Random Shopping System

Chapter 529: Visit Xilin Village (1)!

   "Mr. Zhu, it's so early. Have you had breakfast?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan hadn’t walked far when they were out of the yard and they ran into Chaske who was patrolling.

Actually, it’s not too early. On Aquastar, it’s already more than eight o’clock in the morning. Chasco and their militia team will get up and train at 4 o’clock in the morning. They will train for two hours. At 6 o’clock all the children in the village will be Come out to practice some martial arts, such as sword skills. Zhu Yuanyuan also heard about it at the village chief's house last night. However, Xilin Village does not have too advanced martial arts, just some superficial moves.

It’s now more than eight o’clock. The people who gathered in the village square to exercise have all gone back to their homes and went to work. The people in Xilin Village are good. They are like this every day. They have regular lives and are in good health. , Just look at the village chief Emok, you can see that the people in this village live a long time.

Since Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan heard about the life in Xilin Village last night, they have admired the people in Xilin Village. They can persist in exercising for a lifetime, practicing some simple moves, or exercising, early every morning. Just get up and exercise, eat breakfast after exercise, and then a day's work. This kind of life and rest is really enviable. There is not such a good life in the countryside on the water blue star!

And the people on the Aqua Blue Star do not have leisure time to do these things. At most, some older grandpas and aunts dance square dancing. Nowadays, young people rarely exercise. It is not that they don’t exercise, but they don’t have this time. , I don’t have this energy, and after a whole day of work, the whole person is mentally decadent. How can I still have this effort and mind to exercise?

So now I see people in Xilin Village get up so early to exercise, I have to make Zhu Yuanyuan and the others sigh, but this is also related to the environment of Blue Shrimp Star, there is no shortage of food, drink, and clothing, people are very leisurely , So I have time to exercise myself.

However, the villagers in Xilin Village have had a very fulfilling life. They did not work because they had food and clothing. The villagers here are very diligent. Every day they go to their pond to fish for blue shrimp to produce some food and by-products. In exchange for some things they need, or sell them directly to merchants who come over, in exchange for some money to buy some necessities in the nearest town.

"Captain Chasco, good morning! Are you patrolling?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at each of them holding weapons, and Chasco coquettishly walked and gestured with the Panlong gun he sent, thinking they were It's on patrol!

"It's not a patrol, Mr. Zhu, we are just going back after practicing martial arts! Are you going to visit the village? Or let me show you casually?" Chaske now also thinks that Zhu Yuanyuan is a good person. Their Panlong spear and marksmanship are heirlooms. They don’t have a lot of good things like this here, and the spear in their hands is made of thousands of forging and quenching. They don’t have much of this kind of weapon. Anyway, he has only heard the legend, as to have seen? He had never seen a hundred forged weapons.

   "Oh? It turns out that the morning exercise has just ended! I don't need you to take us around, let's just take a look. Captain Chacco, how do you use this dragon gun? Are you used to it?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan refused to be a tour guide by Chaske, and asked after looking at the weapon in his hand.

"Haha! Speaking of this, I would also like to thank Mr. Zhu for the Panlong gun. It is really easy to use, and the tip of the gun is too sharp. Look, a gun is a hole in the ground. It's too powerful. ."

Chaske was very excited when he talked about the Panlong gun, and he took the gun to demonstrate it, and stabbed it several times on the ground with one shot. Many holes were punched out on the bluestone slab, and it was really sharp. This bluestone slab is like tofu in front of Panlong Gun.

Seeing Chaske thrusting into the ground, the bluestone slab was inserted full of holes. Zhu Yuanyuan opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. He didn't know whether to say it or not to say it. ?

   "Check Cisco, you bastard, what are you doing? Stop labor and management!"

   When Zhu Yuanyuan and the others were in embarrassment, an angry roar yelled from hundreds of meters away.

   Chacco froze for a moment when he heard it, and then he moved and ran towards the back mountain of the village, yelling while running.

   "You go back first, I'll try this weapon. Mr. Zhu, I'll go hunting some prey, and I would say thank you for asking you to eat barbecue at noon."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chaske's back when he heard the words, and suddenly he felt a little bit ridiculous. It turned out to be the village chief Emoke.

   "Check Cisco, don't come back if you have the abilities. I haven't settled with you for what happened last night. Today, I dare to destroy the stone road in the village. You are guilty of eating the bear heart, right?"

   After Emoke ran away in front of Zhu Yuanyuan and them, he gasped and cursed a few times.

   "Huh! The stinky guy runs so fast~www.ltnovel.com~ Mr. Zhu, Mrs. Zhu, it's so funny, Chaske has been so careless since he was a child, but he is still very good."

Emoke looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan on one side. He was actually very embarrassed in his heart. He secretly scolded Chaske for being unreliable. Even if he tried weapons, don’t damage the ground on the road. Look at this stone road. What was it destroyed? All are pits.

"Well, the old village chief, I know, Captain Chaske is a good person, honest, brave, honest, and careful. He is very chivalrous and very suitable for training as a knight. Old village chief, I suggest checking Captain Cisco still has to leave Xilin Village and enter the big city to learn. It is best to enter the big powers. This way, he has a great chance of becoming a knight. In this case, Chascok, as a person who goes out from Xilin Village, the village will also It will benefit a lot."

Zhu Yuanyuan has a lot to say. He is still very optimistic about Chasco. Although Qiankun Xianzong will conquer Blue Shrimp Star in the future, Chasco has a good talent. As an ordinary person, Chasco's physique is close. The limit of a mortal is 10 points of combat effectiveness. Of course, check Cisco has not reached 10 points, but there are 9 points of combat effectiveness. Such a talent, if you don't study it in depth, it would be a waste. .

The reason why Zhu Yuanyuan said these words is actually to wait for them to leave Xilin Village and bring Chasike with them, so that a talent can be cultivated on the Blue Shrimp Star, and there are locals to conquer. This is The best result.

   "This...Hey, Mr. Zhu, you don't know anything. It's not that the old man didn't let Chaske out, but he didn't want to leave Xilin Village. Hey, I really can't persuade the old man."

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