Random Shopping System

Chapter 581: shock! The **** of light was killed by me?

"Wish the motherland get through this disaster quickly, Wuhan, come on! Go Hubei! Go China! 》

   "I went, what was the situation just now? It seems that there are two terrifying powerhouses fighting and destroying many small worlds in an instant. Isn't this too terrifying?"

Zhu Yuanyuan saw the destruction of countless small worlds with his own eyes. He only felt that Aqua Blue Star was insecure. Fortunately, the world where Aqua Blue Star is located is different from this side. It is separate. The place where the cultivation world gathers after passing through. , Is not connected to the technological world.

   It's just that he is still MMP in his heart, he just feels that the world is too dangerous, don't know, forget it, after seeing it with his own eyes, he is frightened, panicked, and desperately wanting strong power.

As far as Zhu Yuanyuan’s current strength seems to be, it seems to be very strong, but if it is placed in the cultivation world, it is at most similar to the Yuanying stage, and it is still the weakest, because he does not know spells and has a little understanding of the law. No, how can you fight Yuan Yingqi?

   I was still a little rookie who had just started cultivation, and suddenly encountered a battle between top and powerful people and destroyed countless worlds. Can Zhu Yuanyuan not be shocked?

Not to mention that he used to be just a **** otaku. After crossing the Aquastar to obtain the system, he slowly changed, but that was only rampant among mortals. Once in the world of cultivation, Zhu Yuanyuan would be careless if he was not careful. It is estimated that the system will die miserably.

   What Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know was that after he entered the world, the huge figure took a strange look at the place where he disappeared.

   "The familiar breath, is it him?" The huge figure may have felt a certain breath, did not chase his old enemy, stopped thinking for a moment, and then gradually disappeared into the sea of ​​the world.


After Zhu Yuanyuan entered the target world, the illusion in front of him changed instantly. He was still above a starry sky, but the nearest place was not a planet, but a piece of land, yes, floating above the starry sky. The land, but there are various mountains, rivers, seas, forests, deserts, and various environments on these land.

Zhu Yuanyuan is now flying towards a nearby continent. It seems that this world is not simple, but the continent he crossed is where the level 1 civilization is located, and the civilization level in the entire world may be the same as that of the water blue star. It's the same over there, there are also cultivation civilizations of level 1-9, right?

   "Huh? It's not right, turn, turn, brake! System, your sister, there is someone ahead, no, there is a car ahead, hurry up and avoid it."

   Suddenly Zhu Yuan found that there was a person in front of the flight, no, it was something like a chariot, and the whole body was glowing white, and there were a group of people like guards around? Or what creature?

   "Enemy attack! Protect the crown!"

   When a group of guards discovered that Zhu Yuanyuan was approaching, it was too late to escape, and Zhu Yuanyuan flew in front of him instantly.

"Eh? Who are these people?" Before Zhu Yuanyuan could see clearly, Zhu Yuanyuan was smashed by the bubble wrapped in the system. Those people didn't resist, and he was hit by the energy bubble of the system. It was the same as it was gasified, and it disappeared in an instant, it was worse than the ashes.

   Including the majestic person sitting on the throne of the chariot, there was panic and fear on his face for an instant, and then he was crushed to death by the bubble of the system in an instant, as if nothing appeared in front of him.

   "Those people seem to be birdmen? Angels?" Although it passed in a flash, Zhu Yuanyuan still saw a clue. He saw that those people had snow-white wings, and there were more than one pair.

   "Ding! A foreign body has been detected in the owner's body, remove it or merge it?"

  Before entering the mainland, Zhu Yuanyuan heard a systematic inquiry.

   "What? There are other things in my body? Why didn't I feel it? Could it be the person who just ran into it?" Zhu Yuanyuan was startled when he heard the system's voice, and his face turned white suddenly.

   "System, what is in my body? What happened just now?"

   Zhu Yuanyi asked anxiously.

"Master, I just ran into a different world master **** in this world called the God of Light. The defensive bubble blessed by the system gasified them in an instant. After the **** of light fell, his master **** was absorbed by the master's body. Come in. May I ask the master to take out the godhead, or to merge this main godhead?"

   The explanation of the system is coming soon.

   "What? Just killed a main god? Or the bright main **** of this world? I'll go."

Zhu Yuanyuan’s black line is full of his head. He has a sentence that MMP doesn’t know whether to speak or not. He killed a main **** when he first came to this world. Although he does not know what level the main **** is equivalent to, it is estimated to be top in this other world The strong?

   "The system is really terrifying!" There was only one thought in Zhu Yuanyuan's mind.

   also, can it not be shocked? The existence of the main **** level, although it is the main **** in the magic world, it is also a **** who can exist for countless years and has countless believers!

"But ~www.ltnovel.com~ system, what happened to you just now? I told you to turn and brake, so how come you hit people, no, gods directly to death? The system is not what I said, you are really The "Road Killer" in time and space!" Although Zhu Yuanyuan felt that a godhead was very refreshing, but he killed so many people for no reason, he was still a bit unbearable, um, this Guangming Lord God is really an innocent disaster, just to stop it. On the way through the system.

   "Master, on the way through, all ants who dare to stop will die. In front of the system, their so-called gods are ants, and they die if they die."

   The cold words of the system made Zhu Yuanyuan feel cold, and he only called MMP in his heart. The God of Light is all ants in your eyes. Then I just stepped into the cultivation of mortals, isn't it even worse than ants?

"The master is different, the master is not an ant. The master is the most noble existence in the heavens and the world, the great existence that all creatures in the world must worship, and the greatest master of the random shopping system in the world. How can the God of Light be honorable Compared to your host?"

The system belongs to Zhu Yuanyuan. The system knows all the things he thinks about. No, he was flattered by the system at once. Well, Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't know if the system is flattering or is it true. ? ?

   "Ahem! Let's not talk about this. By the way, what are the conditions for this integration of the godhead?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan’s face is blushing by the system, good guy, the God of Light in the system’s eyes is just a piece of **** that can die by blowing a breath, and is he the greatest being in all realms? Why didn't he know that the suspicion of flattering was too strong.

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