Random Shopping System

Chapter 526: Meals at the village chief’s home!

Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t want to agree, but there seems to be no restaurants in this village, so if you want to see their daily food, you still have to see them in the villagers’ homes. Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan also want to experience Xilin. What is the food in the village?

As for whether the Blue Shrimp Star will carry harmful bacteria to the human body, Zhu Yuanyuan is not worried. When entering the Blue Shrimp Star, the detection function on the dark blue wristband is activated, and no harmful substances have been found for the time being. .

   "Don't disturb, don't disturb, you are guests from afar, we are too late to welcome! What are you doing here? Don't hurry to prepare food, don't let the guests wait too long."

   Village Mayor Emoke is also very happy. It is a very good thing for Xilin Village to come from a long way and with kind guests. How could he not welcome him?

   "Yes, my father, let's prepare now." It was Yi Te, the eldest son of Village Chief Emok.

The mayor of Emok has six sons and four daughters, but the daughters are all married. Among the remaining sons, the eldest Yit stays at home. The other sons have separated their families. This is It is normal that the boss of Blue Shrimp Star inherits the family business. Although Yi Te cannot inherit the village head of Xilin Village, he still has a place in Xilin Village. In fact, Chaske is also a relative of Emok, Puslin. People of the special family.

It’s just that Chask is not from the village head of Emok. In Xilin Village, most people have the surname Puslint. The other surnames are rare. So Xilin Village has been Puslin since ancient times. He is in power and has never been left behind by people with other surnames.


   Zhu Yuansi They chatted with Mayor Emok for a while, and the food was ready.

   "Come, come, Mr. Zhu, Mrs. Zhu, please sit down, please don't be polite with the old man."

Emoke warmly greeted Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan and they arrived in the restaurant. This is an extended table, much like the things used by the nobles in ancient Europe, and the meals here are also divided into meals. It's not the same. Everyone has a lot of plates in front of them. Some of these plates are made of metal and some are made of wood.

   "Okay, thank the old village chief for the hospitality." Zhu Yuanyuan smiled and thanked the food on the table.

"Xiaoyuan, sit down." Then Zhu Yuanyuan carefully helped Chen Ziyuan onto a chair and sat down. Now after Chen Ziyuan became pregnant, his physique became almost the same as that of ordinary people. After all, he couldn't cultivate now. It can only be maintained. Although she has practiced the Starlight Refining Technique, but I don't know why, after pregnancy, her body has become very fragile, as if she had never practiced.

   "Yeah." After Chen Ziyuan agreed, she slowly sat down on a chair, and Zhu Yuanyuan sat next to her.

"Mr. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu have a really good relationship. Come here, Mr. Zhu, Mrs. Zhu, please taste our food here." Village Chief Emoke didn't say much, but sighed Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan. The feelings of this couple are really envious of others.

   "Okay, thank you very much. But I don’t know what this dish is? We don’t have anything like this in the East, so I would like to ask the old village chief to introduce it."

   Fortunately, this Blue Shrimp Star also uses knives and forks for meals. Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan seldom eat Western food when they are on the Aqua Star, but they also use this knife and fork.

   After sitting down, Zhu Yuanyuan pointed to the small white meat dumplings on the plate in front of him, and asked with some confusion.

This plate of small white meat dumplings, on the big plate, in addition to this pile of small meat dumplings, there is a little sauce alone on the other side of the plate. The presentation is pretty good. It looks like a woman’s handwriting. However, Zhu Yuanyuan really didn't find the female relatives of the village chief's family. It is estimated that the female relatives of the Blue Shrimp Star are also not seeing guests.

   has been the same in China since ancient times. Female family members do not see guests and guests come to eat. Female family members are not allowed to eat at the table. It is not that they are not served.

Thinking about it this way, Zhu Yuanyuan understood that after the Xilin Village guests came to the door, the family members were not at the table. Now in the restaurant are the Zhu Yuanyuan couple and the village head Emoke, as well as the old village head. His eldest son Itt.

"Mr. Zhu, this is blue shrimp meat. You should have seen it when you entered the village. It was harvested from the water. This is our staple food here. This is fresh. The sauce next to us is ours. It’s inconvenient to tell you what it is made of, um, the special secret recipe at home. You can taste it and see if it tastes good."

   Village Mayor Emoke introduced Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Oh? The meat of blue shrimp?" Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, as expected, that kind of aquatic creatures are food.

   "Old village chief, can my wife eat this blue shrimp? You need to know that she is pregnant, I'm afraid..."

   Zhu Yuanyi also asked, this blue shrimp, he was also afraid that Chen Ziyuan would not be able to eat it when she became pregnant, or that it was not eaten by pregnant women.

"Haha, please don't worry, Mr. Zhu. When cooking, I specifically mentioned that there are pregnant people among the guests at ~www.ltnovel.com~ so the things made are not harmful to pregnant women and are all edible. "

   The eldest son of the old village chief, Yi Te, laughed, directly dispelling Zhu Yuanyuan’s concerns.

   "It turned out to be so, thank you for being so careful." The smiles on Zhu Yuanyuan's face increased, and the old village chief's family was really interested.

   "Xiao Yuan, try it quickly." Since he can eat it, he is relieved.

   "Okay, husband, don't do that. Since I am eating at the old village chief's house, I will definitely be scrupulous about me. I am pregnant and I can't eat something, they will definitely not take it out."

  Chen Ziyuan nodded, but then whispered Zhu Yuanyuan again. Fortunately, the restaurant is very big and the tables are also big, so if you speak in a low voice, no one can hear it.

   Zhu Yuanyi also has an embarrassed look on his face, and yes, he cares but chaos, the old village head is so old, he must have a lot of experience, such things do not need to be said, he can arrange it.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanyuan quickly picked up a fork, forked a ball of white blue shrimp meat, dipped it with a little sauce, and put it into his mouth. In an instant, first the sauce had a hint of sour taste, and then he With a bite with the teeth, the mass of meat was chewed into minced pieces in an instant, and then melted in the mouth, and a sweet taste rippled in the mouth. .

It's delicious, it's delicious. The flesh of this blue prawn is really delicious, and after cooked, it doesn't look very woody like those lobsters on Aquastar. The meat is very tender, and it melts in your mouth, and the taste is delicious. Extremely.

   "Old village chief, the taste of this blue shrimp is really good, delicious!" Zhu Yuanyuan gave a compliment after eating a ball.

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