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Chapter 562: family!

"Okay, okay, be careful of your stomach, you must be a mother, like a child." Wang Wenli carefully supported her daughter, she looked at Chen Ziyuan's belly with a little bit of trepidation, she was a little dazed, daughter This belly is also too big, as if you have been pregnant for ten months, haven't you just been out for half a year?

   Chen Ziyuan is almost 7 months pregnant now, but the belly is too big, bigger than the belly of a pregnant woman in October.

   "I have to call your dad quickly, you Nizi, not telling the family about such a big pregnancy, it's too shameful."

  Wang Wenli helped Chen Ziyuan to sit on the sofa in the living room and sat down, he picked up the phone to make a call, and while dialing, he taught Chen Ziyuan and the others.

   "Yes, yes, yes. Mom, what you said is correct, it won't be like this in the future!" Chen Ziyuan's face was full of smiles, and she looked at her mother in favor.

   "Hey, Old Chen, it's me. Your daughter-in-law and son-in-law are back, something has happened, and the daughter is pregnant. Come back quickly." Wang Wenli called Chen Hua and urged him to go home.


   One hour later, one after another, the Chen family all gathered in Chen Hua's home.

   "Origin, this is your fault, Xiao Yuan'er has been pregnant for so long, so I don't even tell us."

Old man Chen’s face was ugly. He looked at Chen Ziyuan’s big belly and he was still playing outside for so long. This is too awkward. His old man felt that the young couple was too naive, although he surpassed ordinary people. Maybe it's because I have the ability to keep myself safe, but after being pregnant, my family must be very worried.

   "Grandpa, I'm wrong this time, and I won't be anymore." Zhu Yuanyuan also knew that he was wrong this time, and he couldn't be counted as Chen Ziyuan, and blamed him for not bringing Xiaoyuan back.

   "Well, this time, forget it, no next time." Grandpa Chen nodded, his face relaxed.

   "Little Yuan'er, why is your belly so big? It's bigger than the average belly of pregnant women who are about to give birth, isn't it..."

   Grandma Chen saw something as soon as she came, but she still asked.

   "Grandma, Xiao Yuan is pregnant with twins. We have checked it." Zhu Yuanyuan took over and said.

   "Twins? Haha, that's great. It would be better if it is a baby of a dragon and a phoenix. Both children." Grandma Chen's face suddenly became ecstatic. She also thought that maybe it was twins.

"Really? Twins, haha, old man, this is the rhythm of adding two great grandchildren at once! Hahahaha..." Grandpa Chen was also very happy, his old face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum of.

   "Haha, I'm going to be a grandfather too, two grandchildren at once, okay, okay." Chen Hua was also very happy. He hurried back when he heard that his daughter was pregnant, but he didn't expect an unexpected surprise.

"Little Yuan'er, it's nice, twins, just two at a time." Wang Wenli is also full of joy, although she knows that having two children at a time may be a pain, but the family is no longer ordinary people, and having children is now more ordinary than before. It must be easy when people are.

In fact, Wang Wenli’s idea is based on the fact that since the water blue star changed and humans ate the meat of the three-headed magic black, the physical fitness has increased in the past six months, and Zhu Yuanyuan has brought gene enhancers to the market. After being sold on the market, the physical fitness of human beings has become stronger. Babies born during this period are very strong and healthy, and there is no case that a baby died after birth, and no baby died of illness worldwide. This is The reason why the body has fully evolved.

   "Sister, brother-in-law, no, I'm so young, do I want to be an uncle? I'm just two nephews."

Chen Xiaofeng is only 22 years old. He has not graduated from university. His grades are not bad. Therefore, he will continue to study undergraduate, master and doctor, and will graduate from university until his Ph.D. He is also studying at Beijing University and will soon return. Chen Zi Yuan's eldest and second elder brothers are now out of town and can't come back temporarily, so the Chen family are almost here.

Uncle, the third uncle’s family has not come here yet. Although they are all from the Chen family, none of them live together, and they all have their own jobs. As long as you know the news, you will come to see Chen Zi when you have time. Kite.

This is also a normal way of communication between relatives. Although the rules in the family are stricter and get along more closely, in comparison, they are actually the same. If relatives have problems, all of them will come home, such as pregnancy, such as injury or illness. Category.

   "Third brother, you are 22 years old, you are not too young, you can be an uncle." Chen Ziyuan rolled her eyes at Chen Xiaofeng, this guy was too jumpy.

   It was noisy and noisy. One day passed. Zhu Yuanyuan had been allowing Stardust to monitor the fleets parked outside the solar system. After this day, those fleets remained motionless and did not know what they were doing.


   "Parents, Xiao Yuan, I'm going out to do some things, so I won't be back for dinner at noon, but I will be back at night."

While eating breakfast~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Yuanyuan made a look at Chen Ziyuan, and then said, today we must go to see what is going on with those alien fleets, and these aliens come to the solar system. Any attempt.

   "Well, pay attention to safety on the road." Chen Ziyuan said with a hint of worry in her eyes and a smile on her face.

"Origin, you can do everything if you have things, but come back early in the evening, remember that there is still one person waiting for you at home, no, now there are three people, there are two children in Xiao Yuaner's belly!" Wang Wenli didn't think much. Just a reminder of Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Your mother is right, remember to come back early." Chen Hua echoed Wang Wenli and said.

   "Well, Mom and Dad, don't worry, I'll be back to accompany Xiaoyuan when I'm done."

   Zhu Yuanyuan agreed.


   Mars, interstellar fortress.

   "Stardust, bring up the pictures of those fleets and let me see."

   After arriving at the interstellar fortress, Zhu Yuanyi asked Stardust to project the conditions outside the solar system in front of him.

After    was projected, a fleet appeared in front of Zhu Yuanyuan in a starry sky. .

These fleets are very large, each of which is more than 10,000 meters high and thousands of meters high, and the design of these warships is very good, but it is a bit strange that the design of these warships is very strange, too fantasy, and some warships look like A tiger head, some warship heads are like shrimp heads, which is very strange.

   "Strange, these warships are too weird, they are designed to resemble various animals." Zhu Yuanyuan is a little confused about what these aliens think.

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