Random Shopping System

Chapter 690: The history of the elves (2)

Hua Shengting led the elves on a road to dominate the mainland. The elves at that time were very powerful. After they left the forest of the elves, they were completely victorious in all battles, and even defeated one after another with zero battle loss. Races, races with fierce resistance were even ordered by Hua Shengting to slaughter the entire ethnic group, and those ethnic groups disappeared on the Ten Thousand Race Continent (Bright Continent) forever.

   There are not many races in Guangming Continent now, which is also one of the reasons why Hua Shengting ordered the killing.

In fact, most of the races on the Bright Continent are not aboriginals, such as the dragons, such as the giants, are not the aboriginals of the mainland, but are visitors from the stars. They are emigrated by their own gods, and they are in the bright continent. After I got out of the main god, I don't know how many years before I gradually immigrated to the mainland.

Soon, Hua Shengting only took less than a hundred years to dominate the entire continent of ten thousand races. At that time, the elven empire was the only empire on the continent. After all, the elves can magic, but other races can’t do magic or grudge. , How could it be possible to beat the elves with pure physical strength?

After   , Hua Shengting became even more invincible. He believed that the elves were the most favored race of heaven. They were born to use magic, and other races on the continent were so fragile that they were not the opponents of the elves at all.

Then Hua Shengting began a life of extravagance. Although he was a genius in cultivation, he was obsessed with power and became obscene. He also flattened other races into slaves, making all races treat the elves again. Hate and fear. At that time, the human race was also one of the enslaved races, and it was light to be killed at will.

  In this age of ancient elves, every elven race is a nobleman and is inviolable.

However, there are very few elves, and they have a long life span. It takes thousands of years to give birth to new elves in the tree of life. It is also very difficult for elves to intermarry and give birth. Therefore, people of other races betray their own races. The elves act as horses.

   It is fake to be a cow and to be a horse, and it is true to steal magic from the elves, but because there are no resources, these people who secretly learn magic have no climate.

After Hua Shengting unified the Continent of the Ten Thousand Races, he claimed to be the Holy Emperor of the Elves, and then killed all the elves who opposed him. Only then did the people of the Elves see the true face of Hua Shengting. The holy emperor was so brutal that he killed the older generation of elves who had been imprisoned in the cell against the war.

This has aroused the vigilance of a small number of elves standing on the side of peace, but these elves are not stupid. They honestly stayed in the tree of life and did not move, and then worked hard to cultivate secretly. Without strength, it is impossible to overthrow Hua Shengting. Ruling.

In this way, under the rule of Hua Shengting, after a thousand years, this millennium can be called the Dark Age of the mainland. The elves led by Hua Shengting enjoy a luxurious and turbulent life. They squeeze all the races on the continent, and these are still alive. It can be said that the race is extremely humble, unable to learn knowledge, unable to practice martial arts, unable to eat enough, unable to wear warm clothes, and unable to rest well. Twenty-four hours a day, there are twenty hours of work. Remember in one second [щщщ.78zщм] Wonderful novels are free to read without pop-up windows!

   Such days have changed after a thousand years.

  After Hua Shengting ruled the mainland for a thousand years, the Tree of Life once again gave birth to new elves. This time it has been a long time since the birth of elves. New elves were born in 1,500 years. Seven Eight Chinese First Release www.7*m.7*

   And Hua Shengting and the surviving elves are not the elves born from the tree of life, they are all children born after the elves and the elves intermarried.

   The elves born from the Tree of Life have wings and are born with some inheritance memories. They are born to use magic, but their attributes are different.

This time, among the elves born on the tree of life, there appeared a genius, a natural queen. Her wings were colorful. When she was born, there was a whole elemental elves around her, which made all the elves boil. Now, this is the born emperor, the next-generation queen of the elves.

   Elemental elves have a long life. No elemental elves were born in the ancient times. When the tree of life first gave birth to elves, there were elemental elves. Later, the elemental elves became rarer.

   And the name of this newly-born colorful fairy is Hua Xueli. Among the elves of Guangming Continent, there are only two surnames, the male surname Hua, and the female surname Hua.

The birth of Hua Xueli is of course a good thing for the elves in theory, but it is a huge bad news for Hua Shengting. This is not good news. A born queen was born, which can be huge. Threatening his status.

A thousand years have passed since Hua Shengting, immersed in power, unable to extricate himself, his cultivation level has not increased, and he is still in the early days of God's Domain, but he is selfish by nature, and the cultivation techniques he created have not spread, so one thousand years have passed. He is still the only one in the realm of God, and because of reaching the realm of God, Hua Shengting has a long lifespan. He has counted the passing of his lifespan. According to the current speed of lifespan, he can live at least 50,000 years. This is very It's been a long time.

There are still so many years to live, Hua Shengting certainly didn’t want to abdicate. He couldn’t let other elves threaten his position, so he sent someone to assassinate Hua Xueli, but what Hua Shengting didn’t expect was that he sent it. The killer was actually blocked by those peace-loving elves, and when Hua Shengting rushed to the tree of life, Hua Xueli had disappeared and disappeared.

   Hua Shengting called an angry man~www.ltnovel.com~ On the spot, he killed all those peace-loving elves who still refused to leave the tree of life to vent their anger. The method was extremely cruel.

  In the end, Hua Shengting sent many people to search for the whereabouts of Hua Xueli in the whole mainland. They have been searching for 500 years, but they have not found where Hua Xueli is hiding.

  Has Shirley really left the Fairy Forest? Wrong, she didn't leave. She had been in the Forest of Elves all the time, seeing Hua Shengting's killer on the elves protecting her, and seeing Hua Shengting's cruel methods.

   Where is Hana Shirley hiding?

   Hua Shirley is the colorful fairy queen, the next generation queen set by the tree of life, of course, there is a wonderful connection with the tree of life.

   There is a small secret realm in the tree of life itself, Hua Xueli hid in the secret realm of the tree of life, and then has been practicing in the secret realm.

   In the end, Hua Shirley actually created a vindictive cultivation technique, and became the first genie on the mainland to double cultivation of monsters.

As for why Hua Shirley didn’t save the elves outside, why not let those elves enter the secret realm, there is a reason, the secret realm of the tree of life is only open to its own children, which is the talent of the elves born by it. enter.

   Hua Shirley and her elves were born in the secret realm, making Hua Shengting rush out.

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