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Chapter 556: King Qing!

"Okay, just follow the previous method to break this imperial city." After Zhu Da heard General Wei apologize and changed his words, his ugly expression also eased, but he also felt that General Wei's heart was too dirty. After being sent by the emperor to exterminate Prince Ann, who wanted to rebel, General Wei's heart was a little wandering. Zhu Da estimated that if he were not a disciple of Qiankun Xianzong, General Wei might not put himself in his eyes.

Wei Tong, the general, now has heavy military power. Although he is not the marshal of soldiers and horses, he is also the general with the most military power under the marshal. After the annihilation of Prince An, he has won the trust of the new emperor Zhao Qian. Wei Tong can be regarded as Zhao Qian's confidant, and also a red man in front of the emperor in the eyes of Hanyang Empire officials.

This Wei Tong controls more troops than he used to, and the battle in the Dongqing Empire has been so smooth. In addition, several juniors from the Wei family have joined the Xianzong, and now they look down upon mortals, but these are all trivial matters. Don't rebel, and don't insult Qiankun Xianzong. Zhu Da doesn't care if this General Wei is floating, and floating is floating. As long as he can accomplish the things his master explained, who cares what happens to the outsider.

After Wei Tong heard Zhu Da’s words and saw Zhu Da’s face, he finally let go of his heart. What he said just now really did not intend to offend Xianzong, but also to occupy the Dongqing Empire as soon as possible. Think of the Qiankun Xianzong, but there are real immortal sects, there are immortals, he was scared at the time, if this is investigated, your majesty will not be able to save him, okay, okay.

   "Zhu Shaoxia, you go to rest for a while, and call the formation next to see if they surrender or not. If they do not surrender, please ask the Xianzong disciples to open the city gate at night."

  Wei had been cautious when talking with him at this time, and could not be casual, but he was scared enough just now. If this angered Xianzong, even if Xianzong did not deal with him in the end, it is estimated that His Majesty would not let him go.

   "Yeah." Zhu Da glanced at Wei Tong, then agreed and walked out of Wei Tong's tent.

   While talking along the way, the army of the Hanyang Empire had already surrounded the entire Dongqing Empire's imperial capital. The four gates of the Dongqing Empire were all blocked, and no one could escape.

   "Huh! Finally left, this Xianzong disciple is too terrible." After Wei Tong saw Zhu Da go, he immediately relaxed. In front of Zhu Da, he was under too much pressure.


   "The children of Dongqing imperial city hurriedly came out to reply, I am the general of the Hanyang Empire, Wei Tong is also!"

   Wei Tong stood on the chariot and shouted, his martial arts is very high, he is an innate strong, otherwise he would not sit above the status of a first-class general.

   Following Wei Tong’s shouting, it expanded to the entire wall of the Dongqing Imperial City through infuriating qi, and all of the Dongqing soldiers suddenly rioted.

"Don't panic, this general has already sent someone to report it." Although a Dongqing general defending the city was also very flustered, he was still comforted on the face of it, and then he was sent to inform the prince who was defending the city. .

   "My lord, what should I do? Wei Tong's squad cried at the east gate, and the subordinates and others don't know what to do, look?" The person who came to inform was a general under King Qing.

King Qing was the fifth prince of the Dongqing Empire. After he became an adult, he was named King Qing. He had a good command of warfare, and he was also an innate master. He was a generation of war gods in the Dongqing Empire, not to mention invincible. Wang was also a general in victory. Although it was only a small-scale war that involved several villages and towns for a long time, every war was a war of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. Linli Star can only be regarded as a small-scale war, because there are billions of people in a country on Linli Star, far more people than Mercury Blue Star.

   "General Song, let's go, this king will meet Wei Tong." King Qing's face is ugly. The Dongqing Empire also has an intelligence agency, and he is very clear about the affairs of the Immortal Sect.

   Regarding Qiankun Xianzong, not only King Qing knows, but the royal family of the Dongqing Empire and some nobles know it, but they can’t stop it. Immortal means, what do they use to resist?

In the end, he was beaten all the way to the imperial capital. King Qing was very distressed. He didn’t know what to do, and the emperor didn’t know what to do. They all knew that the Hanyang Empire would definitely not let their Dongqing Empire go. Although the Zhao family members were all split from the Hanyang Empire, they did not think that the Emperor of the Hanyang Empire would leave them a way out.

King Qing is not afraid of death, but if he fights with those Xianzong disciples, they must be dead. Although the battle on this road, the Hanyang Empire did not send Xianzong disciples to fight with ordinary soldiers, but Dongqing But many of the generals died, all of them were killed by Xianzong disciples.

   "General Wei, don't come here unharmed! I don't know what is going on with General Wei's name? Is your Hanyang Empire really going to kill him? This king is also a member of the Zhao family, does Zhao Qian really leave no room for it?"

   King Qing still has illusions to see if the Hanyang Empire can negotiate.

"It turns out to be His Royal Highness King Qing. I'm sorry. This general received the order to take down the entire Dongqing Empire. If His Highness King Qing surrenders, then your Dongqing Zhao family may still have a way to survive, otherwise once Siege, I'm afraid..."

  Wei Tong also knew that the meaning of King Qing's words must be peace talks, but your majesty had an imperial order, the whole Dongqing must be won, peace talks? Peace talks are absolutely impossible, only the destruction of Dongqing is the only way.

"In that case, General Wei needn't continue talking. If you want to attack the city, then come. This king will definitely not surrender, and die. This king will also die in Dongqing. It will not be your lingering breath. A pug who sniffs."

  Qing Wang roared with a ferocious face.

   "Dongqing soldiers, tell the people of Hanyang, where is your determination? This king will be with Dongqing to the death, and you will fight! That fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

  King Qing had a doomed look on his face, trying to arouse the morale of the soldiers.

   "To be with Dongqing to the death! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Not to mention that King Qing’s method of motivating morale really managed some effects. All the soldiers saw him as a royal family on the battlefield, and wanted to have a **** fight with the enemy, regardless of his own life or death. All soldiers were taken. King Qing motivated the morale, and an invisible iron-blooded aura radiated from them. This was the aura that only elite troops could have. .

"What? This King Qing is worthy of being Dongqing's military god. Under such circumstances, it has also aroused the morale of these soldiers. This combat power has been greatly enhanced! Fortunately, there are disciples of Xianzong, otherwise this battle will not be a battle. Good fight."

   After seeing this situation, Wei Tong also admired this King Qing very much. In desperate situations, he could still have such a momentum. The army under King Qing was not simple.

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