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Chapter 583: Magical pastoral scenery!

Zhu Yuanyuan also learned the realm of this magical world from this light **** system.

  1st level, magic apprentice, up to 1,000 combat power.

   Level 2, a junior magician, with a maximum combat power of two thousand.

   Level 3, intermediate magician, up to four thousand combat power.

   Level 4, advanced magician, with a maximum combat power of 8,000.

   Level 5, great magician, with a maximum combat power of 16,000.

   Level 6, Sorcerer, with a maximum combat power of 32,000.

   Level 7, Great Sorcerer, with a maximum combat power of 64,000.

   Level 8, Magister, with a maximum combat power of 128,000.

   9th level, great magister, with a maximum combat power of 256,000.

   10th level, magic sage, the highest combat power of 512,000.

   11th level, magic god, maximum combat power of one million.

   After breaking through one million combat power, you can ignite the divine fire, condense your own godhead, and break through into a god.

   Although the prestige points needed to upgrade this world are quite large, Zhu Yuanyuan can barely obtain the prestige points needed to reach the pinnacle of the Bright Continent.

   Level 1-5, every thousand points of combat power require a level 1 reputation value of one billion.

   Level 6-8, every 10,000 points of combat power requires a level 2 reputation value of 10 billion.

   Level 9-11, every 100,000 combat power requires level 3 reputation worth 100 billion.

In other words, on the Bright Continent, Zhu Yuanyuan can only increase his combat power to one million at most, and he cannot continue to increase when he reaches the peak of the Dharma God. Otherwise, the rules of the mainland, or the will of heaven, will rule him out and will not let him stay in the mainland. Above.

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan has a system in his body and can be forced to stay, but it will consume prestige points. The higher the strength, the more prestige points will be consumed. However, Zhu Yuanyuan will not leave it if he is okay. After all, he has it. With divine power in his body, his strength can surpass a realm to defeat his opponent.

"There is no prestige value to upgrade the level for the time being, let's wait for a while." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the system board and his prestige value has been cleared. Although there are some increases from time to time, the increase is not much, and now it is up. It’s just a million, and this reputation value will arrive in the early morning of the next day. Those who like him, worship him, and believe in him will provide prestige value to Zhu Yuanyuan every day.

   When the reputation value was cleared just now, the time was almost noon. This time was calculated according to the time on the water blue star, after all, that was the main world of Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Huh? What's going on? System, why is my body so weak, and why can't my spiritual power be used?" After Zhu Yuanyuan read the information of the Light God System, suddenly he also found that his body was not right, although it was still very strong. But the combat power was only a few thousand points. Compared with the previous more than 1 million physical combat power, it was far worse, and he found that the spiritual power in his body could not be used, as if he was isolated in another space. In the same way, the only good thing is that the mental power can still be used, and all mental abilities can be used, except for the mental powers, all his abilities that can be used seem to be blocked.

"Master, this world is a magical world, so it rejects the power of other systems. The other powers possessed by the master are blocked by the system, otherwise it will lead to divine punishment. If the master wants to use his own power, he needs to consume prestige points. The higher the level, the more prestige value it consumes."

   The explanation of the system came right away. It turned out that the system discovered the rules of this world after Zhu Yuanming crossed over. This world does not allow foreign forces to exist, so it can only block Zhu Yuanyuan's power.

As for why the power can be used in the original universe, in fact, the will of heaven and earth in the Xuanhuang universe has collapsed and died out. Those technological worlds are like this. Without the will of heaven, there will be no spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and without the existence of cultivators, so there is no Extraordinary power exists.

"That's it, forget it, that's it for the time being." After Zhu Yuanyuan heard the explanation of the system, he didn't want to use reputation points at all. Just his own spiritual ability was equivalent to a holy level on the Bright Continent. This is already the top strength, of course, in terms of strength, his holy rank is very watery, and only attacks with mental power, far less gorgeous and powerful than those of the magician and warrior professions.

In fact, this is also normal. Although mental abilities also have attack methods, auxiliary attacks are actually the most important method. It can be said that just like those occupations with negative state skills in the game, the attack methods are still weak. Some, but if Zhu Yuanyuan wants to protect himself, there is no problem, and he can fight against enemies with similar combat effectiveness.

   "Where is this?"

   After figuring out everything, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the surrounding environment.

He was on a road near a forest. The trees in this forest were very dense. Zhu Yuan just happened to be on the edge of the forest. The edge of the forest was a road. Although the road was a dirt road, it looked very tight and there were many small stones , It is estimated that because of frequent traffic, someone specially repaired the road.

"Huh? There is a village over there." After Zhu Yuanyuan looked along the road, he found that there was a village more than ten miles away. Although it was a little farther away, he still vaguely saw the village. There is a house, and the chimney on the roof is smoking, it must be someone cooking.

"Is it evening on this continent?" Zhu Yuanyuan raised his head and looked at the sun about to set over the continent~www.ltnovel.com~ This world is very strange. You can't see the sun outside the continent, but when he reaches the mainland, he finds it It’s a very strange principle.

   "Look at that village in the past."

   Now that he has discovered the village, Zhu Yuanyuan will of course go and take a look. He also wants to see how the village is different from the planets he has visited. The first exploration of the magical world has begun.

   With Zhu Yuan’s feet, he arrived near the village in less than a quarter of an hour.

   "It's a magical pastoral scene." After Zhu Yuanyuan arrived near the village, he was a little surprised.

   Now he is standing on the road outside the fields outside the village. These fields are near a river, and there is a super-large waterwheel rotating in the river. This waterwheel is not the kind of waterwheel on the Aquastar.

It is a kind of magic waterwheel. Although the waterwheel still relies on turning to transport the water from the river to the shore, a magical design is added. I don’t know what the principle of this waterwheel is. It will activate a magic, which is a water magic, which can form a mist of water to cover the nearby fields, so as to moisten the land and play a role in watering. People don't have to work hard to water. .

   "Haha! This design is interesting, it is much more convenient than the technology on Aquastar, and there is no need to arrange those messy water pipes. It is interesting and interesting."

   Although Zhu Yuanyuan feels that this kind of magic waterwheel is not as convenient and useful as the real formation, but it is also a very spiritual design, which is convenient for farmers' production. It is still a very good idea.

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