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Chapter 554: Purple Snow Mountain Villa!

   "Since this is the case, then we won't be polite with Miss Antlin, but we still have to thank you for the villa." Zhu Yuanyuan thanked him.

   Although this Zixue Mountain Villa is in the city, it is also on the edge of a hill, so it is a mountain villa.

   "Mr. Zhu doesn't need to be so polite. Let's not say that you saved the life of the little girl. Just talk about the kindness of taking care of the little girl along the way. The little girl is very grateful."

After hearing what Zhu Yuanyuan said, Libai Yisi said with a serious face. If she hadn't followed Zhu Yuanyuan's caravan, she didn't think she could successfully return to the city of Antlin. Even if she escaped smoothly that time, she might not be able to stop it. Live and chase again and again.

   "Mr. Zhu, you have to rest first, and I will tell the housekeeper of the villa. If you need anything, just talk to the people in the villa. Don’t be polite.”

   After looking at the sky, Libai Yisi found that it was not too early, so she left. She had to go back to the family. Her parents must be waiting at home in a hurry. It would be too dangerous to go out this time.

   "Well, Miss Antlin has been out for a long time, so I can go back early so that my family members can rest assured."

   Chen Ziyuan took the conversation over.

"Mrs. Zhu is right. I also want to go home early to reassure my parents." Libai Yisi said with a smile looking at Chen Ziyuan. She and Chen Ziyuan were getting along well along the way. There is also some friendship between the women.

Chen Ziyuan and Libai Yisi have similar personalities, their own abilities are very strong, they are beautiful, and their personalities are gentle and lovely. In a word on the Internet, these two women are Keyu sisters, but Loli The type of confidant big sister is fine, as well as the lively and lovely young lady.


   "Husband, this Zixue Mountain Villa is not bad! There are so many flowers, and the flowers of this Zixue Tree are really beautiful. They are more beautiful than the cherry blossoms in the water blue star on the Wu University. No wonder it is called Zixue Mountain Villa!"

   After entering the villa, Chen Ziyuan felt amazed. In this villa, there is simply a colorful scene, not only with many flower gardens, but also with a large number of purple snow trees.

   Purple Snow Tree is also a rare species of precious tree among the Blue Shrimp Star. It grows purple flowers all the year round, just like the cherry blossoms on the Aqua Star, but the Purple Snow Tree does not grow fruits, it only blooms and does not bear fruit.

There are at least thousands of purple snow trees in Zixue Mountain Villa. If a gust of wind blows, there is a scene of flying petals in the sky. It looks very beautiful and romantic. Although it is different from the white pink of cherry blossoms, purple has its own uniqueness. The beauty makes people look like they are in a sea of ​​flowers, and the fragrance is very elegant and pleasant.

Of course, this also fully demonstrates the status and ability of Libai Yisi in the Antlin family. Otherwise, it is impossible to get so many purple snow trees. These purple snow trees are very expensive, at least for one. Over hundreds of alliance gold coins, these thousands of purple snow trees require at least hundreds of thousands of alliance gold coins. Libai Yisi is still very capable in business. She began to operate outside by herself when she was ten. There are some stores and caravans, now she is eighteen years old, and the money she has earned in eight years has millions of alliance gold coins every year. This is considered a genius businessman in the entire Ten Cities Alliance.

Of course, the direct descendants of the ten big families that control the Ten Cities Alliance are very rich. In any industry, they all have the direct descendants of these big families. Of course, in terms of making money, Libai Yisi Among these young masters and young ladies are top-notch.

   "It's very good, Xiaoyuan, if you like it, after returning to the Blue Star, we will also build a garden-style villa, what do you think?"

Zhu Yuanyuan also thinks that Zixue Mountain Villa is quite good, especially Zixue Tree. On the whole Blue Shrimp Star, Zixue Trees are very rare. Except for many in the virgin forest, there are very few Zixue Trees where people can reach. Many have been transplanted back, so there are really not many purple snow trees that can be found in the wild.

   However, Zhu Yuanyuan saw through satellites that there are still many purple snow trees in those virgin forests that are unmanned.

Now he proposes to build a garden-style villa after going back and forth to Aqua Blue Star. There is no problem at all. Zhu Yuanyuan can collect all kinds of rare and precious flowers and plants on Blue Shrimp Star and Linli Star and plant them in the garden-style villa. By focusing on different flowers and plants on the three planets like that, the scenery must be beautiful, and the feeling of being in the sea of ​​flowers can really make people feel happy.

The reason why Zhu Yuanyuan proposed to build a garden-style villa was also for the future. Chen Ziyuan is pregnant now, and it is more than five months old. With this dazzling, half of the time of pregnancy has passed, and he is also playing outside. Soon, when Xiaoyuan is 7-8 months pregnant, Zhu Yuanyuan will take her back to Shuilanxing for delivery.

It is also necessary to build a garden-style villa. Chen Ziyuan likes it, and Zhu Yuanyuan will do it. When the child is born, there will be no time to go out, although you can take the child to www.ltnovel.com~ that also You have to wait for the children to remember before they can take them out to explore the universe.

After the child is born, Chen Ziyuan will also be responsible for taking care of the child, so if he builds a garden-style villa, he can enjoy a very nice scenery without going out, and he also plans to build it in a place with hot springs. In this way, The temperature in the entire villa will increase, and there will be flowers in full bloom throughout the year. If this is the case, Chen Ziyuan will be in a good mood when seeing these flowers.

Bringing children is not so fun. Although Zhu Yuanyuan has never brought children, he still had some friends with ordinary relationships when he was in Aquastar. Those friends got married and had children early. He also saw how those people were. Those who take care of children, one by one, are tired from going to work, they have to take care of their wives and children after get off work, and some couples still quarrel because their wives are raising children at home and are very upset, so quarrels are basically commonplace.

"Well, um, I like it very much. There are also many purple snow trees in the virgin forest of Blue Shrimp Star. Then we will transplant some backwater Blue Stars. It is also very good to build a manor by ourselves. Plant trees, cherry trees, pear trees, peach trees, and plum trees, each with a garden, so that our manor is an authentic garden-style manor, hehe!".

After Chen Ziyuan heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words about building a manor, her brains opened up instantly. Anyway, her family is not short of money. Since we are going to build a garden-style manor, we should build a better one, and have beautiful trees blooming. Get a garden so that it looks more spectacular when it comes.

   If you want to have a visual impact, then build a large, the whole mountain is divided into the site of the manor, so that you can see the Jingxiu Garden on the mountain under the mountain.

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