Random Shopping System

Chapter 550: The blood kill group is coming!

   "There is something wrong in front, Brother Zhu Yong, be careful." Chaske is now riding a horse to the front of the caravan, because this is also a way of experience.

"Yeah, I got it." Zhu Yong agreed. In fact, he had already known the previous situation. He clearly knew the actual surroundings through the satellite network and found that there were people in ambush in front of him, and there were a lot of people. Thousands of people, and all of them are wearing armors and holding metal weapons. At first glance, they are elite troops of a certain force.

   Zhu Yong and the others are all bionic robots, how could they not find an ambush ahead? They are all capable of connecting to satellites. Zhu Yuanyuan launched several satellites into space when he first entered the Blue Shrimp Star.

   "I don't know who is in front of me? Is it the robbers, or someone deliberately troubled us."

Chaske has followed all the way. Basically, the bandits who blocked the road and robbed the road, or the villagers who robbed the road, were sent away by him. His martial arts skills are very good. After a while, Zhu Yuanyuan plans to teach Check Cisco's vindictive training method.

   Now Chasco's strength can be said to have been greatly improved. It has long surpassed the limit of ordinary people. Chasco's strength is now more than 100 points of combat effectiveness.

   That’s why Chaske discovered something wrong with the forest and mountains in front of him. Although his strength is not as strong as Zhu Zhi and the bionic robots, he is already several times stronger than the knights on the Blue Shrimp Star.

   "Sir, there is an ambush ahead, what should I do?"

   Check Cisco at least to the side of Zhu Yuanyuan’s carriage the first time, and then report.

   "I see, let this matter be handled by you." Zhu Yuanyuan opened the window of the carriage, looked at the direction of the carriage indifferently, and said.

In fact, it was not only the investigation of Cisco that they found that someone was in an ambush. Zhu Yuanyuan had already discovered the situation before. As early as 30 kilometers away from the forests and gullies in front of him, Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that someone was in an ambush. People didn't ambush here suddenly, but they had premeditated. From the life trajectory of the forest and mountains, we can see that these people have been waiting here for many days, maybe they are just waiting for them to pass here.

   And Zhu Yuanyuan also discovered one thing, these people staying in ambush here are in the same group as the people who chased Libai Yisi in front, that is to say, these people are the people of the Shadow Alliance blood killing group.

  Well, the equipment and weapons on his body are exactly the same. Zhu Yuanyuan is not blind yet. Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan has not seen them through his eyes, but by his spiritual power.

"Okay, sir, I see." After Chaske heard Zhu Yuan's answer, he turned his horse's head and ran towards the front of the caravan. Now the whole caravan is not the previous ten, five Ten, now there are a hundred carriages.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan said so. He still secretly asked Zhu Zhi and his robots to prepare the continuous crossbow, which is the kind of special continuous crossbow used in Linlixing. One crossbow can carry a hundred crossbow arrows, Zhu Zhi Ten of them can kill all these ambush people.


After Chaske and Zhu Zhi discussed it, when the carriage reached the road that was about to enter the forest and ravines, they called to stop. Now they must not be allowed to enter, otherwise they will be trapped in an ambush. Even if they can handle it, these carriages are Zhu Yuanyuan’s property and cannot be lost, otherwise it would be a joke.

   After all the carriages stopped, the other side.

"Huh? What's the matter with this caravan from the east? Why doesn't it stop outside?" A man in black armor flashed his eyes. He felt that something was wrong, why didn't these people go inside? Up.

   "Boss, shouldn't they find us?" One of the men lying next to him in the grass was also playing drums. People outside would not find them, so they didn't come in?

   "How is it possible? They didn't send anyone into the deep forest or mountain to check, how could they find us?"

   The leader of the team was a little bit disbelieved. The caravan from the east did not know how to predict. How could it know that someone was lying in ambush here? They didn't enter the forest and uphill from the direction the caravan came from, they came in from another direction, so they shouldn't show any flaws!

It's really strange. The boss of the second group of blood kills was a little confused for a while. He is the person in charge who led the team this time. This time he must complete the task. A city lord of the Shadow Alliance has already issued a request, Libaiyi If you can't catch it, you will die, or they won't go back.

"Everyone, get ready. People in this caravan must find that something is wrong with the forest and the mountains. We are ready to rush out at any time. There are not many people in this caravan. We find our target and catch them. If we can't catch them, we will kill them. ?"

The boss of the second group of blood kills thought about it, and started to feel a little uneasy, and the caravan people outside, after stopping, actually looked at the forest and the mountains, as if they knew they were hiding here. Watching him beat the drum in his heart.

   "Yes, boss, we know, you guys, hurry up and inform, all are ready to rush to the past." After hearing his boss's instructions, a subordinate of the second group of blood kills quickly agreed, and then explained.


   "Brother Zhu Zhi, there are problems in the forest and on the mountain. There must be people lying in ambush. How can we force them out?"

Chaske was riding a horse and Zhu Zhi, who was also riding a horse, said that he had already discovered that the forest and the mountains in front were too quiet, and there was no sound of birds and insects~www.ltnovel.com~ If there is no problem, blame it. Up.

   "Check Mr. Cisco, there are several ways."

"In a fire attack, we get some oil on the cloth, then wrap the oil cloth around the arrow, and shoot it directly to burn down the woods below and the woods on the mountain. In this case, some people may be burned. Inside, the rest can't hide."

   "Second, we directly shouted inside, saying that we have found them. As long as we don't go in and keep shouting outside, they will definitely not be able to hide and will come out."

   Zhu Zhi didn't even think about it, so he directly said two methods. Of course, there are still some methods, which are not suitable to say here.

   For example, all of their ten robots rushed in and killed them. This is only a thousand people, and they will be killed in a while.

   For another example, directly use thermal weapons, machine guns, grenades, rockets, etc. Isn't that a sweep?

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan said that the use of thermal weapons is absolutely forbidden on planets that have not yet developed science and technology, even if he himself would not use them. This is to protect the local development trajectory of these planets. No one knows this planet. What kind of path the civilization of Shanghai will develop is not necessarily all mechanical technology. .

   Just like Aquastar, there are many different technologies, medical technology, mechanical technology, biotechnology, energy technology, and so on. There are a lot of various technological products. It can be said that Aquastar is very strange.

   In the universe, many civilizations are developed separately. For example, there is a civilization that specializes in biology. The path taken by this civilization is biotechnology, which studies various characteristics of living things to achieve what they need to achieve.

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