Random Shopping System

Chapter 544: Mulberry City (3)

"Da da da........."

In the evening, a caravan came from outside Sanglin City. This caravan had fifty carriages, and some carriages were still connected together. The strange thing was that this caravan had only 20-30 people.

"Hey! Look, this caravan is so strange. There are only more than 20 people, but there are more than 50 carriages. With so many carriages, don't you have the money to ask for a guard?"

"It's very strange, and look at the people in front of them. They have black hair, yellow skin, and they look strange. This is the strangest thing."

"Really so, these people have never seen the appearance, I don't know where they came from."

"Although I don't know where they came from, these carriages are very luxurious, and this caravan is very rich."

"What's the use of having money? These people are not our people at first sight. Who knows if they are spies sent by other cities? Maybe they are bad people."

"Hush! Be quiet, what do you guys know? Look at the guards behind them. They are all standard equipment. At first glance, they are powerful people. Don't let people hear them, otherwise you can't eat them."

Zhu Yuan’s fleet has been increasing since they left Xilin Village. Because of the investigation of Cisco, it is now inconvenient for him to send all the purchased items back to Aquastar with Starblue fighters, but sometimes they will receive it. Some went into the space ring, after all, Chacco didn't know how many things they acquired.

So every time he passed by a village, Zhu Yuanyuan asked people to buy some horses, and then made some horse-drawn carriages by himself. After that, there would be more and more horse-drawn carriages. The caravan from the east has no strength.

Just like when they went to Xilin Village, they only had ten carriages. At that time, the people in Xilin Village doubted their financial resources.

However, after Libai Yisi and the others joined the caravan, they still have some effects. The least thing is that people in Mullin City now dare not look down on them, and Libai Yisi and they are white, so San Lin Cheng's guards didn't have any trouble for Zhu Yuanyuan. They simply checked the truck, and then let it go.

Of course, the caravan had to pay the city tax when entering the city. The city guard told Zhu Yuanyuan and the others that they should go to the city hall in the city to pay the tax. If they don’t pay the tax, they cannot travel in the city. If it is serious, the goods will be seized. This is not a joke.

"Husband, the city of Blue Shrimp Star is really different from the city of Lin Lixing. There are no stalls on this street, only the shops on both sides. They don't look very lively, but the order on this street is very good. , It’s clean, and it looks pleasing to the eye."

After the convoy entered Sanglin City, Chen Ziyuan looked at the situation in the city outside through the windows on the carriage. This Sanglin City was the first city they stayed in after they arrived at Blue Shrimp Star. You must look carefully. Up.

"That's true. Maybe the vendors who set up stalls in this city are all gathered in one place to set up stalls? Just like our Shuilanxing's vegetable market and those department stores, all the vendors gather in different places to set up stalls. Right?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, he thought of a possibility in an instant. They are walking on the main street. The vendors may not gather here to set up their stalls, and it is possible that the vendors are all gathered in a market. It might be.

Not to mention, Zhu Yuanyuan really guessed it. Not only Sanglin City, but also other cities on Blue Shrimp Star, the vendors who set up stalls are all gathered in special markets to set up stalls. Those who set up the stall will be caught by the people who manage the appearance of the city. Not only will all the goods be confiscated, but they will also be fined, and they will even be detained for a few days, which is miserable.

"Huh! Husband, what you said is really possible." Chen Ziyuan thought about what Zhu Yuanyuan said, and found it reasonable.

"Zhu Zhi, since I have entered the city, let's find a large hotel to stay in." Zhu Yuanyuan sat in the carriage and didn't move. Transmit told Zhu Zhi to arrange accommodation.

"Yes, sir." Zhu Zhi nodded outside, and then a sound wave reached Zhu Yuanyuan's ears. This robot can also use the ability to transmit sound without sound. This is just a simple rhythmic fluctuation that can emit sounds in a small range. .


After a while, Zhu Yuanyuan and their motorcade came to a hotel with the strange eyes of many people.

"Green Tree and Flower Hotel", the name is very distinctive. The name of this hotel has an alternative meaning. The name of the hotel represents that life is as full of vitality as a tree full of green leaves and flowers.

Not to mention, this is very similar to the style of Westerners on Aquastar. Westerners have always liked such romantic things. No matter what they are, they can give them a very beautiful meaning.

Of course, in Huaxia, there are poets who will praise some things, but Huaxia expresses more obscurely. If you have not studied Huaxia culture, you will not understand it at all. After studying the Four Books and Five Classics, it is basically the ancient Chinese culture. You can understand everything in the book, but after modern times, how many people will learn these boring things?

In fact, although learning the Four Books and Five Classics is useless, it can increase literary literacy. If you want to write, be a traditional writer~www.ltnovel.com~ Learning the Four Books and Five Classics is the fastest way, at least your writing skills will be greatly improved. The increase.

"Lvshuhua Hotel? Haha, it's interesting, Xiaoyuan, look at the people on the blue shrimp star, it's quite poetic."

Although Zhu Yuanyuan didn't learn much poetry in the university, he actually learned these things through the system than the so-called professors on the earth. After all, the secrets and the things in there are very complicated. The things contained in the cheats are Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, the Eight Diagrams, the Meridians, and the mystery of Feng Shui. I have learned all these miscellaneous things, and it’s nothing to understand some poetry.

"It's really true. Life is like a tree, from a seed, germinating, growing into a sapling, and then growing up little by little until it becomes a tall tree with green leaves and flowers. Isn’t this kind of growth experience a kind of perseverance? A very meaningful name."

Different people have different understandings. Chen Ziyuan thinks that the person who took this name is reminding everyone to be as firm as a tree. No matter how hard the road is, they must go forward bravely, just like a tree. The sapling was greeted by the storm from the beginning, and had to endure all kinds of insects, birds, and eventually became a giant tree standing tall and tall on the ground. Perhaps this spirit is what the person who named it wants to tell everyone!

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