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Chapter 561: Fengshen Empire-Jiang Family!

   "Your Excellency Commander, the energy fluctuations of the solar system have disappeared, and no residual energy fluctuations have been found, but there is a huge fleet in this solar system, suspected to be a 2-3 civilized fleet. Please show me!"

   It was a member of the Jiang family fleet of the Fengshen Empire, Jiang Anzhen, the captain of the Jiang family fleet's flagship.

After arriving outside the solar system, the fleet commander Jiang Wei, the eldest son of Jiang Cheng, the head of the Jiang family, allowed people to start the exploration. This time they came after the two ninth-level civilizations and the Holy Light Empire discussed. Agree, the Jiang family came to investigate what happened in the solar system, and then all the results of the discovery were made public to the two empires.

   The energy fluctuations that the Jiang family monitored last time were emitted when Zhu Yuanyuan placed the spirit source stone. Now that the spirit source stone has been transferred to the Linli Nebula Mountains, of course they could not detect the energy fluctuation.

And now even if they go to the outside of Linli Star to detect energy fluctuations, it is impossible to detect energy fluctuations, because the entire Yunlan Mountain Range has been shrouded in the martial system, and now it belongs to the mountain gate of the martial system, not to mention the ninth-level civilization. , Even if the god-level civilization comes, you can't detect energy fluctuations.

   "Has the energy fluctuation disappeared? Captain Jiang Anzhen, things have changed. We just need to stay outside the solar system to investigate and see if there is anything wrong with the Aqua Blue Star. If there is no problem, we can report back to the Empire."

   After Jiang Wei heard Jiang Anzhen’s words, he felt a bit inexplicable. A few months ago, he clearly detected that the Mercury Star had special energy fluctuations. Why did the energy fluctuation disappear after coming over.

   "Yes, your commander-in-chief, the subordinates know about it." When performing tasks, Jiang Anzhen must be called the name of the position, and if he is in the family, he must be called the young master.

After seeing Jiang An shaking down, Jiang Wei looked at the bright starry sky outside from the bridge. His heart was very complicated. The solar system outside is the hometown of human beings. Although time has passed, many people have forgotten it, or no one dares to mention water. The home planet of Blue Star.

   The Jiang family has been responsible for monitoring Aquastar for so many years. This is their mission. I am afraid that no one has a deeper affection for Aquastar than the Jiang family. They have accepted the knowledge that Aquastar is their home planet since they were young.

What makes Jiang Wei uncomfortable is that Aquamarine is the home planet of mankind, but they cannot go back. This is also the rule of the two ninth-level civilization empires. Except for the natives of Aquamarine, anyone, any civilization, tries to go. There is only a dead end if you come into contact with the water blue star. If it weren't for the energy fluctuations on the water blue star to be monitored this time, it is estimated that they would still not have the qualifications to come to the solar system.

"I don't know when will human beings return to their home planet?" Jiang Wei looked at the solar system projected in front of him. The planets orbiting the sun, the most conspicuous one is Aquamarine, which is the most beautiful solar system. The planet is also the only planet of life.


   "Xiao Yuan, I will take you home first and let parents take care of you. An alien fleet has arrived. I don't know what civilization sent it. I have to deal with it."

   Zhu Yuanyi took Chen Ziyuan out of the star gate in the interstellar fortress of the fire, and took the Star Blue fighter back to the Aqua Star. After thinking about it, he told Xiao Yuan the reason for his return.

   "What? Husband, is it because an alien fleet is about to invade and you brought me back?"

   Chen Ziyuan's face was suddenly shocked. She didn't expect this to be the reason, and she couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

"Xiao Yuan, don’t be nervous, don’t we have the interstellar fortress left by Atlantis? Even if the fleet is of level 9 civilization, we don’t need to be afraid. This is a fleet. A thousand battleships, even Tier 9 battleships, our interstellar fortress can kill them." Seeing Chen Ziyuan's panic on his face, Zhu Yuanyuan said quickly.

   What Zhu Origin said is true. Even the fleet from the ninth-level civilization does not matter. After all, no real mothership was sent, but a team of battleships came. The interstellar fortress left by Atlantis can take care of them.

   "Well. I almost forgot, we still have interstellar fortresses. Don't be afraid of them."

   Chen Ziyuan's expression relaxed after hearing her husband's words, and that's right, as long as the other party doesn't have an interstellar fortress, her own side is dominant.

   "Well, relax your mind. In fact, those warships are already parked outside the solar system. I don't know what they are doing. Maybe there will be no conflicts and wars."

   Zhu Yuanyi did not say that those battleships must be level 9 civilization, and he didn't want Chen Ziyuan to worry, after all, she was still pregnant with her child, but he didn't want to lie. If there is a fight, this lie will definitely not be resolved.

"That's good, husband, you are in the base, don't meet those aliens, okay? It's too dangerous." Chen Ziyuan nodded and promised not to worry, but he still prevented Zhu Yuanyuan from going personally Meeting those aliens, that would be too dangerous.

"Xiao Yuan, I listen to you, and I am very afraid of death. The ancients have said that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall~www.ltnovel.com~ I still understand the principle of seeking good luck and avoiding danger. Don't worry. Now, even if I go to meet those aliens, I will stay in the interstellar fortress. This is the safest, and don’t forget, your husband, I’m a cultivator, and I have practiced astral light body refining, and I am quite strong. Even if these aliens have been physically strengthened, they are not my opponents without technology."

Zhu Yuanyuan also agreed. He is not an idiot. He will definitely not go to see aliens alone. And even if he meets him up close, he is not afraid. He has spiritual abilities, as long as he is within a certain distance. Can use spiritual power to control the life in the field.


   China Empire, Capital City, Chen Family.

   "Oh my god! Yuan'er, why is your belly so big? How long have you been pregnant, and how did you come back? Origin, how did you do it? The pregnancy is such a big thing from us?"

When Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan arrived at Chen's house, mother-in-law Wang Wenli happened to be at home. After opening the door, she was shocked by Chen Ziyuan’s belly. She never expected to see her daughter come back with a big belly after opening the door. , Why doesn't this surprise her?

   When Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them contacted their home, they were contacted by telephone. They had not used video before, and the signal was not very good, so the video connection could not be connected, so they refused. .

"Mom, don't blame the origin. I won't let him tell you. I'm afraid you are worried. If you go out on your honeymoon, you will finally have the opportunity of a two-person world. If you are pregnant, you must continue to play, or you will come back and have a baby. , I can't get out."

   Chen Ziyuan quickly stepped forward and hugged her mother to act like a baby.

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