Random Shopping System

Chapter 587: The light is immortal, and the way of God is forever!



   Red Scorpion's chest was pierced by Wang Wu's sword first. Red Scorpion sprayed blood, and all of a sudden, Wang Wu's face was sprayed with blood.

  Wang Wu was also stunned at this time. He didn't understand why the sword in his hand suddenly stabbed the red scorpion. He didn't have time to move, why did the sword move by himself?

  Wang Wu was so dumbfounded.

   Before Wang Wu could react, Red Scorpion was stabbed by the sword in his hand, and then before he could finish a sentence, Red Scorpion fell backward, with unbelievable and regretful expressions in his eyes?

   "Uh! Red Scorpion was stabbed to death by me?" Wang Wu's eyes were filled with blankness.

"The boss is dead, the boss is dead...Run!" When the other members of the Red Scorpion Thieves Group saw Red Scorpion dead, they all became frightened, and then shouted towards the forest outside the village. Ran away.

   "Kill, don't let them go." At this time, Wang Wu also woke up. This is not the time to be in a daze. These thieves do a lot of evil, and kill one if they can.

   Wang Wu led the guards of the village and chased the thieves out. Those thieves who had lost their helmets and armor were killed and fled with their tails caught in the water like dogs.

"Stop! Don't chase everyone, the village is important, and the remaining enemies can't make any big waves." After Wang Wu saw that the enemies had fled into the forest, he hurriedly called a halt. If they do, they may kill a few thieves, but they are the guards of the village. If they leave too far away, if someone takes advantage of the village's emptiness to attack, the relatives in the village will suffer.

After Wang Wu returned to Yuehua Village, he counted the casualties. More than one hundred of the guards died and more than 400 were injured. If the Red Scorpion hadn't died quickly, it is estimated that his brothers would have died even more. Many, even myself will die.

"Wang Fang, arrange all the brothers and send them home after the wounded treatment. The dead brothers converge their bodies and notify their families." Wang Wu looked at the brothers who fell to the ground. Among these people Some grew up with him, and some he watched grow up. Can he not feel sad and painful?

"Okay, boss, I'll make arrangements now." Wang Fang is the captain of the first team, leading a hundred people. His face is ugly now, and he doesn't know who leaked the secrets of the village. As a result, they were targeted by the Red Scorpion Band of Thieves. Although the danger has passed this time, who knows that someone will spy on their Yuehua Village in secret?


   "Brother Wang, what's the matter?"

   After the incident at the entrance to the village was over, Zhu Yuanyuan also opened the door and walked out. As soon as he came out, he ran into Wang Yier who also opened the door, and he asked.

   The reason why Wang Yier didn't go to the village entrance was because he was an ordinary person himself, who didn't practice magic or vindictiveness, so staying at home honestly helped the village.

"Brother Zhu, a thief has invaded, and the guards in the village are injured. I will help. If you are fine, it is best not to go out, lest there are thief who slip through the net and hurt you." Although Wang Yier is simple, he is not stupid. The words have several meanings. One is that strangers should not show up at this sensitive time, and the other is that they really care about Zhu Yuanyuan's safety.

   "Oh? Is anyone in the village injured? Brother Wang, it just so happens that I will be able to save people, I will go with you."

It’s impossible for Zhu Yuanyuan to see a person and use the **** control technique to control it. Although the **** control technique can still be used on the Guangming Continent, there is no need to worry about time now, and it is possible to develop believers. It can't be compulsory, and the quota for controlling magic is so small that it can't be used randomly.

   "Ah? Brother Zhu is a pharmacist? That's great, go, go, go, go with me quickly."

   After Wang Yier heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words, he became excited. Many of the guards in the village were his friends, iron buddies, brothers who grew up together, how could he not worry.

"Uh..." Zhu Yuanyuan was dragged by Wang Yier and quickly ran towards the entrance of the village. The wounded must first be treated before they can be carried back to their homes. After all, there is no such big place in the village for the wounded. Cultivation can only go back to each house and find each mother.

   After a while, the two of them reached the entrance of the village.

   "Xiaodong, I almost got a bandage here, so I quickly get some." "Hey, here it is."

   "Xiaofang, hemostatic medicine, he can't stop bleeding." "Uh, uh."

   When Zhu Yuanyuan arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw a busy crowd. Some were carrying drugs, some were taking bandages, and some were boiling and carrying water. People were busy everywhere.

   "Brother Zhu, this is Wang Wu, the leader of the village guards, Brother Wu, this is the origin of Zhu who came to stay here today. Brother Zhu, he said he would heal some injuries, so I brought him here."

  Wang Yier took Zhu Yuanyuan to find Wang Wu directly, then gave a brief introduction to both sides, and directly told Wang Wu their intentions.

   "Zhu Yuanyuan has met the leader of the king." Zhu Yuanyuan and Wang Wu said hello.

   "It turned out to be Brother Zhu. The village chief told me about your affairs. You can live in the village without worry. Since Brother Zhu has a cure, please help my brothers to heal their injuries. Wang Wu is grateful."

  Wang Wu looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and nodded.

   "I will try my best." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed.

   "Xiao Er, you take Brother Zhu." Wang Wu said to Wang Yier on the side.

   If no one took this, others would really dare not let Zhu Yuanyuan, a stranger, heal the injury~www.ltnovel.com~ It is probably difficult to get close.

   "Okay, Brother Wu. Brother Zhu, let's go over." Wang Yier agreed, and then led Zhu Yuanyuan to the square at the entrance of the village where the wounded were concentrated.

   "This is Brother Zhu Yuanyuan, who came to help treat the wounded. Chief Wang Wu agreed." After Wang Yier found the responsible Wang Fang, he told him about the situation.

   "Well, since Brother Zhu can treat the wounded, let's try it." Wang Fang didn't trust Zhu Yuanyuan, a stranger, after all, he hadn't seen it before, so he had to see it with his own eyes.

   "Well, it's him. The arm has been slashed and the bone has already been seen. Brother Zhu, can you cure it?" Wang Fang didn't deliberately find someone who lacked arms or legs, but only found a guard who was injured.

"no problem."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the injured villager and nodded.

   "Divine Art·Light Therapy!"

   After Zhu Yuanyi raised his right hand, a ball of light appeared in his hand. Of course, he did not call out the name of the magic. After the light ball appeared, he waved his right hand and the light ball floated into the body of the wounded.

"Yeah!" After seeing this scene, the wounded opened his eyes and felt his body was very warm and comfortable. The place where his hand was chopped off slowly recovered from the creeping, and within a minute, no scar was left. Next, if it weren't for blood stains on his arms, he would have thought he was not injured! !

   "Ah! The light is magic! The light is immortal, and the way of God is forever!"

   An old man nearby saw this scene, his face was shocked, and then he knelt on the ground after shouting aloud.

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