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Chapter 590: Build a church!

   "It turns out that this is the case. Now, Lord God Envoy, you are the human spokesperson chosen by the God of Light! Don’t know Lord Envoy, do you need our help?"

  The old village chief became excited all of a sudden. This is the envoy of the God of Light. The Holy See of Guangming was abandoned by the God of Light. Isn’t this a big opportunity before him?

  The hope for their Wang family to take off is right in front of them. How could Wang Dawei not be a fool not seize this opportunity?

  Wang Wu and their eyes were also bright, and they also thought of the huge opportunity contained in this. The Guangming Vatican was not blessed by the gods, so were they the first to contact the gods?

  If this is the case, as long as they help the divine envoy, in the future, the position of the Wang family in the new Guangming Vatican will definitely only be under the divine envoy.

   "Yes, Brother Zhu, no, my lord, if you have any help, please and everyone, we will definitely help you."

  Wang Wu was also excited now, and he quickly echoed the words of the old village chief.

And Wang Fang and Wang Yier were all watching Zhu Yuanyuan eagerly. They also hoped that Zhu Yuanyuan could help the people in Yuehua Village. In this way, the people in their village would have a way out. , Can also develop.

"Uh." Looking at the old village chief and Wang Wu, Zhu Yuanyuan was lost in thought. He hadn't planned to spread the faith in Yuehua Village to recruit believers, but at this time he also hesitated, thinking carefully. Up.

"Yuehua Village belongs to a country called the Qingfeng Empire, and the Qingfeng Empire seems to be very hostile to the people of the Guangming Holy See. Although the people in their country also have followers of the Guangming God, these believers are not members of the Guangming Holy See. The believers are Believers, the Holy See of Light is the Holy See of Light, and it cannot be confused."

   "Then I can just develop in the Azure Wind Empire first, re-establish a Illuminati Cult, and then I can fight against the Illuminati Vatican. Although they will not be able to use the Divine Magic in the future, the Bright Magic can still be used."

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanyuan also felt that a church could be built in Yuehua Village first, which would be conducive to recruiting believers, and if he participated in the construction of the church, the church could perform miracles. As long as he did not die, the church would be illuminated forever. Shrouded, even the night is no exception, this is the benefit of systematic inheritance, and it is also the function of the light **** system.

  Moreover, this is still some effect. The more important effect is that Zhu Yuanyuan in the light **** system can see the degree of believers' faith.

  The levels of believers are divided into: shallow believers, believers, mad believers, saints, and sons.

Shallow believers, this is the first stage, mainly those who just listen to miracles, a little bit of faith, but not very believe (PS: just with those who like a certain star’s songs and TV series, but not chasing stars, just Just look at it, it's a fake fan).

Believers, at this stage, people who have seen miracles have been convinced that there really are gods, and they will often ask gods to worship Buddha (PS: and those who pay attention to celebrity dynamics, and every time a celebrity shoots an antelope drama, they will watch it, and If you post some positive topics, you will also pay to support the original, these people are true fans).

Fanatic believers, at this stage, they often see miracles and get many benefits. For example, some people have been cured of their old illnesses, and some people have been cured of terminal illnesses. They will have extremely fanatical beliefs in God. Gods can kill the Quartet desperately (PS: Just like those hard-core fans, chasing stars behind the **** everywhere, as long as they are around their idols, they will buy a pass, such people are enthusiastic fans).

Saints, believers at this stage have completely released their minds to God. They have already sacrificed their souls. Only God is everything to them. In order to spread the faith of God, everything that stands in front of them will be overthrown. They are the people who walk on the ground that represents the light, and they are the spokespersons of the gods (PS: saints can borrow the power of the gods and have the ability to directly communicate with the gods).

Son, this stage is not attainable by faith. It can only be proclaimed by the gods. After becoming the Son, he can become a **** of the gods at some point, which is equivalent to being a cronies, or the gods are cultivating themselves. Confidant.


Of course, in addition to seeing the belief levels of believers in the divine system page, Zhu Yuanyuan can also grant divine art through the divine system, allowing people to master the divine art in an instant, and also grant divine power. But the ability is very inverse.

  However, the reason why he wanted to build a church in Yuehua Village was because once the church was built, he would be able to take over his subordinates. After the church was built, Zhu Yuanyuan was able to transfer people to become Bright Pastor and Bright Knight.

  The function of this church is very similar to a job transfer location in an online game. As long as you are a believer of Zhu Yuanyuan, you can be transferred to the two professions of Bright Pastor or Bright Knight.

  Of course, priests are not only nanny skills, there are offensive magic in light magic.

  Light knights are not only good at fighting, they also have the skills of nurses, and they can also learn divine arts, but they all learn light grudges.

Those who transfer to these two professions in the church will have a brainwashing effect and will have a strong belief in the God of Light. In fact, these are the abilities of the Holy Light. If they are baptized by the Holy Light for a long time, they will be washed away. The evil thoughts in one's heart have caused attachment to the Holy Light, will they believe in the God of Light?

"Uh~www.ltnovel.com~ Old Village Chief, Chief Wang Wu, Brother Wang, don’t call me a godly envoy, just be casual." Zhu Yuanyuan is really not used to what others call him, although he wants to use this Identity, he is still not used to it.

  "Okay, okay. Mr. Zhu, do you have any help from us. Assholes, don't call Mrs. Zhu divine envoy in the future, just follow the name of the old man, you know?"

  The old village head Wang Dawei quickly agreed to change the name of Zhu Yuanyuan, and he also asked Wang Wu and the others. He guessed that Zhu Yuanyuan was trying to conceal his identity, and he didn't want the people of the Holy See to know.

  Wang Wu: "Yes, uncle."

  Wang Er: "Yes, Grandpa."

  Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at them, and then said: "Farewell, I really have something to get rid of you."

  The old village chief saw him stop talking, his face was a little anxious and asked: "Master Zhu, don't think it embarrass us, just mention anything."

"Haha, good, then I’m not welcome. The old village chief, it’s like this, just because I have the blessing of the Lord Guangming, and I need to re-establish a religious religion for the Lord Guangming, so I want to build a church in Yuehua Village. Then recruit some villagers as priests and knights. I wonder what the old village chief means?"

  Zhu Yuanyuan laughed. He just needed the approval of the old village head. As long as the old village head of Yuehua Village agrees, there will be no trouble in the future. After all, Jianglong can't resist the local snake.

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