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Chapter 585: The Red Scorpion Thieves Group (1)!

No matter which world it is, the struggle in the empire will never be extinct, and the emperor of each empire is suspicious, and it is absolutely forbidden for characters who are superior to the master to live, because those emperors are afraid and afraid His position is unstable, and he is afraid of trying to usurp the throne after being killed by his own men.

This is also a normal state. There are too many people staring at that chair, which makes the people sitting on the chair feel uneasy. They always think about whether the people below want to rebel and which ones need to be suppressed. This makes society As the emperor of a country is unstable, he cannot be afraid of his subordinates and let the country’s development stagnate.

   As long as the development of the country allows the citizens to enjoy the benefits, everyone is fed, dressed warmly, has land to grow, and has a house to live in, will there be rebellion?


   Zhu Yuan didn’t know the background of Yuehua Village yet. Even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care about it. He would only be surprised. After all, there were not many sanctuary in the Bright Continent.

  God-level professionals are a legend. They are said to be god-level, but in fact they are demigods. They are about to ignite the fire and become a god.

   "Grandpa, grandpa, are you at home?" After Wang Yier knocked on the courtyard door, he called out loudly.

   "Hey! Here comes, here comes."

   As someone in the yard agreed, someone opened the door after a while.

"It's the second child! What can I do if I come to find the old man now?" The door was opened by an old man with white hair. Although he was from a rural area, the old man was very clean. Although he was covered with white hair, The beards on his face are clean and tidy, and the clothes on his body are neat and there are no patches. Unlike Wang Yier’s clothes that have patches, of course, Wang Yier doesn’t need to work in the fields. Just wear good clothes.

   "Grandpa, this is Zhu Yuanyuan, Brother Zhu, this is Wang Dawei, the village head of our Yuehua Village. Grandpa, Brother Zhu has traveled to our village and wants to find a house to rest for a few days, do you think?"

First, Wang Yier introduced each other, and then told the village head Wang Dawei about Zhu Yuanyuan’s situation, and then he stepped aside. It was not that Wang Yier didn’t want to speak for Zhu Yuanyuan, but he didn’t know whether Zhu Yuanyuan was a good person or a bad person. So I don't want to talk too much, so as not to harm the people in the village, it is better to let the village chief decide, after all, the village chief has seen more world than himself.

"Zhu Gongzi, Lao Yutian is the village head of Yuehua Village, does he want to rest in the village? No problem, there are still vacant houses in the village, but there are no bedding. You can buy some daily necessities from the villagers. Presumably the son does not lack money, right?"

  Wang Dawei looked at Zhu Yuanyuan, and he had actually figured out the situation of Zhu Yuanyuan. With just one glance, he could be sure that Zhu Yuanyuan was not an ordinary person. Why?

The clothes and temperament of Zhu Yuanyuan are not something an ordinary person can possess. The old village chief is not blind. After living for a long time, he has experienced more things, but it was really the first time he met. Zhu Yuanyuan is such an imposing person, and he is still so young, which means that other people are not ordinary, maybe it is a big person from where, so Wang Dawei will immediately agree.

"Thank you for the old village chief for taking me in. I don't need money, so I will ask the villagers to buy some life needs." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't say much. He also knew that he, a stranger, had arrived in his village. It's normal to be defensive. After all, knowing the face and not knowing the heart is indispensable.

   "Well, the son is satisfied, Xiao Er, you take Zhu Gongzi to find an empty yard." Wang Da said with a smile on an old face, and then instructed Wang Yier to find a house for Zhu Yuanyuan.

There are still many vacant yards in Yuehua Village. Some of these yards were built by the village for merchants and merchants, some were vacant after the death of the villager without family members, and some were vacant when the villagers moved to the city.

   As for why no other villagers occupy it? The villagers in Yuehua Village have their own houses, and each villager’s yard is very large. They can't live in their own houses, and they have to occupy other people's houses. They will only do so after eating too much.

   "Okay, Grandpa. Brother Zhu, I will take you to the yard." Wang Yier said to Zhu Yuanyuan after agreeing.

   "Well. Village Chief Wang, then I'll go find a house first and leave!" Zhu Yuanyuan and Wang Dawei said hello and followed Wang Yier.

"The eventful autumn! I don't know why this prince came here! Hey, I hope everything is not so bad!" Wang Dawei thought of the people who passed the village one after another in the past few days. He was a little worried, worried that the peace of the village would be broken from then on. .

   Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t know the old village chief’s worries. He just wanted to stay in this village for one or two days. He didn’t think about how long he would stay here. He would leave after he figured out the surrounding situation.

"Brother Zhu, don’t look for other yards either. You see, this one next to my yard is unoccupied. Don’t dislike it! As for the bedding, how many quilts are in my house, I will give you a set for you. How does it look?"

Wang Yier took Zhu Yuanyuan directly to an empty yard, and he also pointed to the yard next to the empty yard and said that it was his home. Yes, it was the guests he brought into the village. How could he take care of it? Point, and also guard against the stranger Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Haha! Brother Wang is polite. Just follow what Brother Wang said. This is the yard. I only need a place to live. I won't be disgusted. Thank you, Brother Wang. As for the bedding, I still pay for the bedding. Come down."

Zhu Yuanyuan’s current spiritual power is equivalent to the holy level in the Bright Continent~www.ltnovel.com~What Wang Yier thinks, even if he doesn’t need to read the mind, he can know a little bit, so he didn’t go to politeness or anything. Just one night.

"No money, no money. Brother Zhu also said that it was just a night off. This quilt cannot be reused. What kind of money?" When Wang Yier heard that Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to pay for the quilt, he waved his hand and said no .

   After Zhu Yuanyi took out a little silver and pushed Wang Yier for a while, he knew that the villagers here were too simple, so he had no choice but to put it away. When he wanted to leave, leave something for Wang Yier.


   "Dangdangdang...the thief is here...the thief is here...Dangdangdang..."

   "The red scorpion is coming...the red scorpion is coming..."

   "Every household quickly hides their children."

   "Guys, bring weapons to labor and management to the entrance of the village.".

In the evening, after dinner, Zhu Yuanyuan read a book for a while. Well, he secretly read it in the village school with mental power. This village is really not easy. There are not only books for learning all kinds of knowledge, but also magic. He and Douqi cultivation secrets, but these things are of no use to Zhu Yuanyuan. At most, they just look at it. Moreover, the secrets in this village are not good, just a few very common practice secrets.

   After reading the book, it was very late. Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan was planning to go to bed. He didn't expect to hear the sound of bell ringing from the watchtower at the entrance of the village. It was because a bandit or someone attacked the village.

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