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Chapter 588: Light magic! (Come on Wuhan!)

(Come on, China! Come on, Wuhan! As a native of Hubei, I really hope to have the same bright magic as in the article, and all my illnesses will disappear in no time! Thanks to the people in white clothes who support the country! Because of you, the people of the whole country are safe Sense, because of your hard work, we have the courage to fight the disease!)

   "Light! Guangming magic, Brother Zhu, are you pastor Guangming? People from Guangming Vatican?"

   Wang Fang was startled for a while, and then he became vigilant. Light magicians are generally only available to the Holy See of Light, because there are no methods of cultivation outside the book of Light Magic, and there are no spells. They are monopolized by the Holy See of Light.

But now that Zhu Yuanyuan uses light magic, Wang Fang subconsciously believes that he is a member of the Holy See of Light. Although there is a church of light in the Qingfeng Empire, it is only available in the Imperial Capital. It was sent by the Light Empire, similar to an ambassador. The museum is not available in other cities.

Yes, although the Qingfeng Empire does not restrict the beliefs of the people, there are many people in the Qingfeng Empire who believe in the **** of light, but there are still a few people. Most of them believe in the gods of war and elemental gods (fire god, water god, The **** of wind, the **** of the earth, the **** of darkness, the **** of light.).

  Yes, the main **** of light is also one of the element gods, and there are more powerful ones, the **** of destruction, the **** of life, the **** of destiny, the **** of space, the **** of time, and the **** of creation.

   But in the Bright Continent, the main gods and main gods of the lower ranks, such as beast gods, nature gods, and dragon gods.

   In fact, there are many races who believe in the same god. For example, the dwarves and humans both believe in the **** of war.

   There are also people who believe in the **** of nature, but not only the elves believe in the **** of nature.


  Wang Yi Er was also shocked. The Holy See of Light is not a good friend. The priests of Light and Knights of Light seem to be very kind on the surface, but secretly they have done dirty things.

   "Haha! Don't worry, I am not a member of the Holy See." After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Wang Fang's exclamation, he shook his head and denied it after seeing the guard on their faces.

"Divine Art-Light Therapy!" As Zhu Yuanyuan raised his right hand again, all the light elements in the air gathered towards him between mental powers and thoughts. After these light elements gathered around Zhu Yuanyuan, he His figure was gradually shrouded in a ray of light. To outsiders, Zhu Yuanyuan seemed to suddenly become a ball of light.

"go with!"

After the element of light was so strong that Zhu Yuanyuan’s figure could not be seen, he yelled, and then a rain of light began to fall on the entrance of the village. The magical scene made all the villagers present look dumb, light magic what!

   After the light rain fell on the injured guard, everyone's injuries were recovering instantly. The minor injuries recovered in a few seconds, and the severely injured were slowly recovering.

   "Ah... so comfortable." Some wounded felt that the wounds on their bodies no longer hurt, and groaned comfortably as if they were bathing in a hot spring.

   "My injury is healed, I am healed, thank you, thank you, sir!" After some wounded were healed, they knelt down on one knee and saluted Zhu Yuanyuan with gratitude.

   "Benefactor, please be my respect." The relatives of the wounded knelt down and bowed to Zhu Yuanyuan.


Seeing that all the wounded present except those who lacked arms and legs are recovering. Wang Fang and Wang Yier, including Wang Wu not far away, were all shocked. This magic , It's not like a little pastor can use it.

   They all doubt whether Zhu Yuanyuan is an important figure in the Holy See of Light. Such light magic is close to the power of Forbidden Curse.

   But in fact, Zhu Yuanyuan uses a level 1 magical "light therapy".

Light therapy is a level 1 divine art, originally it can only heal one person, but Zhu Yuanyi's mental power can't stand it. When he uses light therapy, he forcibly uses mental power to gather the surrounding light elements, and then uses light therapy. Arrange the magic array map, thus displaying a wide range of healing effects.

But in fact, Zhu Yuan’s own light power is still level 1, and he has not reached level 2. He needs reputation to improve his realm. Now his reputation is still low, it has just been emptied, and today’s reputation has been provided. Now, there will be a new reputation value increase until tomorrow.

"This... Brother Zhu, are you in Sanctuary?" Wang Wu also walked over at this time. He was shocked. Such a powerful light magic was cast in such a short period of time. I am afraid that only Sanctuary can do it. Well, and he didn't hear Zhu Yuanyuan chanting spells. This is almost the same as instant magic. What if it is not a sanctuary to cast such a powerful magic instantly?

As for the **** level, Wang Wu didn't even think about it, because according to his understanding, the most powerful in the entire Guangming Continent is the sanctuary. The **** level is already a legend. Of course, maybe he is ignorant, maybe those **** levels. It's all hidden, who knows?

"No, I am not a sanctuary." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the people who were slowly recovering from their injuries in the holy light. He smiled slightly, shook his head, and rejected Wang Wu's guess, although his spiritual ability was equivalent to a holy level. But the combat power is not strong, so don't expose yourself to avoid trouble in the future.

   "Then this light healing magic..." Wang Wu was a little dazed at once, not a sanctuary, how could it be possible?

   "Ahem... This little brother, you should be magical, not ordinary light magic, right?"

   Suddenly an old voice came in from the side~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Yuanyuan raised his brows when he heard this, and turned his head to see that it was an old man with dark hair but an old face.

   "The old man has a good vision. I am indeed performing a magical technique. I don't know how the old man is called?" Zhu Yuanyuan was a bit surprised. This old man is really capable, and he can see the essence of light therapy. This is incredible!

   "Hehe, it really is a light magic, rare, rare!" The old man did not answer Zhu Yuanyuan's words, and complimented him with relief on his face, and then went to the village.

   "Huh? This old man is not easy! No, this old man used to be a strong man! But now, it's a pity."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the old man leaving behind, he was a little baffled, and then used his mental power to probe the old man’s body. This check was shocked. The old man’s body had magic power remaining, and the source of magic power was actually The human being is destroyed, and the spiritual power has almost dissipated. This is a phenomenon that is still alive. It seems that this situation has taken a long time, otherwise there will be no signs of end of life. .

   "Leader Wang Wu, I don't know who the old man is?" Zhu Yuanyuan asked.

"Brother Zhu, this old man is the oldest and most prestigious clan elder in our Yuehua Village except for the village chief, Wang Daoyi, Wang elder." Wang Wu actually doesn’t know the details of this elder, since he was born, Wang Daoyi is now in the village. In addition to getting older these years, Wang Daoyi is still in good health.

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