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Chapter 575: Interstellar Age (1)

"What is this? Is it a new science fiction movie made by Suiji Group?" After a reporter saw the holographic real-life projection, he was a little confused, and he was still propagating a movie in his mind. Shouldn't the media of all countries Are you looking for publicity?

"No, Suiji Group should not be so boring, and when a movie needs the president to come forward, will they release this holographic projection technology? This technology seems to be more advanced than what they have shown before." A reporter said One side didn't think it was going to release the movie.

Seeing the starry sky and battleship projected by the holographic real scene, everyone was silent. The scene on the podium was very shocking, but what they needed was reality, not something like a video. The holographic projection technology was originally Preliminary applications have already begun on Aquastar, so they are not surprised, at most they are only surprised that Suiji Group's holographic projection technology is so real.

   Speaking of it, netizens still have the biggest brains. Many people have thought of going on the Star Warship.

   "Haha! My Suiji Group must have built a Star Warship, look at how much it is, is there a bunker? Sui Ji, Sui Ji, dominate the interstellar!"

   "I'm going, is it really an interstellar battleship? Niubi (broken sound)!"

   "Ouch! This is the rhythm of our Aqua Star entering the interstellar age!"

   "I don't know if Suiji Group can sell it? I want a ship mother!!!"

   "Big guy upstairs, hello guy, big guy, do you still lack pendants on your legs?"


"Look, everyone, this is the interstellar battleship that belongs to our Season Group. Yes, it is the kind of interstellar battleship that you think is roaming in the stars. We are sure, and certainly not joking with you, today is not April Fools' Day !"

Li Qingyan pointed to the white shark in the projection with a solemn face and said, in fact, everyone knows what the boss meant. It is nothing more than an alien civilization that has reached the vicinity of Aquastar, and it is also the top civilization in the universe, so To improve the strength of Aqua Blue Star, this is understandable.

   "Ah... is it really an interstellar battleship?" a reporter exclaimed.

  One by one, everyone stood up in shock, showing that your Suiji Group was joking? Don't lie to us, we are all high-end talents in society.

   "President Li, does your group really have interstellar warships?" A reporter from OO media immediately leaned forward and asked loudly.

"President Li, although interstellar warships exist, no country on Aquastar has this kind of technology. How did your Suiji Group make it? Did you get the remains of an alien civilization?" A foreign media reporter Also came up to ask, his question really hit the nail on the head.

   "President Li, can we see the real interstellar battleship? After all, I didn't see the real thing, and I don't know whether it's true or false!" The media reporters in Zhongli also expressed the voice of the audience and the audience watching the live broadcast.

"Yeah yeah!"

   Everyone is agreeing.


"Okay, please be quiet, everyone, what questions you want to ask, and there will be time for everyone to ask at the end. Since everyone wants to see the real interstellar battleship, of course we will show it to everyone, please look at the sky above, the battleship It will appear soon."

   After Li Qingyan suppressed the noisy scene under the podium, she pointed to the sky and said.

  The people present, as well as the live broadcast, all turned their eyes to the sky.

After Li Qingyan pointed to the sky, a battleship White Shark parked outside Aquastar flew in in the direction of Suiji Stadium, revealing its true face a little bit, as if a giant dragon suddenly drilled out of the clouds. It's the same as it came out, shocking, terrifying, and exciting, and the world is so full of attitudes.

   "Wow! It's really an interstellar warship, and it looks like a great white shark!" A cute baby-faced female reporter suddenly jumped up with a stunned expression on her face.

   "It's an interstellar warship, it's actually real, how is this possible?" A reporter from the Sun Nation looked **** his face.

"Oh my God! Interstellar warships are really interstellar warships. The boss of the Suiji Group must have the blood of our Big Stick Empire. Long live the Big Stick Country. The Big Stick Country is the number one in the universe. It is an empire destined to dominate the universe!" A reporter from Bangziguo showed enthusiasm on his face, and what he said was completely narcissistic. He also said that Zhu Yuanyuan was from Bangziguo, it was really shameless!

"Interstellar battleship, God! The sleeping dragon of the Chinese Empire is about to rise, is my country going to finish playing? Why don't you know what the scientists are doing, let Suiji Group take the lead in researching and manufacturing the interstellar battleship!" The face of an American reporter turned blue. He didn't know what would happen in the future. Will the China Empire dominate the entire Aquablue Star?

   Whether it is domestic reporters or foreign reporters, except for the hostile people, everyone else is like a chicken blood. Looking at the battleship White Shark, it is an excitement.

"Kacha, kacha!" A burst of flashes lit up, and everyone was madly taking pictures. Although they didn't know when the Suiji Group produced the interstellar warship, it did not prevent them from taking pictures. This is the first time in human history. An interstellar battleship that is officially present, this is a major event to be recorded in history.

When I think of this ~www.ltnovel.com~, these reporters are crazy. If this incident has their signature, then it will be broken, and in the future, you can talk to your sons, grandsons, and brag about it. Your dad, grandpa, were the first human beings who saw the interstellar battleship on the spot, and they were also reporters who were interviewing on the spot. You must blow your mind.


With the appearance of the White Shark, the people of the entire Aquastar were completely boiled, and they suddenly forgot about the birth of the Phoenix. After all, the Phoenix was too far away, and the interstellar battleship was a real thing, and it was still about The whole thing of human life, this thing can be big or small.

Of course, the battleship White Shark appeared in the territory of the China Empire. Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan had greeted him in advance and discussed with the royal family. At that time, Zhu Yuanyuan will sell some battleships to the royal family dragon family. After all, it is not advanced. The thing is just a battleship of level 2-3.

   Now that level 9 civilization has appeared, if Zhu Yuanyuan still hides these things, is there any way out for the humans of the Aqua Blue Star? Would it be impossible for them to be killed by the sudden appearance of another world creature? ?

   "Husband, are you sure that's okay? Aquastar won't mess up the world, right?" Chen Ziyuan snuggled Zhu Yuanyuan on the sofa and watched the news on the holographic projection. She asked casually.

In fact, the question Chen Ziyuan asked has already occurred. After the appearance of the three-headed magic black, the Aquastar undergoes mutations. In fact, there have been frequent chaos in society. People who have strength have their ambitions. After getting up, the criminals are ups and downs, and it takes a long time to settle for stability.

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