Random Shopping System

Chapter 703: The elf being hunted down!


   Zhu Origin They did not stay long in the Green City.

After purchasing the source of the blue sea, I went to Hua Lingling’s boss and wandered around in other stores, and bought some other things, such as some art unique to Green City, magic equipment, magic potions, jewelry made by the elves, these The things are exquisite and very good, so Zhu Yuanyuan bought more, and they left after buying the things.

It’s been several days since they left the Green City. Their carriages are walking on the roads, which is very difficult to walk. These roads are dirt roads. When the elves travel, most of them are mounted on horses. There are flying mounts. There are mounts running on the ground, so the roads outside the city have not been repaired. They are all dirt roads. Even such roads are trampled on by the caravan from the elves.

Since entering the Fairy Forest, Zhu Yuanyuan has never been attacked by monsters on this road. Perhaps this is because people often pass by on this road. Some elves pass by on mounts and fly on this road. , And there are also mounts running on the ground!

   "咻! Click!"

   Suddenly, from the nearby forest, there were bursts of arrows flying and the sound of trees being shot through.

   "Lofit, there is an elf in distress over there, go and help." After Zhu Yuanyuan heard the voice, he also asked the robot to stop the carriage, and then swept away his mental strength, and he understood the origin of the voice.

   "Yes, Master." Lovette agreed, then quickly opened the door of the carriage and got out of the carriage toward the place where the sound came from.

"Boom!" Loffitt arrived at the place quickly, and then saw a group of cat-human assassins besieging some elves. He instantly used a 9th level magic fireball, and there were a lot of dozens of fireballs fast. He attacked the cat people, but the cat people's assassins were obviously not vegetarian either, and they dodged very quickly.

   "It's a strong human!" Aguda, the leader of the cat-human assassin, has a solemn face.

   "Chief, what shall we do?" The other cat races became vigilant when they saw that the people were so powerful.

"Human powerhouse, orc alliance, I advise you not to be nosy." Aguda's face was cold. This assassination was carefully designed and ordered by the Beast King himself. Their cat-human assassins are the most among the orc Top-notch, it is also second to none in the Bright Continent, but I did not expect to be stopped this time. If this task cannot be completed, the cat tribe of Aguda and the others may be demoted to slaves by the Beast King. In that case, they The tribe may not be able to turn over, so the task must be completed.

"Huh! You dare to hunt down the elves in the elven forest. You are too courageous. If you are conscious, get out quickly, or you will die." Now Loffett also feels that the leader of the cat people on the opposite side is not easy. , And as an assassin, he felt very tricky, but he still warned the cat people.

   "Human, you are looking for death. Other people continue to kill these elves for me. I will deal with this human mage."

   Agu answered that his face was full of murderous intent, and asked others to continue chasing the elf, and he dealt with Lovett.

"Choke..." Lovett has a lot of fighting experience. The moment Aguta disappeared, he released a flame shield beside him, and he quickly nailed a dagger to the flame shield. There was a metallic sound from above, and Lovette's flame shield fluctuated violently. Lovette felt that if he hadn't had the best spirit stone on his body, he might not be able to withstand the assassin's attack.

   The best spirit stone is inlaid on a small magic circle. This small magic circle can continue to provide magic power to Lovett. As long as the spirit of the best spirit stone is not used up, his flame shield cannot be broken.

"What?" Agu replied for a moment, and then disappeared into Loffett's field of vision instantly. This is the sneak of the cat people, silently, completely invisible, no one in the same level can be broken, even It was Lovett who didn't know where Aguda was.

   "This human being is weird. It is clearly in the early days of God's Domain. Why can't his shield be broken?" Aguda was hiding in the dark waiting for an opportunity to find Loffett's flaws, and he silently wondered why this was the case.

   But this way, the situation has reached a stalemate. Aguda was dragged by Lovett, Aguda did not dare to relax, or his men would be killed by this gods domain magician.

   And the cat people assassins brought by Aguta on the other side are in a deadlock with the elves who are chasing them. No one is dead under you, and the elves can't escape under the cat people's chase.

The cat-human assassins brought by Aguta are all sanctuary, and all the elves that were hunted down are sanctuary. No, there is also a sanctuary, but now it seems to have been seriously injured and lost combat effectiveness. Te just arrived at the right time, otherwise these elves will probably be killed by Aguda.

"These cat tribes are really powerful, they are indeed the most powerful assassins on the mainland." After Zhu Yuanyuan sat on the carriage and watched for a while, he found that the cat tribes are too powerful, and they can be found in the same level. The powerhouse of the gods on the side of the elves was seriously injured by this assassin's sneak attack, otherwise the situation would definitely not be the case.

Zhu Yuanyuan’s guess is good. The powerhouse of the gods on the elves is a druid. If the druid is transformed~www.ltnovel.com~ the fighting strength of the same level is unparalleled, the cat people must be defeated. But Aguda attacked and severely injured her before the druid of the Gods Realm transformed, so the elf side would be defeated.

   In fact, these elves who were hunted down were not without vigilance, but because this was the forest of elves, it was supposed to be a very safe place, how did you know that the orcs actually risked a big deal to break into the forest of elves to kill them.

"Eye of Light!" Zhu Yuanyuan watched as Loffitt had no choice but to take that Assassin from the Gods' Domain in the midst of spiritual power. He directly used a trace of divine power to cast a level 5 magic, and the magic instantly became Divine magic.

At the next moment, an eye composed of light elements appeared in the sky above Lofit, shining in all directions, and all of a sudden, all the sneaking of the cat-human assassins were useless. They all appeared in Lofit and the elves. In our eyes.

"No, this is a magical technique! People who have the light of the Holy See, brothers, withdraw!" The moment Aguda saw that his sneaking was useless, he knew that this assassination had failed, so he shouted, and then He jumped up to the surrounding trees and dodged Loffitt's attacks sensitively.

   "Can you escape? The Cage of Light!" Zhu Yuanyuan sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then drew a trace of divine power to use a magical technique. .

  Suddenly, a little light appeared around Aguta, and in a flash, Aguta was trapped by a cage of flames.

   "Ah!" Aguda didn't react for a while, still running away, hit the cage all of a sudden, and then screamed screamed by the flames.

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