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Chapter 584: Yuehua Village-Wang Family!

"There are still capable people in this different world. Look at the waterwheels that have been researched. Anyone who says that people in other worlds are fools. There is no inventor. I can't kill him with a slap."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the slowly rotating magical waterwheel, and he was also a little surprised. The technology of this magical civilization is not bad, and it is estimated that it is more advanced than he imagined. After all, this is just a remote village.

   If you change those big cities, it is estimated that magic technology will be more developed. Zhu Yuanyuan feels that this may be more exaggerated than the description in the magic novel, and reality is often more abnormal than fantasy.

"But this village is a bit strange! Why are it so similar to the architecture of the Tang Dynasty?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the houses in the village. There were thatched houses, bluestone houses, and timber houses. This is not surprising, after all. In the countryside, some are rich and some are poor.

   Although it is a magical world, not everyone has warrior professionals and mage professionals in their homes. There are also ordinary people. Some are because of talent, and some are because of poverty and lack of money to go to school.

   "Young man, who are you? Is there anything to do in our Yuehua Village?"

Zhu Yuanyuan walked towards the village, and met the villagers working in the fields. The clothes and looks of these villagers were almost the same as those of the Chinese Empire. They were all black hair and yellow skin, but clothes. It's linen clothes, and it's also in the style of ancient clothes.

   "This big brother, I am a traveler who travels around. It seems that the time is not too early. Can I enter your village to rest and buy some food?"

Although Zhu Yuanyuan was a little surprised that the people of Guangming Continent are the same as the people of Huaxia, and the language they speak is also ancient Chinese, but he didn't go deep into it. After all, they have traveled through the system. Too much, maybe this is a novel written by any author in China, it is not necessarily a Chinese-style magical novel.

Of course, this is just Zhu Yuanyuan’s guess. Even if it is a novel, his arrival has messed up the system. He killed the big boss of the main **** of Guangming. If the people of Guangming Continent knew it, it would be instantly It will be messed up.

"It turns out that the little brother is a traveler. It is not safe near the Purple Moon Forest. From time to time, there will be monsters running out. Hey, see what I said. Then, little brother, I will take you to the village chief. , If you want to stay for a few days, you need the village chief’s consent."

   The villager who spoke seemed to be around 30 years old, tall, at least 180, and very strong, and he looked like a good worker.

   "Okay, then thank you elder brother. I don't know what elder brother's surname is?" Zhu Yuanyuan smiled slightly. The villagers in this foreign country are also very simple and warm.

"My name is Wang Yier, little brother, you just call me Lao Wang. I don't know what the little brother's name is?" Wang Yier picked up the **** in his hand, raised a black pot on the edge of the field, and asked. There is clear water, it seems that he drank it himself.

"Brother Wang, my name is Zhu Yuanyuan." Zhu Yuanyuan replied after taking a look at the jar. He found that the jar was a kind of clay pot. Although the workmanship is not very good, don't forget that this is a small village and a villager. It would be nice to have clay pots.

   At the same time, Zhu Yuanming also wondered whether this Bright Continent had the Earth or the Huaxia people of the Aqua Star crossed over, otherwise the name would be similar to Huaxia's name, too weird.

   "Then I call you Brother Zhu, okay?" Wang Yier said as he took Zhu Yuanyuan into the village.

   "Yes, the name is also a code name. Brother Wang can call it whatever he wants." Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't care what it is called, anyway, the name is just a code name.

   "Ha! Brother Zhu is a bold person." Wang Yier laughed. Although his temperament is simple, it does not mean that others are fools.

   "Big Brother Wang has passed the award." Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head.

   "Pharaoh, go back!"

   "Yeah, I went back."

   "Pharaoh, who is this little brother?"

   "This is Brother Zhu who travels around the world. He wants to rest in our village for a few days. No, I will take Brother Zhu to the village chief."

   "Then you go quickly, it's about to eat, don't make the guests hungry."

When I entered the village, I met many villagers saying hello to Wang Yier. These villagers were very enthusiastic. Although Zhu Yuanyuan's clothes were strange, the villagers only looked at it curiously and did not reject others thousands of miles away. You can imagine , Although this is a different world, the people here treat people more sincerely than the modern earth and the water blue star.

   Following Wang Yier, Zhu Yuanyuan soon walked to the gate of a bluestone yard. The walls and houses of this yard were made of bluestone, which is one of the best houses in the whole village.

  As the patriarch of the village, of course the house he lives in is the best, otherwise, what is the majesty of the village chief?

Not to mention that the village head of Yuehua Village is actually the head of a large family here, that is, the Wang family. The Wang family has lived in Yuehua Village for generations. Although the Wang family has not seen a talented junior, some have moved out. People, but the Wang family never abandoned this place where they were born and raised.

   For example, now, the Wang family has fallen, and there are no high-status clansmen outside, so they can only stay in Yuehua Village, but the Wang family is still there. As long as the clansmen are still there, there is hope.

Even Yuehua Village is not the last retreat for the royal family. They have lived outside the Purple Moon Forest for generations. ~www.ltnovel.com~ have figured out certain safe areas in the forest. As long as their royal family is in danger, they can lead the family at any time. People retreated to the Purple Moon Forest, so the enemy would not be able to find them. After all, there were still many monsters in the Purple Moon Forest, which was very dangerous.

And few people know that Yuehua Village is the ancestral land of the royal family. The royal family was once a big family in the entire Qingfeng Empire, and it was once a nobleman with the title of duke, but in a war with a foreigner, the contemporary duke After the death of the war, the Wang family fell under the circumstance of no one. Although the title was hereditary, there were too many political enemies in the empire, so when the Duke died in the battle, they disbanded the Duke’s mansion and reformed it. After zero, they returned to Yuehua Village, the ancestral land of the Wang family.

Of course, this process was not all smooth sailing. The enemies of the Wang family still attacked them, leading to the deaths of a large number of masters of the Wang family, and lost most of their inherited magic and vindictiveness. After hundreds of years, most of the Wang family are now ordinary. People are either without talent or resources. In addition, at that time, the king's masters escaped for the juniors, all to prevent the enemy from causing death in battle. The decline of the king's family is inevitable. .

The death of the duke is only one of the factors. It is estimated that the imperial imperial family will not be able to tolerate the increasing power of the royal family. Otherwise, as a duke, or a strongman at the level of swordsman, the emperor of the Blue Wind Empire would not be jealous. In his words, how can he not let a sanctuary powerhouse die? This is an imperial nuclear bomb that can deter others. How could he die in a war like this?

   It was not because the emperor feared the Duke of the Wang Family, otherwise it would be impossible not to send someone to rescue him.

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