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Chapter 706: treatment!

Now the powerhouse of the gods on the side of the elves, the origin has been damaged, but the most serious thing is the injury on her body. If the totem power of the cat-man assassin on her body does not dissipate, then her injury will not heal.

Zhu Origin has the light magic arts, and all the elves have seen it just now, so at this time he also proposed to help heal this elven **** domain powerhouse, otherwise I am afraid that this **** domain powerhouse will be dragged down like this, the injury will be more serious, even if he is treated in the end Well, there will be serious sequelae.

   "Your Excellency Zhu Yuanyuan, if you can help treat Qianqian, that would be great, please help me treat her."

Hua Min got excited when he heard Zhu Yuanying's words. He and Hua Qianqian had a very good relationship. After Hua Nongying was born from the mother tree of life, the two of them followed Hua Nongying. They were already in their 80s. Over the past 80 years, they have also forged a deep friendship. After Hua Qianqian was injured, she was also very worried, afraid that Hua Qianqian would leave like this.

   "Mr. Zhu, thank you." Hua Nongying and Hua Qianqian's relationship is also extraordinary. After all, how could she not care about the people around her after she was born?

   Even if they are humans, they keep a dog. After this dog dies, they will be sad for a while! Even if I gradually forgot about this dog in the future, I would feel sad for a while when I think about it.

   Cough cough, of course, this dog can't be compared with humans. Although it is a life, it must be different if it is not my race. Sometimes the dog is irritated and even the owner bites.

   "Don't worry, I will give Hua Qianqian a treatment first." Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand, and then walked towards Hua Qianqian and the others.

   "Light therapy!"

Zhu Yuanyuan stood in front of Hua Qianqian and stretched out his right hand with a wave, a beam of light fell on Hua Qianqian's body, and then the light gradually penetrated into her body. This is the place where she was treated from the outside to the inside. By the way, expel the abnormal energy in her body.

The treatment was silent and silent, but the totem power in Hua Qianqian's body was killed by a trace of light divine power released by Zhu Yuanyuan. After the light divine power encountered the totem power, it went straight up, just for a moment. She swallowed the power of totem, Hua Qianqian’s body was inch by inch, and soon the power of totem in her body was wiped out, and then the remaining light divine power dispersed and began to recover the power of her body. In the injury.

   "Hmm..." Less than a minute after Zhu Yuanyuan's light therapy technique was used, Hua Qianqian groaned and opened his eyes. Don't be surprised, this light magic technique is so fast, and the healing effect is immediately effective.

  The reason why magic is a transcendental technique is definitely different from ordinary treatment. If it takes ten and a half months like ordinary treatment, or even longer, then what transcendental technique is called?

"Wake up, wake up, Hua Qianqian, you are awake! Great, thank you Zhu Yuanyuan." While Hua Min saw that Hua Qianqian's injuries had been healed, and the person also woke up, I was grateful to Zhu Yuanyuan quickly.

   "No thanks, although the wound on your body is cured, but the origin is damaged, you still have to take care of it. You treat her with wood magic every day, and she will be healed within a few days."

   Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand, and then reminded him, after all, the original source is damaged, and it takes time to recover. A few days are already fast. If the original source of ordinary people is damaged, I am afraid it will be like this for a lifetime.

For example, the Aquastar before the mutation, if the ordinary people on it are damaged, their lifespan will be greatly reduced. Even if they use precious medicinal materials to extend their lives, they will not be able to keep up with the previous situation. If it is ordinary people, it will not Money to make up for the source.

   "Thanks for the reminder." Hua Min nodded repeatedly, then turned his head and said to Hua Qianqian: "Qianqian, take a break first, and you can treat Qianqian with wood healing magic."

"Well, Min, I know." Hua Qianqian agreed with a pale face, then closed her eyes to rest, and the wood magician guarding her next to her also began to use wood magic to Hua Qian Qian continued treatment.

   "Your Royal Highness, please sit down. You must have been chased by the cat people along the way, and you didn't have time to eat. Now it's just noon. I asked your subordinates to cook some special food. Presumably your Royal Highness will like it."

After Zhu Yuanyi treated Hua Qianqian, he invited Hua Nongying to sit at the table, and then looked at the time, and found that it was noon, it was time for lunch, so he invited Hua Nongying with a word.

"Mr. Zhu, our elves don't like to eat meat. I don't know what your food is like?" Hua Nongying's eyes lit up when she heard that. She was still interested in human food. She has never been I have never eaten human food. Although there are human merchants who come to the Fairy Forest, humans are not allowed to open shops in the Fairy Empire. Therefore, there are no human beings in the Spirit Eater Empire where there is a gold and silver chamber of commerce, but it is only a resident. To sell things, you just receive some goods and sell them directly to the elves. Those goods cannot be sold separately. They are sold to the officials of the elves in large quantities. Then the officials will sell them to the elven merchants of the elves. Then other elves can be in the shop. To buy these items.

   I have to say that the elves are very careful~www.ltnovel.com~ They do this to prevent other races from controlling their own race's economic lifeline. This is not to say that they are wrong, nor that they are doing it right.

   "Haha! Your Royal Highness, please rest assured, I still know some of the habits of the elves, there will be no meat. Loffitt, you make some snacks, and then make a table of vegetarian feasts!"

   Zhu Yuanyi smiled and explained it to Hua Nongying, and then asked Loffitt to prepare food.

   "Yes, Master." After Loffitt agreed, he took out a large rectangular table from the space ring. This table was more than ten meters long and two meters wide, and it was a large table.

Then Loffett took out many more things, including a magic oven, a magic frying pan, a magic wok, a magic casserole, and some bowls, flour, soft tofu, dried tofu, various beans, various vegetables, most The important thing is that there are various seasonings, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, garlic, onion, sesame, pepper, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, chili noodles and so on. .

Loffitt first poured some flour into a porcelain basin, then put some butter, poured some spring water, and began to knead it. After kneading for a while, he did not touch his hands or the basin, so he covered it with plastic wrap. , Then put the porcelain basin in the magic freezer that was taken out and refrigerated it. This is a spare.

After that, Loffitt began to cook other dishes. The first thing he made was a dried bean curd. After the dried bean curd was cut into squares, he used vegetable oil, soy sauce, star anise, rock sugar, licorice, dried chili, etc. Afterwards, it was cooked while stirring, and after the last refrigeration for a while, the result was a beautiful stewed bean curd.

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