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Chapter 586: Red Scorpion Thieves Group (2)

   "What's the matter? Someone attacked Yuehua Village in the middle of the night? Huh? This is a band of bandits? Interesting, Red Scorpion?"

When Zhu Yuanyuan heard the shouting, he used his mental power to look at it and found that a large group of people rushed over from the village, some riding horses and some running on the ground. These people were in a mess, and they were not well equipped. Qi, it looked like a group of vulnerable people gathered together, and there was also a flag with a red scorpion on it.

Yuehua Village’s response was also very quick. Before the Red Scorpion Thieves Group rushed to the front, Yuehua Village’s guards quickly assembled at the entrance of the village, all wearing simple leather armor and holding various All kinds of weapons, swords, and gun sticks. What made Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes wide open was that there were archers and magicians in this small village. At least there were hundreds of archers and nearly fifty. A magician.

   This guard group is not simple. A guard group of thousands of people, including hundreds of archers and fifty magicians, is the top village guard group in all the villages on the Bright Continent.

   But Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know this situation. He thought it was normal. After all, on Aquastar, it was normal for tens of thousands of people to live in the villages he had seen.

But he didn't want to think that it was the Aquamarine Star, and here was the Bright Continent. A small village had a village guard with thousands of people. This in itself was abnormal. There were no nobles in the village. You must know that the Qingfeng Empire nobles The lowest baron among them can only allow a guard of 100 people.

The head of Yuehua Village is not a nobleman. In theory, it is not allowed to have guards. However, the village needs militias, so in general, a small village is allowed to form around 100 militias, which is similar to the guards of barons. .

   "Huh? There is actually a warrior profession with more than 10,000 combat effectiveness among the guard team of Yuehua Village. It seems that this village is not simple."

Zhu Yuanyuan suddenly discovered that there was a powerful man in the team gathered at the gate of Yuehua Village. This man looked like he was in his 40s. His position in the guards was also very important, and he was standing. At the very center, the front is the leader.

Then Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the band of thieves outside the village, and his eyes showed a sudden shock: "However, the leader of the band of red scorpions is not bad. There are also more than 10,000 combat power. It is no wonder that the people in Yuehua Village are like enemies. Looks like."

   "Red Scorpion, come out and speak!" The 10,000 combat-powered warrior on the side of Yuehua Village stood up and yelled at the thieves who surrounded him.

   "Wang Wu, what else is there to say? If you hand over things, the uncle can spare you Yuehua Village, otherwise there is nothing to say."

On the thief's side, a man in black clothes also stood up. This man is a red scorpion. He has a dark red scar on his face, a fierce knife wound, which looks like a dark red scorpion lying on his face. The same as above, and because of this, everyone called him the Red Scorpion. After he fell into the grass in this area, he was named after the Red Scorpion Thieves Group.

"Red Scorpion, Yuehua Village doesn't have anything you said. Even if it does, it won't be handed over to someone like you." Wang Wu's face was full of anger. A thief even dared to ask them to hand over the things without embarrassment. Extremely ridiculous.

   "Well, since you don't hand over your things, then go to death." A **** murderous intent flashed in the red scorpion's eyes, and then he waved his hand: "Little ones, kill them!"

   "Kill, kill, kill!" the band of thieves roared.

   "Shoot!" Pieces of bows and arrows shot towards Yuehua Village.

   "Shield, block it. There is no shield to escape!" After Wang Wu and the other captains of the guard saw the arrows, they all roared and let everyone defend.

   "The archer fought back!"

   "咻咻咻..." Yuehua Village did not eat dry food. After the order was given, the archer also shot back with his bow and arrow.


   Pieces of screams resounded throughout the night.

   "Give labor and capital!" After the arrow passed, Red Scorpion yelled, he himself rushed towards Wang Wu.

   "Come on!" A group of thieves behind the Red Scorpion also rushed towards the guards of Yuehua Village with weapons and followed him.

   "Brothers, in order to protect our relatives, kill and kill!" Wang Wu knew that this time there would be a **** battle. He didn't know the result, but he definitely couldn't let these thieves rush into the village.

   "In order to protect relatives, kill!" The guards of Yuehua Village were also very bloody, shouting and rushing towards the thieves of the Red Scorpion Thieves Group.

   "Dangdang..." "Papa..."

   There was a burst of swords intersecting, and the sound of weapons slashing on the leather armor rang, screams, golden iron, and patches of blood. The entire village entrance of Yuehua Village staged a scene of tragic fighting.

   "It's a cruel war. It's only a fight between 2-3 thousand people. If the fight between countries is between countries, the scene might be even more cruel and bloody, right?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan has been paying attention with mental power, but now he has also left the room and is standing in the courtyard.

"This Bright Continent is indeed a world where the strong are respected. Power is everything. Whoever is strong ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Who is the boss!" Looking at the fighting at the entrance of the village, Zhu Yuanyuan did not save those who were fighting. The dead villagers.

   It is not Zhu Yuanyuan’s cold-blooded blood, this is their fate, this time he can save these people, then next time he is not here, who else can save them? Could there be another strong man to rescue them? That is unrealistic. If you want to save yourself, you still have to rely on their own strength.

   "Silver senior! Red Scorpion, I didn't expect you to break through a small realm."

Wang Wu was knocked into the air by a silver-white grudge, blood was vomited in his mouth, and the sword in his hand was about to be unsteady. He himself was only a silver intermediate. I didn’t expect this red scorpion to progress so fast. He himself is also a silver intermediate, and he has broken through this time. Could it be that the heaven is the ultimate in Yuehua Village? Thinking of this is a burst of despair, why can't their Wang family get stability!

   "Haha, who told the labor and management to meet the nobles! Okay, Wang Wu, surrender, do you want to see the people of Yuehua Village die?"

   Red Scorpion was a little bit smug, and a message was revealed in his mouth, but a trace of fear flashed across his face immediately and the subject changed.

   "I, Wang Wu, was born in Yuehua Village and grew up in Yuehua Village. Only Wang Wu who died in battle, and Wang Wu who did not surrender!"

  Wang Wu endured the pain in his body and stood up and pointed his sword at the red scorpion. How could he surrender, even desperately to die, to make the thief pay the price. .

   "Then you go to die!" Red Scorpion had a cruel and **** look in his eyes. The knife in his hand slashed towards Wang Wu in one fell swoop, and the silver-white vindictiveness shining brightly illuminated Wang Wu's face.


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