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Chapter 560: Back to the blue star!

After arresting the owner of the Dongqing imperial family, Wei Tong sent a military report to Hanyang and reported it to the emperor Zhao Qian. After a few days, Wei Tong received a secret decree and asked him to figure it out. Zhao Qian He didn't want to see the people of Dongqing imperial family, he understood what his majesty meant.

   Wei Tong took his own guards and directly attacked all the Dongqing imperial family members. For a time, the heads were rolling and the blood was flowing, and all of them were killed.

   Zhu Da didn’t stop it either. This is normal. If it hadn’t been for betraying the Hanyang Empire, how could it be possible for them to come out and establish another country?

   It's normal to treat traitors and kill them all.

   Even if it is Qiankun Xianzong, betrayal is not allowed. Although Zhu Yuanyuan said that he wants to withdraw from the sect, he can withdraw as long as he returns to the sect, but it can be said to be no different from killing.

To know that to take back everything that the sect gave, it means that the cultivation method, the cultivation base, and everything in the body must be taken back, suddenly becoming an ordinary mortal, and even the memory of the cultivation method will be taken back. It's not a joke, the cultivation base of the cultivator is recovered, just like killing him.

For example, a disciple of Xianzong has lived for two hundred years, but if you want to quit Xianzong, the sect system will recover everything and make this disciple a mortal, but a mortal cannot live to be 200 years old. , But this disciple is already two hundred years old, there is only one end, and instantly becomes an old man, and then hangs up, there is no second possibility.

   After the Hanyang Empire captured the Dongqing Empire, all nearby countries became vigilant, and Chen Bing was on the border between the Hanyang Empire and the Dongqing Empire, fearing that the Hanyang Empire would send troops to attack them.

   After the Dongqing Empire is defeated, it is necessary to appease the people and gradually control the situation in Dongqing. These do not need the military and Xianzong to intervene, and the ruling officials from the Hanyang Empire's imperial court should be sent over.

After seeing the fall of the Dongqing Empire, the disciples of Zhu Da and the Immortal Sect all returned to the Yunlan Mountains. After all, there are many disciples of the Immortal Sect. It is impossible for them to do all the sect missions. They have to rotate. The rewards for gate missions are very generous. Every disciple who captures an empire will get a lot of contribution points, with a minimum of 10,000 and a maximum of 100,000. This is the best way to obtain resources.

   After returning to the Hanyang Empire, Zhu Da received an interview from Zhao Qian, and then discussed the next strategy.

But what I didn’t expect was that before the Hanyang Empire had time to dispatch troops, the other empires invaded the Hanyang Empire in a unified way. Enemy troops invaded in all directions. Fortunately, one direction is the sea and the other is the mountains. Obstacles in these two directions did reduce the pressure on the Hanyang Empire, but the other directions still faced the enemies outside, especially the Dongqing Empire had just been taken down, and it was once again caught in the war before it stabilized. This is not a good thing.

However, whether it is the Hanyang Empire or the Dongqing Empire, each has its own border checkpoints. These checkpoints are built in places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Therefore, all the invading countries are really given to Resist outside, but it is impossible to completely resist the attacks of all countries. It can only be resisted within a short time. If the subsequent Hanyang Empire has no soldiers, it is definitely impossible to resist the enemy outside the country.

   After Zhao Qian received the battle report, he immediately contacted Zhu Da and asked Zhu Da to arrange for Xianzong disciples to go to the border checkpoint for support.

After Zhu Da learned of the situation, he also knew the situation was urgent, and immediately organized a large number of sect disciples. Now there are 100,000 disciples in the sect. Half of them are not long after they have just started, so nothing can be done. , But the other 50,000 disciples can already take action, and these 50,000 disciples all have the first level of Qi training period.

   With such a big event, Zhu Da had to send these fifty thousand disciples, and also asked them to lead ten thousand disciples to the five checkpoints on the border.

Yes, after the Hanyang Empire has now annexed the Dongqing Empire, although the area of ​​the empire has expanded a lot, the same previous checkpoints of the Hanyang Empire are covered by the Dongqing Empire, and the border checkpoints of the Dongqing Empire have become The current level of the Hanyang Empire.

   Judging from the terrain, the Hanyang Empire now has a total of five levels. Speaking of the enemy coming around from the sea to attack?

This is not impossible, but there is a problem. The sea is risky. Submarine reefs and sudden weather conditions are all factors that cause accidents. Moreover, it is not only the waters of the Hanyang Empire, even the waters of the Dongqing Empire. There are all kinds of defenses, all kinds of reefs, and man-made obstacles. If you enter the Hanyang Empire from the sea, you will definitely hit the reef without guidance.

   Actually, it's not just the Cold Sun Empire, other empires with sea areas do it.


   Not to mention the war on Linli Star, above the Blue Shrimp Star, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan had played around in the Ten Cities Alliance. They originally planned to go to the next planet, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

On this day, Zhu Yuanyuan received the notice from Stardust that a star fleet of unknown civilization suddenly appeared outside the solar system~www.ltnovel.com~ and the level must be very high, because Stardust used Atlantis to stay. The Star Fortress under the sky didn't detect the level of these interstellar fleets, and the combat effectiveness was not detected, which is really strange.

   According to the analysis, Stardust only speculates that these interstellar warships of unknown civilization may come from the ninth level of civilization, otherwise the technology on the Star Fortress of Atlantis cannot detect the combat effectiveness and level of these warships.

After Zhu Yuanyuan learned of this situation, he was a little surprised. He was completely confused. He didn't know that Aquastar is such a barren planet and the solar system has no special resources. Why is this unknown level 9 civilization? Coming to the solar system?

   Maybe apart from the time and space channels on the Aqua Blue Star, there is nothing else worthy of a ninth-level civilization.

   Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanyuan couldn't sit still. If this ninth-level civilization really discovered the space-time channel locked by Atlantis on Aquastar, it would be a big trouble.

He doesn't care about the time-space channel, but the time-space channel is locked on the Aqua Star. If the lock is broken, Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't know what will happen, but the Aqua Star will definitely be in trouble, or it will be destroyed. maybe. .

  Shuilanxing still has his concerns, and Chen Ziyuan's family members are all in Shuilanxing, it is impossible to be abandoned, although he did not tell her why he went back to Shuilanxing because Xiaoyuan was pregnant.

   Yes, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan are preparing to return to the Blue Star. Those unknown fleets are all parked outside the solar system. The strange thing is that these fleets stop outside the solar system and do not move. I don't know what they are doing.

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