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Chapter 568: Saint? Heavenly Demon Empire!

   "If this is the case, then I have no problem, Commander Jiang, you can arrange defenses on the periphery of the solar system, and you can't contact the people on the water blue star, especially you cannot give them technical information, and you cannot interfere with the development of the water blue star."

Zhu Yuanyuan also knew that he would definitely not be able to oppose it. The main reason was that he was a weaker player now. If he had ninth-level reputation, he felt that he would definitely kill them. He would dare to station troops in his own territory. The shame of Chi Guoguo!

Although this empire of gods and empire of holy light was to defend against alien beasts, Zhu Yuanyuan secretly said that he had remembered this matter. He was not a person who had no grudges, but Zhu Yuanyuan was a real deal. This sinister villain, if he can't do it on the bright side, he will stand up and make tricks.

   "Okay, Mr. Zhu, I agree to your condition on behalf of the Fengshen Empire." Jiang Wei nodded when he heard the words, and agreed very readily. They didn't intend to enter the solar system, as long as they sent a fleet to guard outside.

   As for why no people were stationed in the solar system, the Fengshen Empire and the Holy Light Empire both ordered that no one enters the solar system. After all, they are still afraid that the space-time channel will be opened, and the ghost knows what will come out of it.

   The ninth-level civilization is completely vulnerable to the creatures coming out of the time and space channel, otherwise the Conferred God Empire and the Holy Light Empire do not need to leave the Aqua Star at all.

   As for Atlantis, didn't Atlantis seal the space-time channel in the star gate?

   Why are there still powerful creatures running out through time and space channels?

   is the star gate, in fact it can only restrict the entry of weak creatures, and it is completely useless to the strong.

   For example, an existence beyond the ninth level, which is the first level of a fairy, how could it be restricted by the small star gate? Fairy, you can easily tear apart the powerful existence of space, Star Gate? In front of them is **** stuff.

   Therefore, the Conferred God Empire and the Holy Light Empire did not dare to be stationed in the solar system, and they were afraid of such powerful and powerful beings.



   Zhu Yuanyuan just had a talk with Jiang Wei, when suddenly there was a burst of explosions in the direction of Jiang Wei and his fleet.

   Then Zhu Yuanyuan heard the sound of alarm in the projection.

   "Commander, someone is attacking us from behind!"

After    Zhu Yuanyuan heard only one sentence, and the holographic projection was disconnected.

   "Stardust, what's the matter? Has the fleet of the Feng God Empire been attacked? Project the image of their warship in front of me."

   The origin of Zhu is a bit inexplicable. It doesn’t feel very good. Nine-level civilization, has it been followed and attacked? He quickly asked Stardust to project the situation outside the solar system in front of him.



   Bursts of light and shadow, colorful energy beams bombarded a battleship and made a violent explosion, and the light source generated during the explosion was dazzling.

   But in a short period of time, none of the warships were exploded, and those warships were covered with a thin energy shield.

   "These warships belong to the Fengshen Empire, and where did these dark warships emerge from?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the scene of the battle, he frowned. Through Jiang Wei's words just now, he also knew a little bit about the advanced civilizations in the universe. Now there is no war between the ninth-level civilizations, and they are unanimously resisting foreign animals It has been a long time.


   Five minutes ago, a group of jet-black warships found them following the traces left by the Jiang family fleet.

   "Huh! The natives of this universe dare to fight our great saints and kill them for this lord!"

   Following a person with black double horns on top of his head, who was shrouded in a dark mist, spoke.

   "Yes, sir." A human with blood red eyes agreed, and then he entered the palace.

As soon as the jet black fleet appeared, it launched a violent entry into the Jiang family's fleet. For a while, the black energy beams were all fired, and the Jiang family's fleet reacted instantly, and then the energy shield of the battleship opened, blocking this. A wave of attacks, but the warships attacked outside the Jiang family fleet lost a lot of energy.


   "Damn it, it's the fleet of the Heavenly Demon Empire, these **** guys, cosmic scumbags, human scumbags, when it is not good to be a scumbag, beat labor and capital, and kill this group of shit-eating guys."

   After hanging up Zhu Yuanyuan's communication, after Jiang Wei saw the guy attacking their fleet, he stared at the black warships, his eyes were full of flames.

  The Heavenly Demon Empire, they claim to be servants of the Holy Clan, the Holy Clan is their heaven, and they claim to be the Holy Kingdom, but they are not recognized by the four major civilizations, they call it the Heavenly Demon Empire.

  Because the people of the Heavenly Demon Empire are controlled by people from another world, the so-called Saint Clan is also called the Heavenly Demon Race by the people of Xuanhuang Universe.

   Why is it called the Demon Race?

Because this day demons can possess creatures and control their bodies, this is very much like the legendary demons, so human beings are called this ~www.ltnovel.com~ The other two ninth-level civilizations have The respective titles, such as parasitic demons, possessive demons, and so on.

Moreover, the Demon Race is obviously a race with high-level intelligence, and it is extremely aggressive. If you do not resist them, it is estimated that within a short period of time, the entire Xuanhuang universe will be possessed by the Demon Race, and their souls will be possessed by the Demon Race. The demons swallowed, a dangerous batch.

Fortunately, the possession of the demon tribe is limited, and they cannot be possessed infinitely. They are possessed. After they have completely controlled a body, they cannot leave the body casually, unless they have not completely controlled it. Leave, otherwise you can't leave your body. With this weakness, the four ninth-level civilizations of the Xuanhuang Universe can resist the invasion of the Demon Race.

   And the people of the Celestial Demon Empire, all high-level people are controlled by the Celestial Demon Race, there are people of all races in the Xuanhuang Universe, humans, green light races, wind races, and so on, all have people who are controlled or deceived.

   There are spies from races in any world. Whether it is Aquastar or the major races in the universe, all of them have such spies who sell their races for their own benefit.

   As for why the four ninth-level civilizations, namely the Conferred God Empire, the Holy Light Empire, the Jingfeng Empire, and the Green Light Civilization, did not unite and destroy the Demon Empire? ?

   This is also for a reason. It is not that they don't want to be annihilated, but that they are unable to do so. While resisting the invasion of another world, they no longer have extra troops to annihilate the Heavenly Demon Empire.

Moreover, even if troops were dispatched to destroy the Heavenly Demon Empire at the same time, there would be an offensive from the different world channel here. The Xuanhuang Universe is now very chaotic, but a part of it to resist the Heavenly Demon Empire’s attack, plus a weak counterattack, still resisted this The inside and outside pincers.

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