Random Shopping System

Chapter 542: Mulberry City (1)!

   "Miss Antlin, you should deal with the injuries on your body first, and I will have someone prepare some food for you."

   Zhu Yuanyi didn't want to say much, but changed the subject.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhu." Libai Yisi looked at the guards at the back. She was very sad. There are only a dozen people left in the guards of 500 people. She is really sad. , These guards who followed her, although not all of her guards, were also people who followed her since she was a child. Even if she has raised a cat and dog for more than a decade, she will have feelings, let alone people.

   "Zhu Yong, you take Miss Antlin and the others to treat the wound, use some good medicine, and give them some food."

   Zhu Yuanyi ordered Zhu Yong who was aside.

   "Yes, sir." Zhu Yong agreed, and then said to Libai Yisi: "Miss Antlin, please come with me."

   "The little girl will go down first, and I must thank Mr. Zhu for his help." Libai Yisi said with gratitude on her face, and she took a look at Check Cisco when she left.

Zhu Yuanyuan squinted his eyes and glanced at Chasco and Libai Yisi. These two people are a bit interesting. Although he doesn't think that saving his life will make Libai Yisi fall in love with Chasco, he still has a good impression. , Love at first sight is rare, especially in adults, so feelings must be cultivated.

   When Libai Yisi left, Chaske also surreptitiously glanced at others with his eyes. It seemed that he liked it a little bit. Sure enough, people are all animals with good looks, and they all like good-looking things.

   Zhu Yuan also discovered this situation for the first time, but he also thinks that Chaske and Libai Yisi are a good match. Although the identity of the two people is very different, isn't he there? And Chaske is now learning martial arts, and will learn to fight in the future. If this is the case, he may become the strongest player in the entire Blue Shrimp Star in the future. After the Qiankun Xianzong has occupied the Blue Shrimp Star, Chaske may become the Blue Shrimp Star. Star master.

  Yes, Zhu Yuanyuan did not intend to let others manage Blue Shrimp Star. Twenty intends to use local people to manage Blue Shrimp Star. This will not make the people of Blue Shrimp Star have rebellious psychology.


   "Miss Antlin, these ointments are used to treat traumatic injuries. These are used to treat severed limbs. Apply them to the wounds, and then wrap them with these gauze."

Zhu Yong took Libai Yisi to a carriage, and then asked people to take out the wound medicine they were carrying. These things are also one of the commodities that Zhu Yuanyuan brought. Blue Shrimp Star is not without medicine, but it is effective. It's not very good. The things they bring over are good. Of course, they are talking about ordinary medicinal materials. Magical medicinal materials are not included, and those magical medicinal materials that have good effects are not something ordinary people can use.

   "Mr. Zhu Yong, thank you so much." Libai Yisi said with a hint of gratitude on her face.

   "No thanks, you can treat the wound first, I will prepare food for you." Zhu Yong shook his head, expressing his thanks.

"Okay, trouble you." Libai Yiss nodded, now they are in someone else's caravan, and they have not brought anything since they were attacked, let alone food, no horses. Except for some coins, weapons and armor, everything else was lost.

Zhu Yong and the others started making food very quickly. Although there is nothing like rice on Blue Shrimp Star, there is still something like flour, but unlike wheat, this flour is grown on a fruit tree. Every year, fruit grows, called "Fenguo".

This kind of powdered fruit is the size of a grapefruit, and the shell of the fruit is very thin, so it can be easily peeled off. The flour contained in it is enough for an adult to eat for a day, and a grapefruit-sized flour is peeled off. You can bake a few breads, yes, there are breads here too.

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan still doesn’t like to eat bread. When they first came into contact with this powdered fruit, they made buns and dumplings. The flour peeled from this powdered fruit is not the same as the flour milled by wheat. It can be fermented directly without adding anything extra.

   Of course, if you make dumpling skins, you don’t need to ferment. Just knead the dough and start making dumpling skins. As long as you don’t cover it and leave it in the air, the dough won’t ferment.

This time, Zhu Yong made some pancakes for the wounded. The pancakes were filled with blue shrimp meat. This method is the same as Roujiamo, but compared to Roujiamo, this shrimp cake Very fresh and delicious.

   Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan wants to entertain guests, and he will not come up with such simple food.

   If these pancakes are passed away, it would look down on people too much, right?

There are also grilled meats, some stir-fries, and even hot pot. Of course, due to the custom on the Blue Shrimp Star, the meal-sharing system is prepared. In fact, the meal-sharing system is not unique to the West. It has been in China since ancient times. There is such a custom, but after the Song Dynasty, there were tables and chairs ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then the meal system was widely popularized.

   Not to divide the meal system Before the Tang Dynasty, the poor did not do this. The poor still ate together, because they didn’t have much food to fill their stomachs. It would not be easy to divide the meal.

   So the meal-sharing system actually first started with the nobles of ancient China, not the so-called Western nobles.

In fact, many things in ancient China spread to the West, and then they were introduced by some Western aristocrats as their own things, such as football, which was called Cuju in ancient China, and then became football in modern times. It was also carried forward by Westerners, so there is Many people think that football was invented by Westerners and it is simply funny.

Many things in ancient China were worn away by the feudal society, especially those inventions and creations. The ancient kings were very afraid of such things, so they were restricted, and those who were able to continue their research would be driven out, just because the king could not. Tolerate the existence of things that threaten his status, this situation is not once or twice. .

It's not that the Chinese people are not smart, but that their abilities are not reused or valued. In ancient times, they were easy to cause murder, and they would even be regarded as evildoers, and they might be caught in Shenhe. It's all possible.

   For example, gunpowder. Didn't China really invent powerful explosives in ancient times? No, it must have been invented, but this gunpowder was restricted by the emperor and hidden away. Maybe it was because gunpowder was too powerful, so it was banned from research. Otherwise, in ancient China, where gunpowder was developed, as long as Those emperors do not prohibit research, I am afraid that China has unified the entire planet long ago, how could it be bullied like that!

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