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Chapter 707: Elves are also foodies!

"Master, the food is ready for lunch."

   Zhu Yuansi They waited for an hour, and Loffett finally finished all the food.

   This is also because there are so many people in the elves, there are more than 20 people, plus Zhu Yuan and the two of them, it will be close to 30 people, and to make food for so many people, one hour is already fast.

"Well, Luo Fei Te, bring my lunch with the princess." Zhu Yuanyuan also knows that Guangming Continent has the concept of superiority and inferiority, and his subordinates cannot eat at the same table with the owner, so Luo Fei has long been asked Special points are good.

   Among the elves, there is a split meal system, that is, each person eats each person, which is similar to the water blue star western meal, and everyone has the same food in front of them.

   Of course, in the ancient China Empire, the meal sharing system was also used, but the meal sharing system can only be done by the noble class and the wealthy. The common people are poor at home, and they have no food.

   "Yes, Master." Lovette agreed, and then quickly brought the meals of Zhu Yuanyuan and Hua Nongying to the table in front of them one by one.

"Lofit, arrange the elves to eat." Zhu Yuanyuan asked Lofit to arrange other elves to eat lunch, and then said with Hua Nongying: "Your Royal Highness, these are all vegetarian dishes. There is no meat. Try it. Look."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhu for the hospitality." Hua Nongying has actually been waiting for her mouth a long time ago, the scent has been digging into her nose, causing her to swallow the saliva unconsciously Believe, she has never seen such food among the elves. The smell makes her heart itchy. Now she sees Zhu Yuanyuan asking Loffett to bring the food up, and she also arranged her subordinates. She couldn't help it anymore.

   "Wow! Good-looking food, these beans look so beautiful, like a rainbow, Mr. Zhu, what kind of dish is this?"

   Hua Nong Ying saw the food on a round plate in front of him at a glance. It was a delicacy made up of beans of different colors.

"Your Royal Highness, this dish is a delicacy in my hometown, colorful beans. It is cooked with many different beans, and the taste is very good. This is modified by Loffett. It was originally necessary to use some broth. It's the same as the fish soup. Now Loffett has improved it and used other seasonings, so it tastes as delicious. Try it."

   Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at Huanong Yingzhi's plate. He had eaten this dish. Isn't it the same as Dou Dou Dou? It’s just that this one is modified by Loffett. These beans are all separated and placed on a plate. They are a circle of different colors. They look as beautiful as a rainbow, but they can be called rainbow beans. , But Lovett thought that the rainbow bean was originally a kind of jelly bean, so it was better to call it colorful bean.

"Qicaidou, a nice name. I don’t know if it’s delicious." After Hua Nongying heard Zhu Yuan’s introduction, her appetite instantly increased. Then she picked up the small bowl prepared on the side and used the spoon in the small bowl. Dig a spoonful of beans from the plate of colorful beans into the bowl.

"Oh!" Hua Nongying used a spoon to dig some beans in a bowl and stuffed them into her mouth. The moment her tongue touched her, she could feel the aroma of these beans. Then she chewed with her teeth and the skin of the beans cracked instantly. The boiled bean meat emerged, and the superb umami taste jumped on the tip of the tongue. It was really delicious.

   "It's delicious, this colorful bean is really delicious, Mr. Zhu, your hometown is so good, there are such delicious things."

Hua Nongying envied Zhu Yuanyuan in an instant. She was really envious of eating such delicious food every day, but she was not jealous, and although the food was delicious, she would not leave the elves, she knew her own What is the mission.

"Haha, of course, my hometown is called the country of food. The types of food in our place can be eaten for years without heavy variety." Zhu Yuanyuan said in terms of food, he certainly thinks of the Chinese Empire It is unmatched. Every year, countless chefs develop a variety of new dishes. It can be said that the longer the time, the more delicious food in China. It is endless and makes people forget to return. Many countries that are also Aquastars Many of the delicacies in China were developed based on the delicacies of the Chinese Empire.

"Wow! Can someone eat it for a few years? There must be a lot of delicious food." The little fairy Hua Nongying who listened to Zhu Yuanyuan's big eyes shined straight, and she stuffed various foods in her mouth. , Muttering.

"Huh? Mr. Zhu, didn't it mean that there is no meat? Isn't this dish meat?" Hua Nongying ate it, and suddenly found that a dish looked too much like meat. Although he had never eaten meat, it didn’t. Have you seen it before? She has seen the appearance of meat in the book, and it is impossible for others to fool her.

"Your Royal Highness, this dish is not meat. It is tofu. It is a kind of food made by grinding this soybean into a juice. The tofu is originally white, but after adding some seasonings, it becomes This combination of black and red also gives the taste of meat, so this is called braised tofu meat."

After Zhu Yuanyuan saw Huanongying pointing to a dish and asking, he looked at Huanongyingzhi's dishes and immediately understood that there was no meat dishes on the table at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, even The condiments are all plain condiments, without any fishy, ​​and then he took a pair of chopsticks and picked up the yellow beans among the colorful beans to explain to Hua Nongying.

   Braised Pork Tofu means tofu is made into braised pork, and it tastes like braised pork, but this dish is indeed tofu, a vegetarian dish, and a delicious dish.

  Vegetarian dishes are well made, and they are definitely more delicious than meat dishes.

   For example, this vegetarian banquet made by Lovett now includes braised pork and tofu.

   There are also fish-flavored eggplants. There is no fishy eggplant in the fish-flavored eggplants. The fish-flavored eggplants without fish are said to be a veritable vegetarian dish. It can taste like fish without fish.

There are also spring rolls. In the Huaxia Empire, spring rolls are usually filled with meat, but there are also vegetarian fillings. It is a delicious Chinese dessert. It is salty, so there is no problem in eating it in the dinner. .

"Wow! Can this kind of soybeans be made like this? It's amazing." After Hua Nongying heard Zhu Yuan's words, she also picked it up with chopsticks. Yitong) A soybean looked up, and then a piece of braised tofu meat was picked up. She couldn't figure out how these two things were connected together. .

   "His Royal Highness, you can taste it. This is the taste of braised pork. You elves don't eat meat, but the beans are not meat. You can also taste the taste of meat."

   Zhu Origin let Hua Nongying have a taste. The food is for eating, not for watching.

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