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Chapter 577: Twins (two)


Finally, in Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes looking through Qiu Shui, the door of the delivery room opened, and two female bionic medical robots walked out holding a wrapped child.

"Boss, congratulations, happy two young masters." The two female medical robots congratulated their owner Zhu Yuanyuan at the same time.

"Haha, good, yes, you did a good job. How's your wife?" After Zhu Yuanyuan took the child and looked at it, he quickly handed the child to Grandpa Chen and grandma who came to the side, and then quickly asked about Xiao Yuan's Happening.

"Boss, this is what the subordinates should do. Madam is okay. The nurses are cleaning up the filth. Please wait a while before you can go in and see Madam." A medical robot immediately answered Zhu Yuanyuan's words.

"Yeah, I see." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, knowing that it might not be good to go in now, and there are nurses in the delivery room, so he won't go in and make trouble.

"Ouch! My dear grandson, look, it looks really cute and looks like Origin."

Grandpa Chen was reluctant to let go after holding the baby. Not to mention that the baby was really good. He was just born with black hair, and the face of a baby is not wrinkled at all, but white and fat. It looks cute, and you can see how Zhu Yuanyuan looked when he was a child.

"Old man, your eyes are not good. You are the most like Xiao Yuan'er. Look at the eyes and mouth, they look very similar to Xiao Yuan'er." Grandma Chen gave Grandpa Chen a blank look, and then held another child to look carefully. Looked and said.

Not to mention, these two twin brothers have all the advantages of Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan. They will definitely be two handsome boys when they grow up, and they must be much better than Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Hey? Yes, yes, yes, my wife is right, she is very much like Xiao Yuan'er." After Grandpa Chen heard what Grandma Chen said, he quickly changed his mind and lived together for a lifetime. He and Grandma Chen really haven't After quarreling, the two of them became white-headed. Well, now they are a lot younger after practicing, and their hair has turned black. Due to the strengthening agent and the three-headed magic black, the old people of the whole water blue star are a lot younger, so also No one finds it strange.

"Parents, you are right, you are very much like Xiao Yuan'er. Husband, what do you think?" After Wang Wenli came to look at her two baby grandchildren, she nodded her head repeatedly, although her eldest son and second son also had children, but She felt she wanted to like the child born to her only daughter.

"Yeah." Chen Hua first glanced at Zhu Yuanyuan, then silently nodded in agreement, and said nothing, um, what his father, mother and wife say is what they say.

"..." After Zhu Yuanyuan heard the words of the elders, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, but he didn't say anything. Whatever you say, it is his own son, just like everyone else.

"Origin, your parents are gone, you come to name the two children." After Grandpa Chen held the child and teased for a while, he thought for a while, he still doesn't want to grab the name, let Zhu Yuanyuan Take it yourself.

"Huh? Name." Zhu Yuanyuan was shocked, and then fell silent.

"Grandpa, what you are holding is the boss, called Xingyun." Zhu Yuanyuan asked which child was born first. Grandpa Chen handed it to the eldest while Grandma Chen held the second.

He then pointed to the second child in Grandma Chen's arms and said: "Grandma, the second child you are holding is Xingyao."

"Oh? Boss Zhu Xingyun, second child Zhu Xingyao. This name feels very perfunctory! Forget it, so be it. Xingyun, Xingyao, do you like your name or not?" After Grandpa Chen heard it, he knew it slightly after thinking about it. Zhu Yuanyuan means, this kid is still thinking about going to the universe, otherwise there will be no cosmic nebula, stars shining, such a mysterious name.

"Uh!" Zhu Yuanyuan's face stiffened. Looking at the weird faces of the Chen family around him, he also knew that he was at a loss, but after getting the system, wouldn't it be a waste of the system's help if he didn't go for it?

And if Hongluan, a powerful phoenix, leaves in the future, after the ninth level of civilization comes, what will they resist?

Even if there is no ninth level civilization, if there is an evil and powerful person who is stronger than Hongluan out of the time and space channel, then the people on the water blue star are probably going to die!

That's why Zhu Yuanyuan desires strong strength, but the development can't be too rampant. In case there is a level 9 civilization like this time, there is no such power as an immortal like Hongluan outside the solar system to save himself.


After half an hour, everything in the delivery room was cleaned up, and Chen Ziyuan also used the "bide talisman" refined by Zhu Yuanyuan to clean up her body, and her body became very clean.

The bidet, the first-level talisman, can make the user's body become spotless in an instant.

"Xiao Yuan, look, this is our child, this is the boss Nebula, this is the second star Yao, look at how cute they are."

After Zhu Yuanyuan entered the room, he placed the child he was holding on each side of Chen Ziyuan's body.

"Well, it's really cute, this is our child." After Chen Ziyuan saw her two children, there was a trace of maternal love on her face, she quickly picked up the child on the bed and looked at it.

The two children are also very well-behaved. Except for a cry when they first gave birth, they didn’t cry for so long in the hands of the Chen family, and they were amused by the Chen family. Spiritual, very smart.

Speaking of the fact that the two brothers Nebula and Xingyao inherited part of the physique originated from their father Zhu when they were born? No, or it's blood.

After Zhu Yuanyuan practiced the Starlight Refining Technique ~www.ltnovel.com~, his life level has improved a lot, and the cultivation technique is also a cultivation method that allows humans to evolve, so his current bloodline can be inherited. , 1.5 million of the more than 1.7 million combat power is the combat power generated by the physical quality, so of course his offspring inherited a part of the powerful physique.

The twin brothers, as soon as they were born, Zhu Yuanyi discovered that their physique was very strong. It was the baby's physical combat effectiveness that reached 1,000 points. According to Stardust's calculations, the two brothers will naturally be able to grow with age. If you increase your physical fitness, even if you don't practice, your combat power can reach more than one million. This is the reason for the inheritance of blood.

Of course, the limits of the two of them will not be limited to the bloodline, as long as Zhu Yuanyuan teaches them the cultivation technique, they can also be stronger, breaking through the bloodline restriction easily.

The only pity is that if Zhu Yuanyuan's life level is higher in the future, it will not affect his already-born children. Unless Zhu Yuanyuan understands the law of cause and effect, then it can affect all his relatives who have blood relations.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan still can't touch the law. Although he has the fighting power of the Nascent Soul Stage, his cultivation realm is still at the foundation stage. After the Nascent Stage, he can initially touch the power of the law, that is, the mana.

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