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Chapter 558: Fight to the death (2)

   "Great guardian, disciples are ready." All the Xianzong disciples answered in unison.

After hearing Zhu Da’s reminder, all the Xianzong disciples checked their own equipment. Now they all wear defensive robes, holding the flying sword uniformly equipped by Xianzong. In the aura period, the swordsmanship cannot be used, but there are still sword techniques used by the cultivator in the refining period.

   "Okay, then let's go."

   Zhu had arranged for the disciples to sneak into the imperial city of the Eastern District early on. Some were responsible for opening the city gate, and some were responsible for killing the soldiers guarding the city gate.

   Silently, the disciples of Xianzong wore night clothes and disappeared in the darkness. At this time, Wei Tong also received a message from the disciples of Xianzong sent by Zhu Da to know that Zhu Da and the others had already acted.

Wei Tong also let his generals take action and prepared all the soldiers resting in the tents, but did not let them out of the tents, lest they would be discovered by the soldiers patrolling the walls of the Dongqing Empire. .


   When he arrived at a remote city wall, Zhu Da made a gesture to signal everyone to go up to the city wall. He was the first to take the lead in performing the light body technique and stepped on the wall step by step with a quick foot on the ground.


After Zhu Da first got on the wall, he shot the steel **** in his hand. Although the wall was very remote, it was still guarded by soldiers. Fortunately, it was late at night, and there was still fog, tens of meters away. It is absolutely impossible to see the shadows of people outside, so all the soldiers patrolling and guarding this city wall were knocked down by Zhu Da's steel balls.

After Zhu Da put down the soldiers on the city wall, he asked the disciples who came up to throw all these soldiers off the city wall. Although there was some movement, there was a little noise coming from under the tens of meters high city wall. The sound is loud!

   "Let's go!" After handling them, Zhu Da led them down from the wall, and then rushed in the direction of the city gate.

   In fact, there are also invisibility charms for sale in the martial art system, but it is a bit expensive. An invisibility charm requires 100 points of contribution. How can ordinary disciples use it?

   Soon Zhu Da took the Xianzong disciples to the vicinity of the city gate.

   "You will kill the soldiers guarding the city gate in a moment. Others follow me to open the city gate, and then guard the city gate and wait for General Wei to bring people in. Then we can withdraw."

After arriving near the city gate, Zhu Da carefully arranged for the disciples again, and didn't know how to do it. There were still many soldiers guarding the city gate, at least a few hundred people, and they were stationed not far from the city gate. With the army, there are still some risks.

   Zhu Da and 50 people came in. Although the cultivators are strong, they should be careful, but they are wearing defensive vestments and defensive talisman, so they can resist for a while.

   "Yes, the guardian, we understand." After all the disciples knew what they were going to do for a while, they all agreed with a voice transmission.

   "Okay, then kill!"

   Zhu's face flashed murderously, and the first one to take the lead flashed out, smashing several Dongqing soldiers with one sword.

   "Kill!" The Xianzong disciples followed closely, and after the sword shadows flashed by, the soldiers of Dongqing fell to the ground.

   "Enemy attack!" "Dangdangdang!"

   But there were too many people guarding the gates, and they were still sent for help.

   "Quick battle and quick decision!" After hearing the enemy's request for help, Zhu Da shouted loudly, and then quickly slew towards the city gate.

   In less than a minute, the five hundred soldiers at the gate of the city were killed by Zhu Da.

   "Squeak!" The gate of Dongqing Imperial City was opened by Zhu Da and the others.

"No! The city gate was opened. Everyone rushed to the city gate and guarded the city gate." The Dongqing army stationed near the city gate also rushed over after receiving a request for help. It had been opened, and there was the sound of cavalry outside, they knew that this must be a night attack by people from the Hanyang Empire.

   "His Royal Highness, His Highness King Qing, it's not good, the people of the Hanyang Empire attacked at night and opened the east gate, what should I do?"

   King Qing's men also woke King Qing who had just fallen asleep, and then reported a bad news.

   "What? Didn't the king let them guard the gate? How could the gate be opened?"

   King Qing's face turned green all of a sudden, he never expected that the city gate would be opened by someone inside.

   "His Royal Highness, fifty men in black sneaked into the city, and then opened the city gate from inside. These people have great martial arts and our soldiers are not the enemy of one unit at all."

   After hearing the report from his subordinates, there was a flash of thought in King Qing's eyes, and then suddenly, these people are definitely not martial arts masters, maybe they are the disciples of Qiankun Xianzong, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to be so powerful.

   "Song Lin, you go to inform that all the troops retreat to the inner city, ready to fight the Hanyang Empire to the death. Maybe this is our last battle, Song Lin, do you regret it?"

After King Qing thought for a while, he made the final decision. The gate of the city must be unguarded. He can only retreat to the inner city, which is the wall of the palace, for the final battle. Song Lin has followed him since he was a child. His companion is also a member of the Song family of the Eastern Qing Empire. He is loyal to King Qing~www.ltnovel.com~ His Majesty, his subordinates do not regret it. It is an honor for his subordinates to follow His Highness in this life, even if he died today, The subordinates also hope to follow His Highness in the next life. "The expression on Song Lin's face did not change, and his eyes revealed firmness and murderous aura. He knew that this time it would definitely be a dead end, but even if he died, he would have to kill enough.

   "Okay, okay, okay! Song Lin, let's go, and get ready to fight the Hanyang brats!"

   King Qing's eyes are a little red, he hates it. Although the Hanyang Empire is also very powerful, if it weren't for the sudden emergence of the Universe Immortal Sect, why did the Dongqing Empire end up like this?


   "Kill, kill, kill!"

   "To retake the city gate, you must not let Hanyang people enter the city. Kill!"

   A cry for fighting sounded at the east gate of the imperial city.

   Now the East Gate of Dongqing Imperial City has become a mess, and all the soldiers are rushing towards the door.

   But when viewed from the air, Zhu Da and the others guarded the gate of the city. Batches of Dongqing soldiers rushed over, and then Zhu Da and their swords flashed, and batches of soldiers fell to the ground. .

   Now the east gate is full of blood, blood is overflowing, and Dongqing soldiers fell there and piles of corpses, but there are still soldiers rushing towards the gate.

It’s not that Dongqing soldiers are not afraid of death, but they know that this Dongqing imperial city is the only city in their Dongqing Empire. If this is lost, then Dongqing will be subjugated, and they will become subjugated slaves. Even if they die, To die on the battlefield, they would rather die than become subjugated slaves.

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