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Chapter 555: Battle of Lin Lixing!

While Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan were traveling on the Blue Shrimp Star, the mission that Zhu Yuanyuan gave to Zhu Da before leaving on Linli Star was also in progress. The disciples of Qiankun Xianzong received it through the martial art system. Help the Hanyang Empire unify the mission of the entire planet.

"General Wei, the imperial capital of the Dongqing Empire is in front of you. After their imperial capital is laid down, the entire Dongqing Empire will be completely under the control of our Hanyang Empire." Zhu Da rode a horse beside General Wei and watched appear in front of him. The imperial capital of the Dongqing Empire finally reached the imperial capital, but this was the first empire to be recovered, and there were still many countries around that needed to be recovered.

After more than a month of war, the Hanyang Empire’s army is about to take down the nearest Dongqing Empire. With the help of the disciples of Qiankun Xianzong, it is very simple to get the first level of the enemy. Even assassinating the commander of an enemy country is very simple.

During this period of time, the disciples of the Universe Immortal Sect received many tasks. They joined the Hanyang Empire army to assassinate the generals in the enemy's army, sneaked into the city to be attacked and secretly opened the gates. No one could stop Hanyang. The footsteps of the imperial army, this time the campaign went smoothly.

However, the surrounding countries discovered the actions of the Hanyang Empire and at the same time saw the end of the Dongqing Empire. These countries are now in danger. They did not expect the Hanyang Empire to become so powerful, and it will be defeated in just over a month. The entire Dongqing Empire is gone, is this still worth it?

   In the face of such a powerful Hanyang Empire, all other countries secretly sent people to connect secretly. They felt that a certain country alone must not be able to compete with the Hanyang Empire, and they must all be united together.

It can be said that without the knowledge of Zhao Qian and Zhu Da, all other countries secretly have now secretly united together to form a so-called anti-cold alliance, and they are preparing to launch a series of anti-cold empires when appropriate. The counterattack plan.

   "Zhu Daxiaoxia, this time we are able to take down the Dongqing Empire so smoothly and I would like to thank the Xianzong disciples for their help. Otherwise, even if our Hanyang Empire has a lot of troops and strength, it will not be so smooth."

General Wei was also very surprised. Xianzong deserves to be Xianzong. He has seen the skills of the disciples of Xianzong along the way, and several of his Wei family’s juniors have joined the Xianzong. Now those Wei family juniors We all learned the fairy law, and General Wei was also very happy. His family could continue for a long time. As long as there is nothing wrong with the Xianzong, the Wei family might be standing at the pinnacle of this world forever.

For Qiankun Xianzong, the entire Hanyang Empire is now full of awe of Xianzong. Of course, there are also worship and blind worship. As more and more cities are captured, this worship becomes more fanatical, Zhu The prestige value that Origin received has increased.

   "General Wei is polite. This is an arrangement arranged by our suzerain. Of course, we disciples of the sect have to do our best to help the empire's next strategy. Besides, this is also a method for disciples to practice."

Zhu Da doesn't mind revealing something. Xianzong is not anyone can make up his mind. The most important things of Xianzong are in the martial system, and in the Yunlan Mountains, there is Zhu Yuanyuan, the suzerain. The formation method, even in the foundation building period, or even the golden core period, cannot break through the blockade of the mountain gate guardian formation, let alone ordinary people.

   "Well, General Wei, let's prepare to take down the imperial capital at night. The last troops of the Dongqing Empire are all assembled in their imperial capital. This battle is not easy to fight."

   Zhu Da also ended the topic that General Wei praised, and directly discussed the next war.

   What Zhu Da was worried about was not unreasonable. After all, although Xianzong’s disciples now have tens of thousands, they are still a drop in the ocean compared to the strength of a large empire on Linli Star.

   There is also the fact that Xianzong’s disciples cannot all be sent out. Most of the disciples stay in the Yunlan Mountains to practice.

"Zhu Da Shaoxia, I have a method, you can see if it works." General Wei's mind quickly turned. After the cooperation of the Xianzong disciples along the way, he thought of many strategies for the cooperation of Xianzong disciples, and the effect was very good. Not bad.

   "Since General Wei has a solution, please come and listen. If it is feasible, we Xianzong will of course have no problem."

This time, although Zhu Da and his followers of the Xianzong came to help the Hanyang Empire army, if they want to talk about their status, their status is of course the highest. Even General Wei has no right to directly order them. , Only through Zhu Da to communicate the opinions of both parties.

"Young Master Zhu, I think so. We waited until the evening to let the disciples of Xianzong sneak into the imperial capital of the Dongqing Empire, capture all their emperor and all the royal family, and kill the city at the same time. The generals of the army in the middle opened the gates of the city, so that we would be able to drive straight in, and nothing could stop us in the entire Dongqing Empire."

General Wei’s idea is really not difficult. It is also very simple to capture the emperor’s family~www.ltnovel.com~ The cultivation of Linli star is also a disciple of the Universe Immortal Sect. Ordinary people are at best masters of the innate realm. For the disciple of the Immortal Sect during the Qi Refining Period, it is completely trivial and can be solved easily.

"Huh? This method is not impossible, but if you use this method to capture the royal family secretly, the Hanyang Empire will probably be criticized by the world in the future. General Wei, I am afraid that you will not be able to explain to your Majesty afterwards? The most important thing is this. If I do, I’m afraid I can’t go back and explain to the Sect Master.”

Zhu Da did not directly agree. Although there have been some assassinations of enemy generals on the road, they were all in the war. The two countries were at war. Any conspiracy and trickery can be used, but this secretly spoiled the enemy's royal family. It's best to do less things. For them, Qiankun Xianzong, such secretly arresting the enemy's royal family is completely discrediting Xianzong.

  Although the generals who assassinated the enemy country did not seem to be very upright, it was on the battlefield, and the disciples also got a **** experience, but it was not advisable to capture the royal family.

"Zhu Shaoxia, please don't get angry. It was Wei who made a mistake. You think this is good. As long as the disciples of Xianzong can open the city gate, then our army will be able to drive straight in. Our army will arrest the royal family of the Dongqing Empire. People.".

General Wei saw the anger on Zhu Da’s face. He knew that he had said something wrong. This is a member of Xianzong. The strong have the dignity of the strong. To kill is to kill. How could he arrest some mortals? Up.

  Actually, the Qiankun Xianzong has a rule, no matter when, no matter what time, you can’t insult the elderly, children, women, and the royal family of the Dongqing Empire must have no force, let them arrest a group of mortals, dare to say.

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