just press the link between the two sections of the machine's gun and there will be a small gap between them. After inserting it, release the machine. It can lock the gun barrel and become a whole Panlong gun.

Panlong gun, a dragon coiled around the gun body, this dragon is carved with a wisp of air, it looks like a dragon is coiled, but it is not protruding to the touch, it just looks realistic, and the gun is added The friction of the body prevents people from slipping while holding it.

   "There is also this booklet. This is a marksmanship. Captain Chaske can use this Panlong gun according to the marksmanship above."

Since there is a weapon, of course, it comes with Zhu Yuanyuan and gave a marksmanship. This is the marksmanship in the army on Linli Star. It is very lethal to use. It is considered a very advanced marksmanship in the army. Up.

Of course, this marksmanship is just a simple dismissal, there is no matching mentality. After all, this is the Blue Shrimp Star, not the Linli Star. If this mentality is obtained on the Blue Shrimp Star, the people here will not learn it, not Because of the body, but because of cultural differences.

The text of Blue Shrimp Star is different from that on Linli Star, and the culture is also different, so even if you give them the Mind Method, they can’t practice. They just don’t understand the meaning and want to understand the meaning in the Mind Method. , But also to learn Chinese characters, article history, it is too difficult.

   "Ah? Are there any martial arts using weapons? That's great. Then thank Mr. Zhu, haha! Okay, with this weapon and martial arts, I won't be afraid of the beasts that break into the village in the future."

   There was ecstasy on Chasco's face, he was still worried about how to use this weapon!

"Chasco, put down, how can you take such a valuable weapon casually, how do I usually teach you?" Village Chief Emok looked at this weapon, his face changed, such a precious thing, and there are Martial arts, can this be collected casually?

   "Hey! Father, since Mr. Zhu gave it to me, it is mine. You don't want it. It is your business. Mr. Zhu kindly gave me a gift. How can I refuse?"

   Check Cisco smiled, holding the weapon and the marksmanship and not letting go. He likes this thing very much, how can he return it to Zhu Yuanyuan?

"You... Chasko, you bastard, let's see if labor and management don't kill you." Village Chief Emok was irritated by Chasco, and he took a wooden walking stick on one side and walked towards Chasco. When he walked over and wanted to kill him, Village Chief Emok couldn't care if Zhu Yuanyuan and the outsiders were present. Chaske was really angry at him.

   "Haha, father, I will go, Mr. Zhu, thank you for your gift, I will take you to see the scenery of Xilin Village tomorrow."

   Chaske hurriedly unloaded the spear, put it in a wooden box, picked it up and ran, ran out of the living room and shouted, and then ran out of the village chief’s yard.

   "Chasco, you little bastard, did you run away from the monk and the temple? I will see how I will clean up you in the future." Village Chief Emok blew his beard and stared at him, shouting aloud before giving up.

   "Hah! I'm so angry. Mr. Zhu, I'm really sorry, it's so rude to check Cisco. Please forgive me, Mr.!" Emoke repeatedly apologized to Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "The old village chief doesn't need to care, Captain Chasco has a straightforward temperament. Zhu likes such a bold man very much. I won't be surprised."

   Zhu Yuanyuan really likes a straightforward person like Captain Chacco. Such a person may be delicate in mind, but it is worthy to meet each other, at least not secretly harming others.

   "Okay, Mr. Zhu is fine. I will accept these gifts for the old man."

What Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t expect was that he just said it’s nothing wrong~www.ltnovel.com~ The old man Emok went on talking, and accepted the gift directly. This set almost played Let Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes stare out, this fits the old man deliberately waiting here, right?

Zhu Yuanyuan seriously felt that this village chief Emok was here to wait for Chasco. Chasco's straight temper would definitely accept the gift directly, so that he himself would have a reason to accept the gift. He has lived for so many years. , This old man is really not easy, any old man will suffer from underestimating.

"Uh! Well, the old village chief, these are all gifts for you. You can accept them. Also, these two books, one is swordsmanship and the other is swordsmanship, are also given to you. "

   Although Zhu Yuanyuan feels a bit funny, he still has to find excuses for receiving gifts. This old village chief is very interesting. Well, maybe he is older and thinks a little more, so he has to think about everything. That's why.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan will not blame an old man. Even if his memories of the two lives are more than 50 years old, the old village head of others is also 80 years old. At such an age, he still respects some. China has respected since ancient times. Zhu Yuanyuan has always done this traditional virtue of caring for the old and the young. Even strangers should respect the elderly.

   "Then I would like to thank Mr. Zhu for his kindness. I will accept these things. It is getting late now. How about asking Mr. Zhu to have a light meal at Lao Yu's house?".

   After the village head Emoke accepted the gift, he asked the family to take the things off, and then left Zhu Yuan to have dinner. After all, they were the guests in the village. How could they not stay for a treat!

   "This.... OK, then I will disturb the old village chief."

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