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Chapter 530: Visit Xilin Village (2)


Emok sighed deeply.

"Mr. Zhu, it's not that I'm not an old man. I don't want to let anyone go. It's that Chaske doesn't want to leave Xilin Village, you don't know."

Village Chief Emok hesitated for a while before continuing.

"When Chasco was a child, there was an attack by a large group of giant beasts in Xilin Village. Chasco’s parents were killed in that crisis. His father was also the captain of the militia. When he finally died, his father asked him to Guarding the village, but what I didn't expect was Chasko's father's last words, which made Chasko refuse to leave Xilin Village."

"Old man, I also know that Chaske has no future in Xilin Village, but he is very stubborn and does not want to go out, because he is now the captain of the militia team, and he does not want to leave Xilin Village, he wants to use his own power to protect the village, hey It’s too stubborn. There are no other people in the village. He insists that other people are other people. He is himself, Mr. Zhu, do you think he is stubborn?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan listened for a while, he also learned about Chasco's situation. It turned out to be his own reason. This may be a kind of obsession. In order to protect the village, he would not hesitate to give up his own future.

"Old village chief, I think Chaske's spirit is worthy of praise. Of course, it is not worth promoting. This kind of self-sacrificing idea is correct, but for the village, this method is not advisable. Lao The village chief, look, if there are more talents going out of the village, it will be a great help to the reputation of the village."

"Moreover, if Chasco joins the big forces, it will be good for the village. At least those big forces can protect the village. Of course, once Chasco's status is high, it will be more able to protect the stability of the village."

"So I suggest that the old village chief, you still persuade Chaske, we can let him go with us when we leave Xilin Village, we will stay here for a while, we will take care of him on the road, this time we will Go to the Ten Cities Alliance, the old village head, think about it, let’s go to the pond for a stroll. In Xilin Village, we will stay for a few days. If we think about it, just come to us.

Zhu Yuanyuan also said a lot of things. He silently used the **** control technique to control others. It was originally immoral. In the future, he felt that he would use less, and the quota itself was not large, so he wanted to upgrade to the next level. , The prestige value needed is too much, and I don’t know how long it will be.

"This...Okay, old man, I remember, then Mr. Zhu, you should go and see our village first."

Village Chief Emok hesitated when he heard about the Ten Cities Alliance. The Ten Cities Alliance, the legendary existence, he never visited when he was young. He just heard about it. As for why their group of brothers did not organize The team went to the Ten Cities Alliance, but went to the unknown place in the east?

It was not the village chief of Emok that they did not go. In fact, it would be even more dangerous if they went to the Ten Cities Alliance. Maybe they would all die halfway.


In this wild, the most dangerous thing is not the beasts, but the people.

They do have many villages, towns, and cities, but there are also some bandits and robbers in the wild. There should not be too many people who occupy the mountains as kings. They specialize in robbing past merchants. Sometimes the caravans will be killed. It is simply not too overbearing. .

So Emok didn’t plan to go to the Ten-City Alliance back then. Because of their limited strength, they definitely couldn’t go to the Ten-City Alliance. A group of bandits rushed out halfway to kill them all. how to get to?

As for going with the caravan?

Ha ha!

I've never gone to the caravan of the Ten Cities Alliance. Even a large caravan wouldn't take the risk for such a long way.


"Husband, are you planning to recruit Chacco as a subordinate? This person is not bad, not as clumsy and careful as he looks, but he has a very good character and integrity."

Chen Ziyuan saw Zhu Yuanyuan's thoughts all at once.

"Well, that's right, this investigation Cisco has a very good character and is very considerate of others, so I want to recruit such a talent, let him waste time in this small village, it is a waste of talent. "

Zhu Yuanyuan nodded. That's what he thought. He could just find a reason to follow them with Chaske, and then naturally there are ways to make him his subordinate, for example, to teach Chaske the cultivation method of fighting spirit, although in Lan Xia Stars don't have magic elements, and basically they may not be able to cultivate magic and fighting qi, but it doesn't matter, there is a spirit stone. The aura in the spirit stone contains various elements and can assist in the cultivation of fighting energy.

Hehe! In this case, as long as Chaske cultivates vindictiveness, will he still be afraid that he will escape his palm?

Without spirit stones, Chaske can't cultivate vindictiveness, but Blue Shrimp star does not have spirit stones, what should I do? Only Zhu Yuanyuan has spirit stones in his hands, and he can only follow Zhu Yuanyuan. This is completely the lifeblood in his hands. It is estimated that only Zhu Yuanyuan can do this insidious method.

This guy Zhu Yuanyuan used to be a Voldemort, specializing in sap, secretly, and now, although he doesn't do such things very much, he can still use insidious tricks.

Well, in his own opinion, this is also good for checking Cisco.

After imparting vindictiveness, why did Chacco pay a little price?

There is no free lunch in the world. Would Zhu Yuanyuan be so stupid to give others something for nothing?

Even if it is given to the village chief, it is to dispel the worries of Xilin Village ~www.ltnovel.com~ so as not to prevent others from always guarding themselves when contacting them, which is not good.

And to send Chasike Panlong spear and marksmanship, that was Zhu Yuanyuan's preparation for Chaske in order to impart grudge. Well, first give some sweet dates and then hit them with a stick to ensure that it is painful and sweet and happy.

As for the cultivation cheats of Dou Qi, he bought it last time during a large-scale random shopping. Although Dou Qi is not as powerful as the cultivation technique, he can still cultivate to one million combat power. Of course, the Dou Qi cultivation cheats obtained by Zhu Yuanyuan are only The combat power that can be cultivated to more than 10,000, after all, was extracted from the low-level civilization.

"Hee hee! Husband, why are you still like this? This is too insidious!" Of course, Chen Ziyuan knows Zhu Yuan's character. When she was in college, she always knew how Zhu Yuanyuan liked to tease those who chased her. , And others have been teased and even look dumbfounded!

For example, once, someone held a flower under the dormitory and waited for her to confess. As a result, Zhu Yuanyuan asked a 200-plus-jin heavyweight girl in the female dormitory to go down and told the girl that someone else like her confessed. It was too overcast. The girl went down and rushed to the boy holding the flowers and hugged the boy to death. But the fat girl didn’t listen to the explanation. Holding the boy was just a bite. This time the whole school was troubled. All I know, I don’t know how big the mental shadow of that boy is!

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