Random Shopping System

Chapter 702: Elf Empire (10)

   3 minutes passed quickly. Some elves repented and changed their prices during this time, while some elves were very confident, and you certainly did not look as high as mine.

   Zhu Origin is confident, the price he paid must be impossible for these elves.

   "Okay, time is up, the bidding has been stopped, now please return the auction machine."

   Hua Zhenzhen said that she asked the male elf waiter below to collect all the auctioneers from all the guests. It was also the auctioneer distributed by the male elf waiter just now.

In fact, all the elves below are not ordinary elves. There are either families or wealth behind them. More or less, they all exchanged the Biyuan Fruit for the source of the blue sea. Now this auction is also a chance. Buy a few more bottles and go back, it will be good for their cultivation.

   After Hua Zhenzhen saw that everyone had returned all the auction tools, she began to see the final result.

"What? God, this price is too outrageous!" Hua Zhenzhen exclaimed as soon as she saw the result. She saw the first price at first glance. The bright price is better than all People's bids are high, and there are one more digits, which is too high.

"what happened?"

   "Jinzhen, why are you so surprised?"

   When the elves below heard Hua Zhenzhen’s exclaim, they all looked ignorant and didn’t know what had happened. Isn’t this just auctioning a wine? What’s so surprising?

"Um! Let's be quiet, Zhenzhen, don't be surprised, and quickly announce the ownership of the remaining 30 bottles of wine." Hua Lingling's boss also frowned, Hua Zhenzhen is usually very reliable. Why is it so frizzy today!

   "Ah, yes, boss, I will announce it." Hua Zhenzhen also recovered from the surprise, but she still looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and the others.

"The first price is the customers of the human race. Their bid is 1,000 magic crystal coins." Hua Zhenzhen is really surprised. The price is too high. When the source of the blue sea was the highest, the price was less than 300 magic crystals. Coins are generally around 100 magic crystal coins, and even 50 magic crystal coins can be bought at the lowest point.

   "What? 1000 magic crystal coins? The bid is so high? Is this human a fool?"

   "Oh my God, it's no wonder Zhenzhen is surprised. You can buy 10 bottles of 1000 Magic Crystal Coins at ordinary times. Is this Terran too rich?"

   "Go crazy! You can buy several bottles with 1,000 magic crystal coins to buy magic potions, and you can buy a bottle of the source of the blue sea, you are crazy!"

   "Hoot, too bad, as expected, the human races are all rich people. I thought that what the bards said were all false, but I didn't expect to be so rich!"

   "This is a prodigal son. You can buy dozens of Biyuan Fruits for 1,000 Magic Crystal Coins."

   After hearing Hua Zhenzhen’s quotation, the elves below felt dizzy. MMP, 1000 magic crystal coins can be used to buy tens of hundreds of Biyuanguo, as for?

"Cut! Isn't it money? The little master has money. How love spends how to spend." Zhu Yuanyuan felt that these people were fussing. A bottle of one thousand magic crystal coins was nothing to him. The magic in his hand There are hundreds of millions of crystal coins, and I thought it was not enough, but now it seems that the value of magic crystal coins is much higher than he thought.

  Also, Zhu Yuanyuan has a lot of gold, which can be exchanged for currency on the Bright Continent at any time, so he really has no idea about money. What can be bought with money is the simplest. Seven Eight Chinese First Release www.7*m.7*

If you didn’t know that the source of Bihai could be exchanged for Biyuanguo before the auction, Zhu Yuanyuan had already bought a lot of them. Biyuanguo is not easy to find, but if you pay a reward, I am afraid that there will be no Anyone looking for it?

   "The second price is Baron Hua Xiaoying, she bid 180 magic crystal coins a bottle." Hua Zhenzhen ignored the surprised elf below, and read directly below.

   "...ranked third, the price is 175 magic crystal coins."

   "...The fourth auction. The price is 173 magic crystal coins."

   "Fifth auction...price 172 magic crystal coins."


  Except for Zhu Yuanyuan, the quotations of other elves are quite normal, all are the price of a bottle of more than one hundred magic crystal coins. This is the normal selling price of the source of the blue sea. Seven or eight Chinese geniuses remember ωωω.78zω.còмм.⒎8zщ.cóм in one second

   "Well, the top 30 prices are here. Let's start with this human guest, Mr. Zhu, how many bottles do you need to buy?"

   After Hua Zhenzhen finished talking about the first 30 prices, she looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and asked.

There are more than 50 elves present. Most elves have used a green fruit in exchange for a bottle of the source of the blue sea. After all, not every elves can find a green fruit, especially these elves don’t bother to spend money. Hiring people to search in the deep forest, all are the fruits they find themselves.

  The elves are very stubborn. The higher the position, the more stubborn they are. Many elves think that the merchants are tarnishing their noble sentiments. Therefore, the merchants among the elves are not welcome, but they default to the existence of merchants.

   "Boss Hua Lingling, don't you know if all these 30 bottles of Bihaizhiyuan can be sold to me?"

Zhu Yuanyuan did not answer Hua Zhenzhen’s words, but instead asked the owner Hua Lingling on the sidelines. These sources of the blue sea are also specialties in the Green City. Now that he has encountered them, he certainly wants to buy more~www.mtlnovel .com~ Bring back Aquastar to analyze the ingredients and then copy and brew this wine. This is one reason. Zhu Yuanyuan also wants to bring back things from this world for Chen Ziyuan and the others to taste.

   "Oh? Does Mr. Zhu want to buy all of them? This is no problem, but at this price, I am afraid that you will have to buy it at the price you paid. After all, this is a rule and cannot be broken."

   Hua Lingling did not refuse, she was anxious to sell it at the price that Zhu Yuanyuan offered, but she just didn't know if Mr. Zhu had so many magic crystal coins.

"Okay, the price is not a problem, just take a bottle of 1,000 magic crystal coins. Lovette, go up and pay, and take down all the sources of the blue sea by the way." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and let Lovette Go up and get the goods for payment.

   "Ding Ding Dong Dong!"

   After Loffett went to the auction table, he poured out a large pile of shining, crystal clear, colorful magic crystal coins directly on the ground, which made people look dazzling.

   "Ms. Hua Zhenzhen, you can count them, there are 30,000 magic crystal coins in total here." After Lovett poured out the magic crystal coins, he asked Hua Zhenzhen to count them to see if they were missing.

"A lot, enough money, the source of these blue seas is yours." Hua Zhenzhen put the magic crystal coin directly into the space ring, and then she knew the number instantly, and her mental power was used to count the currency. That was a momentary matter.

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