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Chapter 576: Twins (one)!

All of what Zhu Yuanyuan did was to expose the chaos ahead of time. As I said, the strength that Suiji Group has shown is unprecedented. With powerful strength, who would dare to jump out and die?

Of course, the main reason is to earn prestige points. The appearance of Hongluan and the ninth level of civilization destroyed his original plan. There is no way, and now he can only change the original plan. Exposing the interstellar battleship is very Necessary.

"Haha! Xiaoyuan, my Huaxia Empire will not be chaotic anyway. As for other countries, chaos will be chaotic. From now on, the entire Aqua Blue Star will become a whole, and chaos will not last long."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the press conference scene projected in front of him, and there was a ray of light in his eyes.

"Hmm..." Chen Ziyuan didn't say much, she knew that her husband had always had her own plans, this time the same.



"Interstellar battleship!! No..." U.S. President Ilip stared at the live broadcast, his voice was full of bleak, he knew he was dead, the United States was dead, and the Chinese Empire had a star warship. , What's the matter with them, a slow step is just around the corner!

Now that the battleship White Shark appeared, Illip was stunned. He never expected that the Jiji Group would have produced the interstellar battleship so quickly. Originally, he suspected that the flying saucer that appeared in the Sun Nation was destroyed. The Ji Group or the China Empire can go, but what is even more frightening is that the Sui Ji Group is far more than what they speculated.

Sun Country.

"Baga! Die! Die! The Star Warship of Suiji Group must have been snatched from our ancestors last time. If you take it back, you must take it back. Koizumi, you have an unshirkable responsibility!" Looking at the battleship White Shark in the live broadcast, his face was a hideous look.

"Hey! Damn it! Right away, I will arrange for someone to discuss how to regain the ancestors' things." Jun Saburo Koizumi immediately slapped himself, and then lowered his head to pretend to be stunned, a bit of bitterness flashed in his eyes.

Speaking of this, the emperor and the prime minister are also lucky. When Zhu Yuanyuan went to ruin the Sun Kingdom Palace, the two of them happened to be taken away.

A three kingdoms.

"Amitabha! The Chinese Empire has risen. It must not be provoked." Assit, the president of Assam, couldn't help but muttered.

But Assett's idea of ​​not wanting to provoke the Chinese Empire might have come to nothing. If it were to be kept in normal times, there might be no problem, but if it was put now, it would be too late.


"Ah..." A loud cry of pain came from the room.

"Why are you still not born, Xiaoyuan, you bear it." Zhu Yuanyuan heard the shouts from Chen Ziyuan in the delivery room, he couldn't help turning around at the door, although he knew that Xiaoyuan had a cultivation base on him. , And there is a top-grade spirit stone on his body, it will definitely be fine, but he is very anxious.

"Okay, Origin, don't worry, Xiao Yuan will be fine, don't turn around, I also became restless after turning around." Chen Hua looked at Zhu Yuanyuan who was walking by the door of the delivery room, and his heart also lifted up.

"Xiaohua, don't talk about the origin, just let him. Your kid was like him, wandering around the door of the delivery room for several hours." Old man Chen didn't have any anxiety on his face. He knew that his granddaughter had cultivation skills, absolutely. There will be no danger.

"Uh! Is there any? No! I'm the way to relieve stress." Chen Hua heard his father expose himself, he was covered with black lines in a whisper, but his whisper was only the wife next to him Wang Wenli heard it.

"Origin is also worried about Xiaoyuan, so let him go around." Wang Wenli also said softly to her husband.

"Yeah." Chen Hua glanced at Zhu Yuanyuan who was still wandering a little depressed in his heart, and he became irritable at this time.

Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t pay attention to the Chen family behind him. His entire attention was in the delivery room. Although he had mental abilities, he did not dare to rush over the matter of giving birth with his spirit, in case he was scared. Chen Ziyuan, those are three lives, or three of his most important people, so you can't be reckless.

"Two stinky boys, don't come out obediently, they have to torture your mother. After you come out, how does Lao Tzu teach you."

Hearing Chen Ziyuan's painful cry, Zhu Yuanyuan couldn't help but wandered faster, still whispering in his mouth.

Although Chen Ziyuan is now a cultivator, she is still in the Qi-refining period. After pregnancy, she can't maintain her own strength at all. In addition, the child changes his body during pregnancy and absorbs a large amount of spiritual energy, making birth more difficult.

Two hours after Chen Ziyuan entered the delivery room.

"Wow wow..."

A cry of the baby came from the delivery room. This was the first one.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Wow..." Another cry of the doll came out, this was the second one.

Of course, this delivery room is still soundproofed, but Zhu Yuanyuan's physical fitness is very strong, so this soundproofing doesn't work for him. He heard the movement inside.

"Haha! Give birth, give birth, I have a son, I have a son. I'm a father..."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard that Chen Ziyuan had successfully given birth to a child, he suddenly became incoherent with excitement.

"Did you give birth?" After he heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words~www.ltnovel.com~, Mr. Chen couldn't help standing up and staring at the door of the delivery room, hoping to see his precious grandson the first time. Although he is a great grandson, he is also a grandson.

Chen Hua, Wang Wenli, Chen Xiaofeng, his elder brother, second brother, and other relatives of the Chen family were all waiting outside the delivery room. They were all staring at the door of the delivery room.

Of course, Chen Ziyuan gave birth not in a hospital, but in a mountain villa in the capital, which was built by Zhu Yuanyuan from a mountain in the Wentang Mountains.

Originally, the mountains in the Wentang Mountains would not be sold. Most of the mountains were in the hands of the Royal Long Family, and the others were in the hands of the top ten families. However, after the Liu Family was destroyed, To spare some, Zhu Yuanyuan spent some money to buy one from the Empire’s hands. Originally, the Long Family wanted to give him the mountain capital of the Liu Family, but Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want it, and it would be useless if it was more.

All the servants used in Zhu Yuan’s villa were dispatched by the Suiji Security Company. There were males and females. Of course, the bionic medical robots made by Stardust were delivered inside. These medical robots provide medical treatment. There is no doubt about the technology, and the doctors on Aquastar don't know how many times.

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