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Chapter 541: Shadow Alliance!

"Ah? No, no thanks, no thanks! It's nothing more than a simple effort." Chaske was at a loss for what to do with this white and beautiful blonde beauty. Where did he see such a beautiful woman in Xilin Village, and he panicked suddenly. Up.

   But Zhu Yong, the bionic robot, did not change his expression or made a sound, and stood directly next to Chacco.

   "Puff!" Libai Yisi was amused by Chaske's flushed face and panic. She didn't expect that she was so domineering just now, and she was so, ah, cute!

With Libai Yisi’s smile, Chaske’s face suddenly turned red. He is a big man, but he has never been in contact with such a beautiful woman. Xilin Village also has long and beautiful people, but he still can’t talk to Libai Yi. The eldest lady from a big city like silk is on par.

   "I don't know how the two warriors are called?" Seeing that Chaske was embarrassed, Libai Yisi changed the subject and asked about their names.

   "Ah! Yes, yes, yes. Miss Antlin, my name is Chaske. Puslint. This is Zhu Yong from the East. The surname of the East is at the front, and it is the single surname, Zhu and Yong."

   Chasco heard Libai Yisi's words and quickly introduced it.

"Mr. Chasco, how are you. Mr. Zhu, how are you." Libai Yisi heard that there was someone from the East, and the surname was really strange. She first glanced at each other with Sakhalin next to her, and then Said with a smile.

"Miss Libai Yisi, you are all injured now. You can take a rest with us, treat the wound, and eat some food. I am from Xilin Village. I am following the Eastern Caravan. The caravan is in front. Far away."

   Check Cisco's rescue according to Zhu Yuanyuan's account, and then invite these people to sit in the caravan.

"Oh? The caravan from the east? Then we really want to see." Libai Yisi's eyes are very curious. Now that the crisis is over, she relaxes in her heart, although she doesn't know what the other party is. Someone, but it definitely won't be from the Shadow Alliance, because the people in the blood kill group were about to catch her just now, so there is no need to do anything.

   "Miss Antlin, let's go together!"

   Rebeiss, the leader of Chasco, walked out of the woods.

   In a short while, 13 of them and their party arrived in Zhu Yuanyuan's caravan.

   "Mr. Zhu, we are back." Chaske first greeted Zhu Yuanyuan who was still eating at the table.

   "Master, the man is saved." Zhu Yong also returned to life with Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Well, just save it. Come and eat." Zhu Yuanyuan raised his eyes and glanced at the more than 10 people behind Chaske. When he saw Libai Yisi, he still sighed, this woman looks good, standard. Blonde beauty, but the white people here are different from those on the earth, and their skin is obviously much more delicate. This must be caused by the different things you eat all year round and the different climate.

The climate on the Blue Shrimp Star can be said to be similar to the Jiangnan area in the China Empire on the Aqua Blue Star. It has a constant temperature throughout the year and is very nurturing. Even if it is white, the skin here has become similar to that of the Chinese. Delicate, no roughness can be seen.

It’s different on Aquastar. White people’s skin is very rough, and they eat beef and milk all the year round, resulting in a bad body smell. This is not just one or two body smells, but everyone smells very It smells unpleasant, just like people who eat mutton and drink goat milk all the year round.

   You can’t eat the same things every day, and eat the same every day, which has a great impact on your body and the smell that your body already emits.

   "The little lady Libai Yisi met the owner of the caravan, thank you for your help."

   After seeing Zhu Yuanyuan and them, Libai Yisi saw that Zhu Yuanyuan didn't pay attention to her, so she spoke first, but when she saw Zhu Yuanyuan and them, she felt that the Orientals were not very beautiful.

   "No thanks, just a small effort. I saw you being chased and killed, so let me help."

   Zhu Yuanyuan faintly waved his hand and said.

   "This is Zhu Yuanyuan, the owner of the caravan, Mr. Zhu." Chaske interjected.

   "Mr. Zhu, it is a trivial matter for you, but it is a big deal for the little girl. This is a great kind of life-saving. And because of the little girl, you have offended the Shadow League. How can you not thank you?"

   Libai Yiss indeed felt that this matter was big or small, and the Shadow Alliance, it was not a joke, it was just the blood kill group, with the ten or so members of the Eastern Caravan, how could it be blocked? Even if they are powerful, I am afraid they can't stop them.

   "Oh? Shadow League, what organization is this? What is the origin? Can Miss Antlin tell me something?"

   Zhu Yuanyi raised his brows and was a little surprised. I didn’t expect this rescuer to encounter a big power? The Shadow Alliance, I have never heard of it. Although there are indeed many big cities on the Blue Shrimp Star, he only knows a ten-city alliance. After all, satellites are just satellites, not humans. You must not hear all kinds of news~www .ltnovel.com~Mr. Zhu, when you talk about the Shadow Alliance, you have to talk about the Ten Cities Alliance. I wonder if you know the Ten Cities Alliance? "Libai Yisi didn't talk about the Shadow Alliance for the first time, but asked instead.

   "I know the Ten Cities Alliance, Miss Antlin, then tell me, what is the relationship between the Shadow Alliance and the Ten Cities Alliance?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan nodded faintly, indicating that he knew about the Ten Cities Alliance.

   "Mr. Zhu, you must have known how powerful the Ten Cities Alliance is. The Shadow Alliance is a force comparable to the Ten Cities Alliance. They also have ten big cities."

"However, the Shadow Alliance is the enemy of the Ten Cities Alliance. The two forces are fighting with each other, whether in the dark or on the surface. The little girl belongs to the Antlin family, and the Antlin family owns a big city. , Is one of the Ten Cities Alliance, so the Shadow Alliance will send someone to arrest the little girl. The little girl would like to thank Mr. Zhu for helping out, but also to tell you the origin of this Shadow Alliance. Now you offend the Shadow Alliance because of me. , So the little girl must tell you!"

Libai Yiss didn’t know if Zhu Yuan’s caravan could stop the Shadow Alliance’s pursuit, but how could she tell them the truth. Although others saved her, although she can’t give any decent thanks now, she must also do. .

   "Shadow Alliance? Interesting! I know this, Miss Antlin, don't worry, the Shadow Alliance matters will naturally be solved by us. As for thanks, we don't need it."

   Zhu Yuan is not afraid of the natives in this area. Even if he doesn't make a move, just ten bionic robots can save the shadow alliance's chickens and dogs.

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