Random Shopping System

Chapter 543: Mulberry City (2)

"Miss Antlin, the food is ready for you, please use it." After Zhu Yong prepared the food, he specially prepared tables and chairs for them. These wooden tables are very simple. They directly collected the materials and chopped them. After a few trees, a few sets of tables and chairs came out.

Zhu Yong and the others are robots, not to mention desks and chairs. Even if you build a computer directly, a sports car is not a problem, and it is still manual, as long as you have the materials.

"Mr. Zhu Yong, thank you master for me." After seeing the food on the table, Libai Yisi was slightly surprised. She had never seen these dishes before, and they were too fragrant.

The dishes on the table are basically Chinese dishes, pork belly, braised pork, honey barbecue, and hot pot. There is no fried vegetable dish. There are many fresh dishes to accompany only one hot pot.

All kinds of fungi, all kinds of vegetables, and all kinds of meat, blue shrimp meat, beef rolls, lamb rolls, tofu slices, vermicelli, all kinds of delicacies from China appear here, although it is a bit strange, but Libai Yis still saw that it was something to eat.

"You're welcome, Ms. Antlin, you should eat first. After you have finished your meal, you will have a rest and set off."

Zhu Yong first nodded and agreed to talk to his master, and then urged.

Then Zhu Yong introduced what these foods are, how to eat hot pot, and how to use chopsticks. Of course, you can eat hot pot without chopsticks. You can also eat hot pot with a fork.

After Zhu Yong left, Libai Yisi and the others began to eat.

"Huh? What kind of meat is this? It's so delicious, right? What's the dish below? Although it's a bit salty, it's very good with this thing called pancake." Libai Yisi ate a piece After the meat was cut, it felt so delicious, and the pickles in it also felt very good after she had eaten it.

"This hot pot is also delicious." After Li Bai Yisi put the dishes she prepared in the hot pot, it felt so delicious after eating it, and it was countless times more delicious than what she had eaten before.

This hot pot, Zhu Yong and others did not make it spicy, they made it light. They used beef bone soup and milk-colored soup. After the dish was blanched, it tasted very delicious, which made people want to stop.


On the other side of Zhu Yuanyuan, he opened the system interface while eating, and saw that his reputation value is still increasing these days. Although he has left Aquastar, there is Suiji Group standing there. No one will forget him.

Moreover, the brilliance of glory has become popular all over the world during this period of time, so most people in the world know about Zhu Yuanyuan. As time goes by, the more people admire him, and the things produced by Suiji Group are all fine products and favorites. People also include people from all over the world.

Especially in the Huaxia Empire, almost everyone admired him very much, and the booster alone had already shocked all the people in the entire empire.

As for Lin Lixing, the people in the Hanyang Empire now also know about the Universe Immortal Sect, so they have gained a lot of reputation.

With the addition of Shui Lan Xing Lin Li Xing, his reputation has greatly increased.

"Zhu Origin."

"Sex: Male."

"Nationality: Chinese nationality."

"Age: 24."

"Warcraft pet: Silvermoon Wolf King (Little Wolf) (level 9), with a combat power of 256,000."

"Life skills: guitar (level 9), piano (level 9), singing (level 9), cooking (level 9), driving (level 9). Computer technology (level 9). Chinese medicine (level 9) (PS: The level here is only the level on the water blue star, and the ninth level is the top.) The thirteen needles of the soul (can wake up the vegetative)."

"Special Skill: "Five Elements Feng Shui Secret Skill""

"Psychic Ability (Level 3S): Mind reading. Mental hypnosis. Mental shock. Mental defense. Mental piercing. Mental manipulation. Mental shock. Mental realm."

"Ice type ability (3S level): Manipulate ice and snow to perform powerful ice type alien magic! (PS: immune to all ice elemental attacks below 3S level!

"Magic weapon: Space ring (10,000 cubic meters), Jinyan Flying Sword (Level 2 combat power of 120,000.

"Gong Method: Controlling God Skill (Level 8), "Starlight Refining Technique" (Level 7). Soul Devouring Technique (Level 4). Qiankun Jue (1st Level of Foundation Building

"Property: 4.380 billion Chinese currency coins."

"Level 1 reputation: 1,280 billion, 34.12 million."

"Combat power: 1,775,280 points.

(Physical body + 1473280 points = 22,000 physical combat power for Qiankun Jue, 1000 physical combat power for Yan Guo, 10 physical combat power for the Book of Knowledge. Genetic optimization 10 physical combat power. Level 7 Starlight Refining Art + 1473280 physical combat power .)

Level 1 23020. . Level 2 46040. . Level 3 92080. . Level 4 184160. . Level 5 368320. . . Level 6 736640. . . Level 7 is 1473280. .

(Spirit power + 302000 = 22,000 spiritual combat power of Qiankun Jue, 3S-level spiritual power +100,000 spiritual combat power. Soul Eater + 80000 spiritual combat power. Ice powers +100,000 spiritual combat power.

These days, his prestige value has risen by a wave, directly rising to a trillion level 1 prestige value, and this does not count as his purchase of some 1-2 level civilization things in his seasons.

At the same time, the level of the ability has been upgraded. This ability is not too powerful and can only be regarded as a level 1 civilization. Because the ability can not make people live longer and can not increase their lifespan, so it will Be classified into the 1st level cultivation civilization.

In fact, speaking of abilities, this can only be said to have developed a certain ability in the human body. As long as the talent is good, everyone can upgrade to the 3S level through a lot of exercise.

The highest level of power is 3S~www.ltnovel.com~ The combat power is only 100,000 points. This is already the highest level, and it belongs to the mortal level, so it will be classified as level 1 civilization.

It seems to have supernatural powers, and it seems to be more advanced than mortals, but in fact, the life span is similar to that of the people on the water blue star. At most, the body is better and lives a little longer, but the life span does not break the boundaries of mortals.

This allows people with abilities and mortals to be grouped together, and civilizations of level 2 or higher, whether it is a cultivation civilization or a technological civilization, are all existences that exceed the life span of mortals.

Mortals in level 1 civilization are 80-100 years old at most, while people in level 2 civilization have a life span of several hundred years.

This is also one of the reasons for the textual research of the civilization level, depending on the cultivation level or the level of technology.

"That’s right, now this reputation value has increased, but you still need to work harder. After the Linli Star is conquered, the reputation value can be more. Then you can come to conquer the Blue Shrimp Star. In this case, your goal Just one step closer."

After Zhu Yuanyuan took a look at his status, he was a little happy. Although these reputation points are still very small, they are increasing, which is not bad.

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