Random Shopping System

Chapter 582: God system!

"Master, if you want to integrate the godhead, you need to consume all your reputation points, are you sure?"

In terms of the system, Zhu Yuanyuan was stunned. This cost is very high. You must know that during this period of time, his reputation points are still accumulated, especially after Aquastar and Linlixing are unified, his reputation points It was an explosive increase.

   "1st level reputation value: ten thousand."

   Yes, his reputation value has reached more than five trillion, although they are all 1st level reputation value.

Now that I want to clear it directly, Zhu Yuanyuan is really reluctant to give up, but he thinks that he wants to merge but a godhead of the main **** level. Although it is only a **** in the magic world, his strength is also very powerful, at least equivalent to the cultivation world. Is the strength of an immortal now?

   According to the comparison of combat power, Zhu Yuanyuan guessed that this main **** level should be equivalent to earth immortal or heaven immortal level.

  Comprehensive realm: Qi Refining Period-Foundation Building Period-Golden Core Period-Yuan Ying Period-Out of Aperture Period-Distraction Period-Combination Period-Cross Tribulation Period-Mahayana Period.

  The realm of immortal world: great immortal, earth immortal, heaven immortal, true immortal, mysterious immortal, golden immortal, Daluo golden immortal, immortal emperor, immortal deity.

   Nine is the number of extremes, so the realm of cultivating immortals is very detailed. When it is not a fairy, there are nine great realms, and after becoming a fairy, it is still nine great realms.

   "Fusion!" Zhu Yuanyuan thought that this would not be a disadvantage. Anyway, his reputation value is only level 1 reputation value. He can integrate a main god-level godhead, can he become the main **** of light in an instant?

   If you become the main **** of Guangming, you can stand on top of the top in this other world in an instant, and you can make a lot of money.

   "Ding! Ask the master to choose the fusion method."

"Inherited fusion: Fully integrate with the main **** of light, inherit the position of the main **** of light, and you can directly become the main **** when the integration is completed. (PS: The disadvantage is that after the promotion of the integrated god, you can't advance independently. The promotion requires a more advanced god. Advantages. It can directly become the main **** level.

"Systematic fusion: use the main **** godhead to create a **** system, slowly absorb believers, and upgrade the godhead. (PS: The disadvantage is that after the fusion, the strength will start from level 1 magic or grudge apprenticeship. The advantage is that it can be upgraded without limit, and there are believers You can advance if you have the power of faith.

   The system provides two ways of fusion, one is the most commonly used method in this magical world, and the other is the method modified by the system.

   "Uh!" After Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the two fusion methods, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"These two fusion methods have their own advantages. Inheritance fusion can directly become the main **** of light, but this method seems to be tricky. This world does not know how, in case there is even more powerful above the main **** level. As far as the rank is concerned, wouldn't I have to be trapped at the main **** level and go hunting for more powerful people, so let's forget it!"

   Zhu Yuan feels that the first method of fusion is undesirable. If this magical world has a stronger existence than the main god, isn't he blind? Just stop at the main **** level.

   want to say let him kill a higher order existence? Forget it, Zhu Yuanyuan had no experience in fighting with the strength of the same level, and he went to leapfrog battle, I am afraid that he did not die fast enough!

"It's better to choose systematic fusion. This fusion method has great advantages, and it can also increase strength without restrictions. The main reason is that you can increase your strength with reputation. There is no additional requirement. Unlike inherited fusion, I am afraid that you will need to improve your strength in the future. If you want to have a high-level godhead and reputation points, it will be miserable."

   After thinking about it carefully, Zhu Yuan still feels that systematic integration is better. After all, there is unlimited potential. In the future, as long as the reputation value is high, it is still very simple to improve the strength.

"System, I choose the second type of systemic fusion." After figuring it out, Zhu Yuanyuan immediately decided. What he needs is long-term strength increase, not temporary quickness. Even if there is a system in his body, even Choosing the first one will increase your strength sooner or later, but it will take you as long as you don’t know. After all, random shopping is full of uncertainties.

   "Starting systematic integration. 1%...5%..."

   "50%...100%. The fusion is successful!"

   Zhu Yuansi waited for a while, then the fusion was successful, and he was also landed on a continent by the bubble of the system.

   "Ding! Successfully traversed, congratulations to the master for successfully traversing to Guangming Continent!"

   At the same time, the system prompt also came. It turned out that he had traveled to a place called Guangming Continent.

   Zhu Origin learned some of the most basic information on this Bright Continent through systematic introduction.

It turns out that this Guangming Continent turned out to be the site of the God of Light. Well, it is a place to cultivate faith. Although there are many races on the whole continent, the most powerful of them is the Church of Light. Of course, only humans believe in God of Light , Other races have their own beliefs. Although the main **** of Guangming wants to occupy all the believers, the gods of other races are not bad, and they are all main gods. The **** of Guangming doesn't want to fall out with those gods.

However, although there are many gods who have believers here, it is impossible for those gods to descend on the mainland, because the rules of the mainland do not allow gods to stay on it, which is like the immortality in the realm of cultivation must fly to the immortal world. reason.

So even though the main **** of Guangming is dead, Zhu Yuanyuan is not worried that other gods will come to the mainland to seize believers~www.ltnovel.com~ Besides, other gods in this world may not know that the main **** of Guangming is dead. The news, after all, Zhu Yuanyuan is now equivalent to directly inheriting the divine position of the **** of light. The change of divine position was completed in a short time, so the vision of the falling of the gods did not appear.

   "Bright God System."

  "The main god: Zhu Yuanyuan."

   "Belonging to God: None."

   "Servant: None."

   "Believers: None."

   "Divine Power: Weak (Apprentice Level 1)."

After Zhu Yuanyuan carried out a systematic integration, he successfully became the main **** of light. A very weak light power appeared in his body. His mental power felt it. There was a small group of warm white brilliance near the dantian. This is the light power. .

Because it is too weak, this divine power is equivalent to a level 1 magic apprentice on the Bright Continent, using at most a small magic such as lighting or light therapy, but this is also a divine magic, magic cast with divine power, They are all divine arts, and their power is several times stronger than ordinary magic.

   And after Zhu Yuanyuan merged with the main godhead, he inherited a lot of light magic arts. Now he only needs to improve his strength and can use these magic arts naturally. .

   "It's really weak, this power is equivalent to a thousand combat power, right? It's the pinnacle of apprentice level."

   Zhu Yuanyuan's right hand was in front of him, and when his spirit moved, a faint white light appeared on his right hand, as if it would disperse at any time.

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