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Chapter 589: My representative, Mitsumei Lord God!

"Wang Daoyi, elder Wang? It seems that you are a member of the Holy See of Guangming, but what happened? Why was the cultivation level abolished by someone and hidden in Yuehua Village."

Just now, Zhu Yuanyuan found out that there are obviously traces of light elements in the body of the old man, and there are still traces of divine nature. This is the trace left by the use of magical skills and cannot be erased unless the strength exceeds The main **** of Guangming, otherwise the trace of divinity cannot be erased.

"Brother Zhu, just now, Mr. Wang said that you were using divine art? Is it true?" Wang Wu asked, staring at Zhu Yuanyuan with his eyes. Zhu Yuanyuan said that he was not from the Holy See, but he used Guangming in a blink of an eye. Divine art, even if you are not a member of the Holy See, what about ghosts?

"I am indeed using divine art, but don't get me wrong, I am not a member of the Holy See." Zhu Yuanyuan did not intend to hide it, and directly admitted that he used divine art.

"Oh? Brother Zhu is not a member of the Holy See? I don't know where you learned your magic arts?"

After Wang Wu heard what Zhu Yuanyuan said, he didn't have much doubt. If they were really members of the Guangming Vatican, they would not deny their identity. The people of the Guangming Vatican have always been very high-profile, even those from the Guangming Judicial Office. Very high profile.

"Haha, the Holy See of Light? Leader Wang Wu, my divine art is bestowed by the Lord God of Light, and it has nothing to do with the Holy See of Light, and the Holy See of Light will not have the magic of light in the future."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Wang Wu mentioning the Holy See of Light, his face showed a look of disdain. This Holy See of Light is probably already rotten. Now that he has obtained the godhead and position of the Lord of Light, he will of course overthrow this decadent Holy See. Rebuilding one yourself is conducive to recruiting believers.

"What? You are the envoy of the light?" Wang Wu and the others were all shocked when they heard the words, their expressions were full of surprise and uncertainty. They didn't know whether what Zhu Yuanyuan said was true or false.

In fact, Wang Wu has believed it now. Others don't know it, but he knows that there are real gods in this world. It is impossible for anyone to pretend to be an envoy unless they are impatient.

"Brother Zhu, you said that you are the envoy of the God of Light, but is there any proof? Can't you say anything, we just believe it." At this time, the team leader Wang Fang stood up and asked. He also helped all the people next to him. The villagers asked, they should also be responsible for the entire Yuehua Village. Is it an enemy or a friend? It must be clear that the Bright Empire and their Qingfeng Empire are not very friendly.

"Divine art is proof, and my words are proof." Zhu Yuanyuan's momentum changed, and his whole body exuded a hazy brilliance. The divine power on his body immediately crushed everyone present on the ground. There are ordinary people who cast their five bodies on the ground.

How can I say that Zhu Yuanyuan has also obtained the godhead of the main **** of Guangming. Although it is a systematic inheritance, it also has a divine nature. It is impossible for ordinary people to do nothing.

The majesty of the gods is inviolable, and mortals should kneel down to worship the gods. All of a sudden, everyone's faces changed, some with ugly faces, and some with joy.

Even in Yuehua Village, the beliefs of the villagers are different. Some believe in Elemental Gods, some believe in God of War, and more believe in the Goddess of Harvest.

After all, in this countryside, the villagers still care most about the harvest in the fields, so a large number of people believe in the goddess of harvest.

The goddess of harvest is the **** of the big landlord, so it can be said that the villagers are all believers of the big landlord, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"The light is immortal, and the way of God is forever!"

"Holy light shines on the world, the evil dissipates!"

"My heart is bright, evil will not invade!"


Various slogans were shouted from the people who believed in the main **** of Guangming. Zhu Yuanyuan looked at these people. It was quite a lot. There were hundreds of people in Yuehua Village who were believers of the main **** of Guangming.

In fact, this is normal. Although they are not members of the Holy See of Light, their beliefs are beliefs and do not involve any interests or disputes.

Of course, belief has no borders, but people have nationalities. People who believe in the Lord of Guangming in Yuehua Village cannot go to the Holy See of Guangming, because the Guangming Empire and their own country are hostile and they cannot help outsiders invade their own country , It is impossible to help outsiders bully their loved ones.


After all the wounded in Yuehua Village were arranged, the sky was already bright. Wang Wu and the others called Zhu Yuanyuan into the village chief's yard, and asked him to talk about what happened.

"So so... so so..."

Zhu Yuanyuan made up and told the situation again.

"Brother Zhu, do you mean that the God of Light abandoned the Holy See of Light? They won't be gifted with divine arts. They can no longer borrow the power of God of Light? It is impossible to summon angels?"

After Wang Wu heard Zhu Yuan's explanation, his eyes widened instantly. How could this be possible?

"Little brother, no, God Envoy, you are not wrong? Why did the God of Light abandon the Holy See? Did they betray the God of Light?" The old village chief Wang Dawei's face suddenly changed very strange, and he was a little confused, Guangming Is God crazy?

We must know that most of the people who believe in the **** of light on the Guangming Continent have joined the Holy See, um, the part with force.

If this is to abandon the Guangming Vatican, it is estimated that most of the believers will disappear at once. Wang Dawei finds it a bit unbelievable. Unless the Lord Guangming doesn't take the believers on Guangming Continent seriously, it doesn't matter whether there is or not.

Otherwise ~www.ltnovel.com~ I really don't know why there is any reason to abandon the Holy See of Guangming. After all, the Holy See of Guangming is secretly dirty, but its belief in the main **** of Guangming has never changed.

"God said that the Holy See of Light has decayed. They have become greedy for pleasure. It is no longer to resolve people's suffering. The Holy See of Light has violated its original intention, so the Lord of Light no longer cares for them."

Zhu Yuanyuan actually didn’t know what the Holy See was like. The reason why the Holy See was decayed was heard from the villagers in Yuehua Village. In less than a day, he used spiritual power to overheard a lot. Things in the Bright Continent.

Not to mention, although Zhu Yuanyuan had heard of it from others, it was indeed similar to reality. It may be a little exaggerated, but some things happened in real life.

For example, once a Lich was arrested by the Guangming Judgment, although it was finally caught, the number of people involved reached 10,000. Some of these 10,000 people were really cultists, but some were just ordinary people. People are just innocent implicated.

But the Guangming Judgment Knights of the Guangming Judgment Office didn’t care if you were wronged or not. In the end, more than 10,000 people were purified with holy flames, that is, burned to death. There were even a few years old in it. Cruel to the extreme.

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