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Chapter 527: The specialty of Xilin Village!

   "Yes, this blue shrimp meat is quite delicious." Chen Ziyuan also nodded and said after eating several times with a fork.

   "Haha, as long as you like it, eat more if you like it." Village Mayor Emoke said with a smile on his face. Some people like their own food, that is the recognition of Xilin Village, after all, they are all produced in the village.

   "Okay, the old village chief's blue prawns are indeed delicious. Are these dishes also the meat of blue prawns?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the other dishes and said.

   "Mr. Zhu, this plate is grilled blue shrimp cakes. It is made by using dried blue shrimp meat to grind it into powder and then roasting it with the powder of the fruit in the shell. There is nothing to hide."

   Yi Te introduced it, can't let his father keep introducing these dishes here, right?

   "There is also this dish, which is a soup boiled with dried blue prawn meat. This soup is very fresh, basically without any extra ingredients."

After   Yite introduced it for a while, Zhu Yuanyuan found that besides these blue shrimp meat dishes, there are not no other meats, but they are very few, and other meats are very rare.

Because Xilin Village can catch a large amount of blue shrimp every day of the year. In this case, they don’t have to risk their lives to hunt those dangerous beasts. After all, beasts are very fierce. If you are not careful, you can use it. People go hunting for their lives, and people cherish their lives. After talking about Xilin Village, there is no shortage of food and clothing, so they rarely go hunting, and there is less meat. Basically, the meat is left after the beasts that broke into the village are killed. Down.

   "Boss, you pour a glass of wine for Mr. Zhu. Mrs. Zhu is pregnant now. The wine is no longer needed. Drink some juice."

   After seeing Yi Te's introduction of these delicacies, the mayor of Emok said, pointing to the two potbelly pots on the table.

   "Yes, yes, I have forgotten it. Mr. Zhu, this is Lan Tian Niang. It is our own wine in Xilin Village. You can try it."

   Yi Te hurried over to pick up the earthenware bottle and poured a glass of bright blue liquor into the silver cup in front of Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Blue sweet jelly? Mr. Itt, I don't know what this wine is made from? Can you tell us?"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the liquor in the glass in front of him with an interesting face, picked up the forbidden glass and shook it, not to mention that although the liquor was a bit not so pure, the smell was very good, it smelled of wine, and there was a saying There is no fragrance in it.

"Haha! Mr. Zhu, the brewing formula of this blue sweet jelly is not a secret. After all, the taste of brewed by the recipe is also uneven, some are good, some are bad, and each family brews has subtle difference."

"The main ingredients of Lantianjiao are mainly from the blood of blue shrimp. The blood of blue shrimp is blue. After the blood is released, the whole blue shrimp will turn white. There is also the sweetness near our Xilin Village. After adding the aquatic plants, you can drink it after two to three months of storage."

Yi Te didn’t hide the brewing method of Lan Tian Niang, so he said it directly. After all, everyone in Xilin Village of Lan Tian Niang can make it, and even people in other villages can make it, so don’t worry. The formula leaked out. After all, asking a villager would know the formula.

   "Oh? This wine is made from the blood of blue shrimp?" Zhu Yuanyuan was surprised when he heard this, how could this be possible? The smell of blood has a fishy smell, right? And won't it be broken if the blood is released for a long time?

It seems that this blue shrimp itself is very special. Originally, Zhu Yuan thought that this planet was just an ordinary planet, but what I did not expect is that this blue shrimp is so special and can be used as food, and the blood can also make wine. , This use is too much.

"Yes, this is brewed from the blood of the blue shrimp. Oh, Mr. Zhu, I am afraid you have misunderstood something. The blood of this blue shrimp is a very good thing. It has a fragrant smell. It can be drunk directly, unlike land-based ones. The blood of the beast is very fishy."

Yi Te heard Zhu Yuan’s doubts, and he instantly knew Zhu Yuan’s doubts. When he was young, Yi Te was also a member of the militia, and he also killed the beasts that broke into the village. I have seen it.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Zhu, if you want to brew blue sweet jelly by yourself, I am afraid you are collecting sweet water plants in our village. I don’t know why, maybe because of the natural environment, this kind of sweet water plants is only in our village. It only grows around, and it doesn’t grow in other places."

   But then Zhu Yuanyuan heard a very strange news that the sweet waterweed only grows in Xilin Village, and there are no other places. This limits the brewing of Lantianjiang.

   "Ah? Mr. Yite, since this sweet waterweed is only available in Xilin Village, why doesn't the village feel so rich?"

   This is also where Zhu Yuanyuan puzzles. Since Xilin Village has its own special products, why not be rich? Isn't it weird?

"Haha! Mr. Zhu, you are misunderstood. Although sweet aquatic plants are only found in Xilin Village, it does not mean that other villages do not make wine. The addition of sweet aquatic plants to the wine-making formula only changes a taste. The village also has their unique formulas and materials, and sweet aquatic plants are not a good thing~www.ltnovel.com~ You can find a lot of things on the street just by looking for it by the river. It is worthless."

   It laughed, and then explained it.

"For example, the red-faced grass in Huoshu Town near us is rarer than sweet aquatic plants. With the blood of blue shrimp, red-faced wine can be made. The color of the whole wine is fiery red, and it looks like a blushing girl. The same, of course, it is not named because of this, this kind of red face wine is a very unique wine that can maintain its appearance. In our thousands of miles, the reputation is also very famous."

   Zhu Yuan was a little surprised after hearing the words, what is the situation with this blue shrimp star? Why is it so weird, originally he just thought it was an ordinary planet, it seems that the Blue Shrimp Star is weird!

   But Zhu Yuanyuan thought again, if the life planet chosen by Atlantis was not peculiar, it is estimated that they would not choose to put the star gate on this planet, right?

Not to mention, Zhu Yuanyuan was really right. Atlantis was very special in seeing the Blue Shrimp Star, so he arranged the Star Gate here, but Zhu Yuanyuan still doesn't know it, because he knows the reason. At the time, all of this is a later story. .

   "Oh? It turned out to be like this. I said that there are sweet aquatic plants, so the village should be very rich! It turns out that this is the case!"

   Zhu Origin now knows the status quo of Xilin Village. It seems that although there are many blue shrimps in the river, they can only be said to be starving and want to be rich? Blue shrimp is a rotten street thing, if you give it to others, others don't necessarily want it. Only those by-products are needed, such as various wines made with blue shrimp blood, and so on.

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