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Chapter 557: Fight to the death (1)!

   "War, war, war!!!"

A roar of anger came from the walls and city of the Dongqing imperial city, and a tragic aura appeared in this roar. This decisive aura can be said to make people shudder. This is a renunciation of one’s own life. This kind of army is the most frightening, because they have already fought a battle with the determination to die. They do not intend to survive the victory, but only hope that they can drag the enemy to hell. .

   "General Wei, you yelled, but you are not helping. Even if we open the gates of the city, I am afraid you will go through a **** battle."

Zhu Da also came out after hearing the movement. He went to the battle station beside Wei Tong and looked calmly at the soldiers on the walls of the Dongqing imperial city with determination to die. He couldn't help shook his head, desperate. The soldiers who didn't collapse among them would go crazy. These soldiers in Dong Qing had already aroused the belief that they must die. He felt that Wei Tong was really a pig teammate.

However, Zhu Da and the others are only responsible for opening the city gates. For other things, they will not care. Although they also kill people, they will not kill these ordinary soldiers. That is not called experience, it is called massacre. Just witness the **** war. If you see the blood, you don’t feel cruel or you can’t put your hands on yourself, or you vomit when you see a dead person. This situation should be avoided.

When Zhu Da and the eight of them were just bought back by Zhu Yuanyuan before, they also experienced various experiences. Although it was not Zhu Yuanyuan who asked them to go, it was the steward Wang Jia who was responsible for training them. At that time, Zhu Da and the others studied martial arts. But they had no experience with the enemy at all, and had never seen blood, so Wang Jia asked them to kill the bandits, and after all kinds of killings, they now have Zhu Da and the others calm.

So after the war began, Zhu Da also took turns to train the disciples of Xianzong, let them experience killing, experience blood, exercise their will, this is experience, but there are more **** killings along the way, and it must be appropriately slowed down. After a while, the disciples' nerves shouldn't be too tight, it's not good if you kill the red eye.

"Zhu Shaoxia, hey! You're right, I was self-defeating." Wei Tong hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted after seeing Zhu Da got on the chariot, and the expression on his face was also very ugly. Originally, he wanted to oppress Dong. The morale on Qing's side caused these people to collapse in panic. It is best to surrender by themselves. It would be best to take down the Dongqing Emperor without a bloodbath, but he miscalculated. Desperately fight.

   "Never say that if the tree is done, don't say anything, General Wei, I will ask someone to open the city gate at night, you are ready, now let the soldiers eat and rest, prepare to raid in at night and defeat them in one fell swoop."

Zhu Da didn’t know how to say it. This Wei Tong is still a general. Isn’t he stupid? If he shouted a woolen thread, he deliberately stimulated the enemy army so that all the troops on the Dongqing side were not afraid of death. Look at Dongqing now All the soldiers over there are like chicken blood. This guy was sent by Dongqing to tease, right?

   "Okay, Zhu Shaoxia, don't worry, I will arrange it." Wei had the same ashamed expression. He did not expect King Qing to be so powerful. He had never fought face to face with King Qing, so he didn't know what Qing King was capable of.

In fact, King Qing is also a tragedy. He was originally a military god, and he should have been on the front line to command the battle when the Hanyang Empire invaded, but since his reputation gradually increased in the army seven years ago, Eventually aroused the suspicion of Emperor Qing, that is, Emperor Qing, and he was finally transferred back to the capital of Dongqing five years ago, and his military power was taken back. This is why King Qing, as a military god, did not appear on the battlefield. The reason.

As for why King Qing is commanding the last line of defense of the entire Dongqing Empire, it is not because it has reached the final juncture. They don’t want to be annihilated or die. In the end, someone talked to Emperor Qing and let King Qing come out of the mountain. Take control of the military to resist the unstoppable front of the Hanyang Empire.

But in fact, this is just a matter of obedience to the destiny. These royal clans and high-ranking officials in Dongqing know that the Hanyang Empire has the Universe Immortal Sect, and they also help the Hanyang Empire. They are desperate, and they are completely dead. .


   After nightfall.

   "Senior nephews, are you all ready? Pay attention to defense to avoid injury. I don't want to see anyone act recklessly."

Zhu Da summoned the Xianzong disciples in the darkness. These disciples led by Zhu Da were five hundred people. There were not so many people to open the city gate. Now there are only fifty people following him. After discovering the number of people who forcibly attacked, although it was said that it was night, there must be someone patrolling Dongqing's side.

Since there are guards, there will definitely be conflicts. Although Zhu Da and the others are now cultivators, their strength is still very weak. Some disciples have just reached the first level of Qi training, although they are stronger than the warriors of the innate realm, but After all, the strength is limited, and there are more people, and it will still be overwhelmed.

   Therefore, every time Zhu Da reminded his disciples to bring their own spiritual stones~www.ltnovel.com~ magic weapon, Fuluo.

Basically every disciple will have these things. After Xianzong gets started, he will have some simple tasks, such as handling domestic garbage, such as providing fresh water, and planting tasks, planting food, planting vegetables, and planting medicinal materials. , Breeding all kinds of animals is the task of the disciples.

  Because it is the cultivation of food and vegetables and animals in the sect, these are the property of Xianzong, and the disciples only get the contribution value of Xianzong.

  As for food, vegetables, and animals, these are all provided for the disciples to eat. Of course, food and vegetables are definitely enough, but if you want meat, you only provide it once a week. Want to eat meat every day? Then use the contribution value to buy it in the cafeteria.

The meat in the Immortal Sect is different from the meat outside. The animals in the Yunlan Mountains have aura in their bodies, so the meat also carries auras, the effect is that it can slowly strengthen the body, and at the same time, it can also improve. Losing one's own spiritual energy, this is the food tonic, which is better than taking the pill. After all, the pill contains erysipelas, and the food tonic does not have such a problem. .

Of course, the planted medicinal materials are also the property of Xianzong. After harvesting, they will be provided to the alchemist of Xianzong. The pill that is refined is also the property of the sect, but every time the alchemist successfully refines the pill, he will be rewarded Zong’s contribution value, you can change whatever you want.

As for Xianzong’s refining master and Fulu master, the materials needed for these two systems are provided by Zhu Yuanyuan. He has obtained a lot of ordinary materials from random shopping at level 1, although these things can only refine Qi. The talisman and magical instruments of the period, but relatively speaking, they are also the things of the extraordinary stage. In the eyes of mortals, they are divine instruments.

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