Random Shopping System

Chapter 567: Thinking too much!

Although Zhu Yuanyuan did not know how these ninth-level civilizations would jointly defend, he had too many secrets. Although the system would not be exposed, the star gates and interstellar fortresses left by Atlantis, as well as those on Flying Fish Island Lingshi veins are all a big secret.

Even more frightening is that if the existence of stardust is discovered by these ninth-level civilizations, it is estimated that the entire Aquastar will be dangerous. Maybe all of Aquastar's technology will be destroyed, even a mechanical device. And electronic products will not stay.

   Artificial intelligence is prohibited in the Xuanhuang Universe. This is a rule jointly formulated by the four ninth-level civilizations. Races that do not listen to advice will even be directly obliterated.

   Zhu Origin knew this, but he didn't know that this matter was stipulated by four ninth-level civilizations, and thought it was a taboo technology for all civilizations.

   This is also normal. A long time ago, Atlantis encountered a mechanical civilization. This mechanical civilization was created by an artificial intelligence. It destroyed an eighth level civilization and established a mechanical civilization.

   But in the end, this mechanical civilization was completely defeated by Atlantis. At the time, I didn't know what method was used to destroy the core artificial intelligence of mechanical civilization, which ended this mechanical civilization.

Although the Atlantis civilization has left the Xuanhuang universe, their history of fighting against mechanical civilizations has been passed down. It is now a legend, but there are still several civilizations that have video files left. These civilizations are very They are old, although they are not high-level, they have existed for millions of years.

After the artificial intelligence is upgraded to too high, their intelligence completely crushes humans. Although they cannot innovate other technologies, they can completely upgrade more advanced things from the original technology, such as weapons, such as battleships. , They can be upgraded to more advanced and powerful weapons and battleships based on their original technological level. This is terrifying. Artificial intelligence is not a human being. They can directly create objects after successful deduction in their own programs. It only takes a short while.

The Stardust owned by Zhu Yuanyuan has been upgraded several times now, and it is still being upgraded quickly. Stardust is far from the Jarvis who was just randomly purchased by Zhu Yuanyuan. The current Stardust is the same as the previous Jia Weiss can say that the wisdom of a human being, and the wisdom of a pig, such a comparison, it is simply crushing!

Therefore, these ninth-level civilizations must not discover the existence of stardust, otherwise Zhu Yuanyuan would not be able to tell even if his mouth is full, and the sophistry is useless. Even if Zhu Yuanyuan can control the stardust, it is useless. These nine-level civilizations Civilization will never listen.

The more you think about it, the more horrible Zhu Yuanyuan feels. There are still two ninth-level civilizations. He is not afraid of these two ninth-level civilizations, but Aquastar can’t take them away. Although the system has unlimited inventory, and every A grid can be installed even if a universe is installed, but the problem is that Aquastar is not bought from the system, so it can't be put in.

   "What to do? What to do? Ma Dan, the highest combat power in his hand is Nightmare Flower, but it is only more than 100 million combat power, and it is only the peak combat power of level 6 civilization, which is far away from level 9 civilization."

After thinking about it, Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that the most powerful combat power in his own hand was the uncontrollable nightmare flower. Although the nightmare flower can evolve, it takes time, or let it go to eat good things and evolve, such as spirit stones. It just so happens that he has a large number of top-grade spirit stones in his hand. If the spirit source stone is swallowed by the nightmare flower, it is estimated that the nightmare flower can be directly promoted from the distraction stage to the level of the gods, or even the golden fairy. Kill these nine-level civilizations, but there is only one spiritual source stone. The next time you get such a treasure, I don't know when it will be.

   When it was not necessary, Zhu Yuanyuan did not want to use such a method, because the loss would be too great.


   "Yes, in the solar system joint defense, I wonder if Mr. Zhu has any comments?"

   Jiang Wei saw the sudden change in Zhu Yuanyuan’s complexion, and he was a little confused. Is this Mr. Zhu still afraid that they might invade his property?

   These are the battleships that are equivalent to level 2-3 civilization. They still look down on these junk things. The children in the family hate such toys, let alone them.

"This... Commander Jiang, isn't it so good? The solar system belongs to the territory of our Aquablue Star. You are a ninth-level civilization with powerful strength. If you enter the solar system, I am afraid it will interfere with the development of Aquablue Star. Right?"

Zhu Yuanyuan himself rarely interferes with the development of Aqua Blue Star. After all, the level of science and technology on Aqua Blue Star is very low. Suddenly, they are given too high technical data, and they can't study it thoroughly, unless a new set of learning materials is formulated for them .

   But what kind of learning materials are needed to not be limited to the top of others?

   The alien civilization that Zhu Yuanming had come into contact with before was also a **** empire. It was a level 3 civilization, but only contacted people from the Xu family. Is it necessary to get a set of science and technology learning materials for level 3 civilization?

At that time, it will be limited to the scientific and technological materials of the Great Black Empire. Maybe it will not surpass the Great Black Empire. The Aquastar civilization will develop to level 3 civilization at most~www.ltnovel.com~ This is not Zhu Origin wanted.

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that it would be better to let Aquastar develop slowly. Aquastar has its own development trajectory. For example, Atlantis, it has not yet developed to break through the entire universe and become the only god-level civilization in the Xuanhuang universe. .

   Of course, and the Fengshen Empire and the Holy Light Empire that Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know also left from the Aqua Blue Star.

"Huh? Haha! Mr. Zhu, you are misunderstood. The joint defense I said is only to deploy defenses outside the solar system, but will never touch people on the Aqua Blue Star. It is just to prevent those alien beasts from coming again, no Other meanings."

   After Jiang Wei heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words, he also knew Zhu Yuanyuan's thoughts in an instant, probably because he didn't want to pull the seedlings to encourage growth. Aquastar has its own development trajectory.

No wonder, after Jiang Wei figured it out, he also knew that the level of science and technology above the Aqua Blue Star was so low, but there were battleship production lines on several planets outside. It turned out that Mr. Zhu didn't want the Aqua Star to over-populate it. It is a good thing to go up and give scientific and technological information, but it is actually not a good thing. .

It is a way of stifling the creativity of civilization. Jiang Wei and the others will support a potential subordinate with the ninth-level civilization. They will not do this. At most they will only support some raw materials. The technical data is absolute. Won't give it.

"So that's the case? In this case, then I will be fine." Zhu Yuanyuan heard Jiang Wei's words, he sighed in relief. Fortunately, instead of entering the solar system defense, as long as he doesn't enter the solar system, he can use the formation method. Hide the interstellar fortress, and use the energy fluctuations of the star gate to avoid being discovered too close.

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