Random Shopping System

Chapter 549: 0 miles away!

   "Husband, don't we have a strengthening liquid? Why do we need to buy those mulberry fruits?"

   After leaving Sanglin City, Chen Ziyuan didn't understand. Although the mulberry fruit has a powerful effect, there is no need to buy so much, right? And the effect is repeated with the strengthening liquid.

"Haha! Xiaoyuan, Stardust has tested the mulberry fruit. The effect of the mulberry fruit and the effect of the strengthening liquid will not conflict with each other, which means that the effects can be superimposed. Don't we want to cultivate the disciples of the Universe Immortal Sect? Resources cannot be wasted. If they can increase the strength of some disciples, then increase some."

   Zhu Origin also discovered the effect of the mulberry fruit, so he would transport these things back to the Yunlan Mountains. The disciples of the Universe Immortal Sect need resources, and he also needs a large number of disciples to conquer the various civilizations in the universe.

Although the effect of this mulberry fruit is very weak, it is also a resource for improving strength for new beginner disciples. After brewing the wine, the longer it is stored, the more spiritual energy it contains. Put a few dozen. In a hundred years, this kind of wine will also become a treasure of genius, and the effect will be greatly increased by then. Maybe one sip can raise a realm.

   So there are some things that are easy to preserve. Although the effect is very weak, as long as they are stored for a long time in a place with sufficient aura, they will eventually become a treasure of heaven and earth.

"What? Can the effect of this mulberry fruit be strengthened? It turned out to be like this." After Chen Ziyuan became pregnant, she was lazy to worry about some things. In the past few days in Sanglin City, she also wandered here with Zhu Yuanyuan every day. Let’s have a taste of the unique snacks of Sanglin City there. Basically, I have only eaten them these days. There is no fun place here. The places where women can go are basically not the only places where women can go. That is, the places that sell jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, and the arena, which is similar to Aquastar Europe, except that the blue shrimp star is not so **** here, can surrender, and will not easily kill the opponent.

Chen Ziyuan is pregnant. Although Zhu Yuanyuan is very curious about places like the arena, but his wife is pregnant, it is better not to go to such **** places, and Chen Ziyuan can't do without him, a pregnant woman The most suspicious, it's better to let her see herself every day. Now there is nothing that Zhu Yuanyuan has to do personally, so she stays with Chen Ziyuan all the time.

Moreover, this time flickered. A few months have passed. Chen Ziyuan’s belly is also big, and he can’t spend too much time outside. At least two months in advance, the twins are still in danger. Yes, although she is a cultivator, she is still in the Qi refining period, and most of the aura absorbed by the fetus is now absorbed in the best spiritual stones, and her aura is not enough for the fetus.

   And Zhu Yuanyuan now also feels that he wants to speed up his travels on the Blue Shrimp Star, reach the Ten Cities Alliance as soon as possible, and then continue the next journey, which will activate the star gates of other planets by the way.

Even if they go far away, it doesn’t matter. Although it is impossible for others to use the star gate to teleport to the fire star gate, Zhu Yuanyuan has commander authority and can obtain the highest authority of all star gates, because the Atlantis Empire Having left the universe, the highest authority will also be transferred to the highest commander. Now Zhu Yuanyuan is the commander of the city fortress on Mars, so as long as Zhu Yuanyuan activates the star gate, he will get the highest authority of the star gate. .

   Of course, if one person gets a higher level of authority than the commander of the Mars City Fortress in the future, then Zhu Yuan’s highest authority will drop to the next level. In that case, others will seize the highest authority.

However, one thing is to maintain the guarantee that Zhu Yuanyuan’s own authority will not be seized, that is, the artificial intelligence of Stardust. After Zhu Yuanyuan activates the stargate, he will set Stardust as the second-level authority, so that it can master it. Star gate, if a commander more advanced than Zhu Yuanyuan suddenly appears, at least among the star gates activated by Zhu Yuanyuan himself, this high-level commander cannot take away his highest authority, but Zhu Yuanyuan has never been there. If the star gate was activated by this senior commander, it would be difficult for Zhu Yuanyuan to regain his authority.

   These are all things to follow. Anyway, Zhu Yuanyuan has not found another commander yet. Maybe this interstellar fortress is only here on Mars, and there may be no other interstellar fortresses.

   The Devil’s Delta of the Aqua Blue Star is not an interstellar fortress, it can only be regarded as a fixed base on the planet, because the star gates there lock the space-time channel, so it is impossible to move.


As Zhu Yuanyuan ordered to speed up his pace, he did not stop much along the way. Some villages, towns, and cities passed by did not stop much. After a few days passed, they had already left the city of Sanglin for thousands of kilometers, but they were away from ten cities. There is at least half the distance of the alliance, but this is also a detour. After all, this blue shrimp star is in the cold weapon era, and the technology of smelting metal is also very poor. The road conditions are definitely not good, and there is no straight road leading to it. It is normal for a place to have detours, and there are still many detours since Aquastar has entered the technological age.

Fortunately, the Ten City Alliance is in the most loyal zone in the west of the Blue Shrimp Star~www.ltnovel.com~ so the journey is a little closer. Of course, this is based on their own views, their east It is an unknown land, and the west of the east is the sphere of influence of the Ten Cities Alliance and the Shadow Alliance.

   These villages and towns and cities passing by, they didn't stop very much, at most they inquired about the local specialties, and then supplied some supplies, and then set off immediately.

Fortunately, Zhu Yuanyuan’s carriage is very large and luxurious. It is more comfortable and stable than the RV on the Aquamarine Star. In order for Chen Ziyuan to sit comfortably, Zhu Yuanyuan went to Stardust to modify it. For a moment.

Now the carriage of the carriage is completely independent, completely separated from the carriage’s base and bearings, just like the concept circular balance car on the Aqua Star. Even if it rolls over, the cockpit inside Will not turn over.

   After the carriage was refitted, there was no bumps at all. There was no difference between on the carriage and on the flat ground. It also enlarged the space inside, including a bathroom, a master bedroom, a living room, and a kitchen.

  If Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know the space formation, he would probably have a space formation on the carriage. In that case, the space of the carriage would be even greater.

The reason why it was modified like this is that Zhu Yuanyuan was afraid that Chen Ziyuan would be uncomfortable in sitting, and now it is fine. With this modified carriage, if the window is closed, no outside sound can be heard, and the carriage cannot be felt at all Walking around, just like in the room, Chen Ziyuan is not tired at all when sitting, and can lie on the massage table to massage his whole body when he is tired. .


   "Be careful, something is wrong ahead!"

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