Random Shopping System

Chapter 691: The history of the elves (3)

   In this way, Hua Xueli led the newly-born elves to practice in the secret realm of the tree of life for five hundred years, and at the same time created the fighting qi practice.

These five hundred years of cultivation have brought Hua Shili’s magic and fighting energy to the early stage of the God’s Domain. Of course, this God’s Domain and Wushu dual cultivation is much stronger than a single God’s Domain. This 1+1 is not as simple as two. It can be crushed. God's domain is strong.

After Hua Xueli's demon and martial arts both reached the realm of God, she felt that it was an opportunity for revenge, and also to avenge the elves who protected her, and also to return the elves to their original tracks. The elves should love nature. It's natural to love peace.

After that, Hua Xueli felt that the time had come, and at this time the tree of life was about to give birth to new elves. Hua Xueli felt that the tyrant of Hua Shengting would be resolved as soon as possible, so she took the younger brothers and sisters who were born with her from the secret realm. Out of it.

As soon as Hua Xueli took the person out of the secret realm, she quickly controlled the surrounding area of ​​the tree of life, and soon the entire fairy forest fell into the hands of Hua Xueli. At this time, the emperor of the elven empire was not in the tree of life. , Maybe Hua Shengting also subconsciously knew that what he had done had violated the purpose of the tree of life, so he didn't dare to build the capital here. Although the emperor is not here, the tree people have never taken a step. The Forest of Elves did not manage the internal strife of the Elves. The Tree Terrans had only one life-long task, which was to guard the Tree of Life. Unless they wanted to harm the Tree of Life, the Tree Terrans would not use force.

Hua Shengting soon got the news that Hua Shili had occupied the Fairy Forest. Hua Shengting, the first holy emperor of the elves, immediately became furious, and then led his army to counterattack back towards the Fairy Forest. .

   The ending is self-evident, how could Hua Shengting, the God Realm who has been obsessed with power for many years, be the opponent of Hua Xueli, the magic weapon of God Realm? Hua Shengting was directly beaten to the ground during the battle with Hua Xueli.

Then the era of Hua Shengting’s rule came to an end, but the elves still hadn’t returned to the Fairy Forest. Hua Shengting was abolished by Hua Xueli, and Hua Shengting and his subordinates were all imprisoned in the Life of Life. In a prison on the other side of the tree, they have to repent for what they have done.

And Hua Shili was finally pushed to the position of the holy emperor by all the elves. After that, Hua Shili’s era was a peaceful period, and other races in the mainland were also liberated. All races are very grateful for the work of the fairy queen. The thing is, Hua Xueli rescued them.

   In the era when Hua Shili was the queen, the entire ten thousand race continent was in harmony, not only because Hua Shili was strong, but also because Hua Shili never let the elves oppress other races.

However, after five hundred years of Hua Xueli's reign, she cultivated to a demigod, and then in another one hundred years, she condensed the godhead and the position of the gods and became a high god. After that, Hua Xueli had to leave Wanwan. In the clan continent, after Hua Xueli became a god, she was honored as the moon god.

The elves who were born with Hua Shirley have gradually become gods one after another. Because people of all races on the Ten Thousand Clan Continent are very grateful and worship Hua Shirley, so many people have the power of faith, and there are many fanatics. , Even among the elves, there are saints and sons, so Hua Xueli has become the main **** in just a thousand years. After becoming the main god, Hua Xueli no longer pays attention to the Ten Thousand Clan Continent. I checked the other continents in the starry sky, and then went farther and farther. Remember in one second [щщщ.78zщм] Wonderful novels are free to read without pop-up windows!

It’s been a long time since Hua Xueli, the main god, descended from the Ten Thousand Clan Continent. People of other races who have actually seen Hua Xueli gradually died out. Their descendants no longer believed in Moon God, except for the Elves who still believed in Moon God. , The people of other races all became ill-intentioned. At this time, the Ten Thousand Clan Continent was in turmoil.

The problem is the orcs and humans. First, the foxes among the orcs stole the fighting qigong method of the elves. It was not that they did not steal the magic method, but after stealing it, they found that the orcs could not practice magic, but the orcs The tribe understands the use of totems from magic. Orcs who master totems are honored as shamans, but there are very few orcs who can use totems. It is great to have a shaman in a tribe. This is the source From the stupid heads of the orcs.

   However, it is very easy to have a shaman among the fox tribe, so if there is no shaman in most orc tribes, they will go to the fox tribe and invite a shaman back to the tribe for a big price.

The human race is of course more cunning than the orc race. Not only did they steal the fighting qigong method, they also learned magic. Some human races also learned the art of blacksmithing and the art of the elves. The human races are very smart, so the fighting spirit and magic are all. Can learn. Seven or Eight Chinese is the fastest^ mobile terminal: https:/

   Then, without the sages of the elven races like Hua Shirley, the human race and the orc race rose up, and they launched an uprising against the rule of the elven race.

   The orcs cried: "Orcs are never slaves!"

The human race shouted: "The non-my race must have different hearts. People who are not willing to be slaves will use our blood to fight for a future for our next generation. The Ten Thousand Race Continent is not a race of the Elves but Of all our races, we humans are also qualified to stand at the top of the continent. Now our human race has also learned fighting spirit and magic. Don't be afraid of the elves and nobles, kill!"

Soon, the elves were retreating steadily. This is also because there are few people in the elves, and they have grown up for a long time. They are still children in their 100s, and the probability of giving birth is very small. After tens of thousands of years, all the elven races combined were only over ten million, and the number of elves that were born together every year was less than a thousand.

  In addition, when Hua Xueli was still on the mainland, the elves were not allowed to bully other races. All the elves were slacking off. Although the practice would not be lost~www.ltnovel.com~, there was no fighting experience at all.

But the orcs are different from the humans. After obtaining the exercises, they not only spend a lot of time practicing, but also hone their actual combat experience, fight with the same tribe, and finally go to the various Warcraft forests to fight Warcraft. Gradually, there were more orc and human powers, and finally a large-scale uprising was launched, not only driving all the elves into the elves forest, but also enslaving and killing many elves.

This is the first uprising on the Continent of Ten Thousand Races. Originally, the Humans and Orcs were still preparing to kill them all. However, in the Forest of the Elves were guarded by the Tree People. Although the Tree People didn’t care about the elves’ civil wars, they did not treat the foreigners who killed the elves He would be merciful. At that time, there were many treants, and there were a lot of Sanctuary and Divine Realm. After the orcs and humans entered the Fairy Forest, they were killed and fled without armor and armor.

Originally, the orcs and humans were unwilling to set fire to the forest of elves, but they did not succeed. There was a tree of life in the forest of elves. If you wanted to set it on fire, you just wanted too much. The tree of life is in control. The existence of the rules, although it cannot be moved, is actually a god-level existence. With the existence of the tree of life, the elves will not be exterminated, but the tree of life will not participate in the battle, so the orcs and humans finally After retreating, they did not invade the elves in the future. They think that elves are also peace-loving anyway, so don't care about them.

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