Random Shopping System

Chapter 551: 0 li to give a head (equipment)-courtesy light affection...

"Uh! Burn the mountain? Don't let it go!" As soon as Chaske heard what Zhu Zhi said, the hairs all over his body exploded in an instant, and then he shook his head quickly. These woods are gifts from nature and cannot be burned casually. Although Xilin Village also cuts logs, it has always planted as many trees on the spot as it is cut down, and will never destroy a forest at will.

"Brother Zhu Zhi, don’t do the burning of the mountain. Then, let’s shoot arrows outside into the forest. What do you think? Several rounds of projectiles can injure people as well. They will definitely be able to force the people hidden inside. ."

   Check Cisco doesn't want to be thankless, I can’t do it without burning the mountain. As for the silly scolding outside? He didn't want to do it either, so he could only attack by force, shoot arrows in, and shoot in random. Isn't it impossible to shoot one person?

"Okay, just follow what the Chaske brothers said. Everyone prepares bows and crossbows. Let's yell and shoot arrows at the forest and mountains with our bows. Only a few can be shot, and we will wait for the ambush inside. After the people rushed out, we shot them to death with a crossbow."

After hearing this, Zhu Zhi also felt that the method of checking Cisco is quite good. If you don’t destroy the natural environment, don’t destroy it. Burning mountains or something is a bit inauthentic. Of course, robots don’t have this kind of awareness, but Zhu Yuanyuan has long been involved. They told Zhu Zhi that they all listened to Cisco's command along the way. Except for Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan, the authority to check Cisco was the highest in the entire caravan.

   "Haha, just do that."

   After Chasco heard the final solution, he also laughed. That’s right, just do it, shooting arrows while provoking them to see how long they can hide in the gutter.

   And the people in the blood killing group above saw Chaske and they stopped outside and didn't know what they were talking about, and they had smiles on their faces. They couldn't help but feel chills!

   "Good grandson inside! Grandpa sees you, what else is hiding in there? Get out for grandpa to pick you up!"

   "Mice in the forest, labor and management have seen you, get out!"

   "Little thieves who are hiding, don't you get out?"

   "Let them down and kill them."

Chaske and Zhu Zhi were yelling, they took their bows and arrows to the forest and the mountains and they shot them. Their archery method did not shoot at the trees, but aimed at those gaps, even though they only had ten. Many people, but the speed of archery is very fast. In an instant, each of them shoots at least five arrows.


   A burst of arrow rain shot towards the woods and mountains, and all of a sudden the blood-killing group was panicked.

   "Defense, defense!"

   "Boss, what should I do? The people below actually found us." The man next to the boss of the blood kill group asked his boss while blocking the arrow with a sword in his hand.

   "What else can I do? Since it is exposed, we will rush out to labor and capital. With so many of us, are you afraid that he is less than one hundred people? Kill labor and capital."

  The boss of the second group of blood kills is now full of anger, and he has been tricked. He still doesn't know how the people on his side were discovered, and he shouldn't have been discovered.


   "My arm!"

   "My legs!" "My eyes!"

   "Damn it, rush out for me, kill!"

   "Kill, kill, kill! Go, rush out to kill them!"

  Although Zhu Zhi and the others only had more than a dozen people, the arrows they shot still looked like rain. In a short while, dozens of arrows were shot by one person. Are the arrows in the sky like rain?

   "Haha, brother Zhu Zhi, look, these people really thought they were living in hiding, they are not forced out yet."

   Chaske saw people rushing out of the forest and the mountains, he laughed and said to Zhu Zhi on one side.

   "Brother Chasco, you are right, these people can't hide now. Let's kill them and keep them out of the caravan."

   Zhu Zhi and the others also looked at the enemy rushing out, and took out all the crossbows in their hands.

"Kill!" The expression on Chaske's face also became severe, and he roared loudly, and then picked up the crossbow that Zhu Yuanyuan had prepared for him. They didn't get off the horse, and they shot directly at the rushing enemy. stand up.

   All the people who rushed out of the blood killing group were shot over by crossbow arrows to the ground, and patches of **** mist erupted from these people.

"What? What kind of bows and arrows do these people use? Why are they so powerful?" Before the boss of the second group of blood kills, he saw those crossbow arrows shot through his subordinates, and patches of blood mist appeared on these subordinates. Looking at the death of one of his men, he was terrified and didn't know what to say.

"Old...Boss, what should we do? Let's withdraw, these people's weapons are too powerful." The body of one of the men began to tremble. The blood killer group is not afraid of death, but is so blind to die. It's really the first time.

   "Damn...retreat, let people retreat quickly, let's go."

   The leader of the second group of blood kills knew that things shouldn't be done. The subordinates died one by one as soon as they rushed out. In this short instant, hundreds of people died. If they don't withdraw, they will probably be wiped out.

"Yes, boss, we will withdraw right away, you go first." The subordinates in the blood kill group are still very loyal. The people in the blood kill group are trained like brainwashing~www.ltnovel.com~ but although they are not afraid of death, they are very loyal. Faithful, but they are not stupid hats to die in vain. Like Chasko, the Lienbow they are holding now, the arrows that are shot out like machine gun bullets, no one can stop them. If they have to rush upwards, they are looking for death. , So retreat is a wise choice.

   Then the people behind the blood kill group heard the signal to retreat, and then all retreated into the forest and dispersed.

   "No, they want to run, brother Zhu Zhi, can we chase after?"

   Checking Cisco saw those who had just emerged and returned, he wanted to hunt down.

   "Forget it, Chaske brothers, don't chase the poor, these people have been killed by us, and they will definitely not come back."

   Zhu Zhi had already received the order from Zhu Yuanyuan, so he could just retreat. After all, Chen Ziyuan is pregnant now, and more killings are not good.

   "Oh? That's okay, anyway, these people must be in the same group as the people who chased Miss Libai Yisi in front, they must be from the Shadow Alliance."

   Check Cisco is not an idiot. The equipment and weapons of these people are the same as those of the Shadow Alliance Blood Killers. This is not obvious, unless he is blind. .

   "Hey! But these people's equipment is pretty good, the worst is also ten-forged, and occasionally there are 100-forged ones in it, making a fortune! These people are wealthy boys!"

   The robbers who were solved on the way, the equipment and money left behind, Zhu Yuanyuan let Chasike take care of himself, but this kid was very clever, he gave Zhu Zhi and the others some money.

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